Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Moira Brown's ID[]

Moira's ID is 0002d2bc. --Trithemius 23:57, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

Moira's Computer[]

Which would be the best page to add the entries from her terminal to? 23:56, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

Depending on what those entries relate to you have several options:
Anyways, in the article that is not directly connected with those entries you can always make a note about them and describe them further in more suitable article. RDGST 18:22, 22 November 2008 (UTC)

Repair Skil 100[]

If you give moria haley's handyman suit, will she be able to get her repair skil up to 100 just like haley? I have heard the glitch comes from the suit, and not from haley himself. User:Tehuberleetmaster


Anyone know the discount percent that you get at any merchant when they give you a discount? Gob, Moira, anyone? I've yet to see it listed anywhere, and it'd be nice to know.

Moira has lines to greet herself?[]

If you spawned clones of her, she'll greet her other selves with "Hi, Moira", "Hey there, Moira", or "Hello, Miss Brown". 05:57, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

Yes she does. According to the GECK editor, the conversation tree is inherited from "ConvMegatown". It seems they recorded everyone's voice for everyone in town. So I assume this works for other people in town too. --Voidvector 08:55, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
I find that to be quite wtf, since her voice isn't used for any other NPCs(except for the PC's mother, i think), unlike those generic male/female voiceovers. Wtf, yet so very cute. 09:01, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
I knew there was another character who had Moira's voice, but I couldn't remember who it was until I encountered her today: Susie Mack.--Niksilp 02:23, 8 January 2009 (UTC)
Red, in Bigtown.--Kajex Firedrake 22:37, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
And Nova. You don't notice it when she uses a lower, less-enthusiastic voice, but I believe it's the same voice actor.--Kajex Firedrake 14:59, 22 April 2009 (UTC)
From IMDB, Karen Carbone ... Catherine (Mother) / Moira Brown / Red / Suzie Mack (voice) . Bllasae 15:37, November 1, 2009 (UTC)
If she didn't have lines to greet herself with chances are it would revert to a default female voice or - god forbid - a default male voice. Theoretically this wouldn't be a problem if you weren't using the console, but it does make for some funny moments. That said, I'm sure if her voice changed to a Male voice it would be quite funny too. --SephyrLlanir 11:05, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Trivia section removed[]

I feel like, given the voice and demeanor of Moira Brown, I feel like her character is meant to serve as a parody of Rachael Ray. Anyone else find this fitting?

She reminds me more of Sarah Palin as a matter of fact. PlasmaFox 02:56, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
Given the timeframe within which this was recorded, I find that highly unlikely.

Whne my friend firt saw me talking to her he asked if that was Sarah Palin. But yeah, no way there is a referance.

There's an contagious illness on the Fallout wiki where people start seeing references, parodies and homages behind every rock, tree and rusted bicycle. Sometimes a rat in the sewer is just a rat in the sewer and not a deliberate and direct reference to Master Splinter of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Quirky and overenthusiastic women are relatively common in the world.
^QFT. I find it highly unlikely that Bethesda devoted a team of people to making character composite of every cheerful woman in literature and history. I say the trivia section needs to be removed ASAP.

I'd have to agree. some of these "references" are reaching pretty hard to make a conection. "Like omg this guys name is paul and a character in my favorite tv show is named paul and it's clearly not a coincidence sicne both are fictional characters!" -DragonJTSLeave me a message 03:46, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

I have taken the liberty of removing the entire Trivia section, as it was only filled with homage gibberish such as the ones listed above. The only plausible reference is actually in the notes section - "Moira's name is a reference to one of the main characters of the book "On the Beach", which is about post-apocolyptia in Australia." ~ Unsigned 17 May 2009

Yeah that section was bogus. I even made up that part about her being an homage to Megan from My Friend Mike which is an 80s sitcom I completely made up on the spot.

I added the reference to "On the Beach" back to the notes section. Given the fact that the Fallout 3 developers seem to have extensive knowledge of science fiction, it seems plausible that they would be inspired by it.

I'm removing it again. The two Moira characters share nothing in common but their first names. The rest of the setting is irrelevant.--Gothemasticator 07:07, September 27, 2009 (UTC)


"Moira was born in 2253 in the trading community of Canterbury Commons, but ended up settling down in Megaton[1]." what's the source for this?—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide. See bottom of the page, under references. -- Sentinel 101 18:11, 14 April 2009 (UTC)


In my PS3 it looks like moira has a mustache. So the PS3 game has wrong settings? DrMGinius 18:26, 26 April 2009 (UTC) Naah...Settings are fine(She is a geek after all). Given more slack in the PC she finds time to shave it...

It's the lighting I think, on my X360 she's got a 5'oclock shadow too haha Killchain 07:06, 26 August 2009 (UTC)


Has anybody else noticed that when looting Moira's password off the corpse it says "MB3K-OMFG". I'm not sure about the MB3K but the OMFG could be a reference to the abbreviation "omfg" which means "oh my f%@#&*g God!"

... Really. I had no idea. -.- --Kajex Firedrake 00:28, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

Incase you hadn't realised either the MB3K more than likely means "Moira Brown 3000", so in full it probably means "Moira Brown 3000 - Oh My F***ing God"... The 3K part might mean something else but '3K' would more than likely mean '3000'. --SephyrLlanir 10:57, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Trivia moved from article[]

  • Her personality and appearance are similar to the character Kaylee from the television series Firefly.
  • Moira Brown may be named after a marine biologist with the same name.
  • She may also be based on Megan from the short lived 80's sitcom My Friend Mike, who was quite cheerful and wore her hair back in a bun as well.
  • She May also be a reference to the American Pie Movie Series As she seems alot like the character Michelle Flaherty played by actor Alyson Hannigan.

Kingclyde 08:20, 24 May 2009 (UTC)kingclyde


has anyone else had her still sell stuff in underworld after blowing the crap out of megaton? she still has her whole inventory,as well as speech options that make her talk about the Rock-It Launcher,and i found a locker half glitched into the wall next to patchwork that says "Craterside supply, key required --JoeHanSon 03:15, September 25, 2009 (UTC)


A infobox is needed. Edit: Ok, thanks for putting it in. Insane Survivor 20:50, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Possible bug 1[]

Once, I was in Megaton and I was kind of bored, so I saved the game, then I just killed everyone in Megaton (including Moira Brown and the Mercenary in the shop) and then loaded back. When I was taking a look in Craterside Supply, Moira and the Mercenary were dead. Altough, no-one in Megaton was hostile towards me. This was confirmed on the Xbox360.

Possible bug 2[]

I shoot Moira with the Fatman and the Guard died but his body was frozen in the air. his head was bent down and his legs were blown of. I couldent drag him but the effect stopped when he was blown to ketchup. this glitch happened several times in a row! this was found on Xbox 360

That happend to me with a megaton setteler once on Ps3. He fell down after I shot him with a pistol tho. I dont think its a very big glitch becouse not many people try to kill moira with a fat man. Radraider 23:09, 5 July 2009 (UTC)

You'd be surprised. I had this happen with a Tracker. Lord Spoonfield III 23:12, 5 July 2009 (UTC)

This is likely a bug in the model reaction handler. I've found that with weapons which kill enemies quickly and through blast radius effects sometimes they end up just standing in the possition they were in when they died until you move the body when they fall, sometimes they will just continue standing there if they're touching a wall or another object.

I also Had a bug... Moria Brown disappeared without warning, and so did her mercanery... It put a stop to her quest, and I cant get S@%T for my House. :(

Ghoulification inconsistency?[]

When Moira becomes a ghoul after nuking Megaton, this seems to contradict Carol's dialogue about how she became a ghoul. I think she described the process as taking a few months or possibly a year. So for Moira to be a ghoul right away, Carol would have to be wrong about the length of time it takes for the skin to fall off, etc. 04:03, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

No, Bethesda doesn't pay attention to what they do. Carol is correct, Moira is propably just suffering of severe radiation sickness. 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 13:36, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Well.. Ghouls become ghouls when they get severe radiation.. And moira survived an atomic blast that may be answer to her FAST GHOULIFICATION

I have a theory. It's hard to kill a demon. Even with a nuke. Case solved.

more importantly, it doesn't really matter.

Carol also mentions that it took different lengths of time for different people, if you really listen to what she says.JerichoRCDF 22:16, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

"...moira survived an atomic blast." and "Bethesda doesn't pay attention to what they do." QED--Gothemasticator 22:29, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

Speaking of inconsistencies, Carol's story about how Underworld was founded doesn't quite jibe with the maintenance ghoul's (name escapes me) account. He makes Underworld sound like a recent development, while her story would make it 200 years old. -Klaark- Jan. 6, 2010

Her voice[]

Why does she have the same voice when ghoulified? Icko 10:19, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

No reason other than the fact that it's not Moira without the voice. SteveZombie 21:12, February 11, 2010 (UTC)

As it says in the article, they probably didn't have the time to record her entire script again with the different voice. -- 12:13, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

umm.. Maybe Ghouls may use that weird voice to mess with humans then they forgot why they were using it.. and it got stuck that way... but.. Moira is a new ghoul that may be why--NightPhoenix 18:08, 27 August 2009 (UTC)NightPhoenix

Actually, I'd say it's more likely a result of her instant ghoulification, that is that her vocal chords haven't necrotized yet. But then the main reason that she looks so completely ghoulified instead of just starting to change as the dialogue suggest is that that would have required more work. She would have needed several body and face sets depenedent upon how long it took for the player to meet her. Also, the timing was set up that the player was most likely to meet her immediately following the explosion, as the player has no reason to visit there more than once. Well, unless they have Jericho and send him back there for awhile. Chaosislife (talk) 22:37, May 27, 2014 (UTC)


I'm not entirely sure I'd consider this a bug, but.. maybe someone else will. I blew up Megaton in February 2009, not sure what month it was in the game, but I assume it was very late August/Early September 2077 (I was at a very low level). Moira moved on to Underworld, BUT, it took her almost a year of game time/6 months of OUR time for her to get there. She finally arrived in Underworld in August 2078 (game)/August 8th(our time). I wasn't expecting her to get there right away, but is it.. normal for her to take this long? After she hadn't appeared by June of this year, I assumed she died or got stuck somewhere. Thoughts? AzureJenna 10:06, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

more importantly, it doesn't really matter.

Minor Edits[]

Just corrected some sentence structure. Biggest "edit" was combining the two bullet points about Moira wearing a RobCo jumpsuit and how to increase it. Killchain 07:07, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

possible bug?[]

i killed moira's henchman guy, using mister sand man, now im trying to pickpocket her money from the shop and she NEVER sleeps, i mean never, i went into her shop at 12 oclock in game time, by 8 she hadnt slept once, she went to her bed, and stood there, im not sure...maybe shes too scared to sleep with mr quiet dead? either way im not sure this is a bug or not, but im on 360 if it matters.Toolazytomakeaaccount 23:59, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

She's allegedly cracked out on Mentats... -Klaark- Jan. 6, 2010


Thinking about her I arrived at an interesting conclusion; she's insane. And not in the way you come to think of on the Internet, she's authentically insane. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 09:45, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

She's not insane. She's supposedly tripping on Mentats at all times.

She's not insane in the slightest. She's perfectly normal, and simply cheery and upbeat. Probably to keep up the morale of her research assistants. (Oh, and I realise I'm replying to a 5 year old comment, but ya never know who looks at this stuff.) 14:03, February 21, 2014 (UTC)


I killed Moira in her shop and her body blew up, the weird thing is that there were 3 legs ( her legs because of the ROBCO pants) and 2 heads both of them equal but one was bold. Then I decided to blow all her body parts up with a missile and on part of her got stuck in the sealing and was shaking and making noise, I wish I had a camera to record that. The most crazy bug I know of.

  • You can kill Moira and 3 legs and 2 heads ( one of them bald ) will appear as if all this parts were parts of her body. ( confirmed on Xbox 360) Moved from article for confirmation.--Gothemasticator 06:39, November 22, 2009 (UTC)

unconfirmed bugs[]

These need to be confirmed by more than one editor. As they are confirmed please add which platform it was encountered on.

  • Sometimes she will get stuck in the Potomac river on her way to Underworld. When talking to her in the river, occasionally her head will spin 360 degrees, mostly when handing you items.
  • Sometimes, if you kill Moira before blowing up Megaton, you can find her ghoulified body in front of the entrance to Underworld.
  • If you shoot Moira in V.A.T.S with a laser pistol she moves sideways without running but as soon as you exit V.A.T.S she runs as normal.

--Kingclyde 09:53, December 5, 2009 (UTC)


Not that this does anything for me, considering I am on the 360, but do the IDs used for interacting with her via the console change when she gets ghoulified? One way or the other it might be a good idea to note in the article. 14:55, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

  • Not that I'm aware of, however there is no way to change that unless you were to spawn a copy of moira on the pc game, take the gamesave over to the xbox, load it up, and then you could tell if the codes should be the same if the copy loaded up as well.


I recall her saying in one conversation that she takes a lot of mentats. Could that explain her almost annoying constant chirpy attitude? She's tripping all the time on whole boxes of Mentats?A Pickering 16:56, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

Possible Android[]

I'm starting to think Moira is an android reprogrammed by The Underground. Evidence for: 1) Her one emotion. Just like Harkness seems to only have one mood(a grumpy one) Moira's general attitude (ANNOYINGLY chirpy) never changes for a significant period of time.2) Her voice never changes to that rough gravely tone if she becomes Ghoulified. 3) During the Wasteland Survival Guide quest she will hand you a big book of Science as a reward and comment how she can't get through the section on computers (programemd in so she doesn't accidently trigger hidden memories?) 4) one throwaway comment she has while greeting you; "Did you know a human body can survive without a stomach or spleen?" How does she know this? could she be missing those organs after an accident during some experiment? I don't beleive she found it out while experimenting on a person since she commented that they usually died instead of survived. and 5) Her scatter-brained and clumsy demenour. Possibly due to poor reprogamming? A Pickering 17:05, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

Androids don't become ghouls.
The things you are complaining about are writing and acting qualities.--Gothemasticator 18:35, January 30, 2010 (UTC)
Or, rather, lack thereof. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 20:19, January 30, 2010 (UTC)
But they could have placed organic skin, including skin cells, sweat glands, and ect, over a metal chassis. CheezeWEEPツ 21:38, February 11, 2010 (UTC)
Therefore by extension, every human in the Capital Wasteland theoretically could be an android. But that's silly. SteveZombie 22:05, February 11, 2010 (UTC)
Well every person in the wasteland IS controlled by an AI so.... 03:47, May 28, 2014 (UTC)


i was playing fallout 3 on the pc and i killed moria and every1 else and then i blew up megaton then after a while i fast travelled to the museum of history and moria was standing infront of me but she randomly exploded into tiny pieces as soon as i got there it wuz so weird Chiefsean16 13:43, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

Lol!Tezzla Cannon 13:44, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

I can imagine it right now- "Hey There!" BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! lol!Tezzla Cannon 13:46, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

Pre-War Books for sale by Moira[]

I just went to Moira to sell some misc. loot and I noticed that she had three [Pre-War Books] in her inventory. She was selling them for only 1 cap each! At first I thought they might be the "fake" pre-war books but I turned them in with out any problem.

I don't know what effect (if any) the following has, but here are a few notes about my playthrough that may be related to Moira:

Also, I have not gone back to see if her stock resupplied. This was a one time deal but I swear by god she sold me three books. At 3 caps for three books thats a 297 cap profit! (not that I even need any more caps having almost 30,000 with nothing left to buy...lol) DevLcL@comcast.net|Colin 18:06 April 15, 2010

unconfirmed bugs[]

These need to be confirmed by more than one editor. As they are confirmed please add which platform it was encountered on.

  • Sometimes she will get stuck in the Potomac river on her way to Underworld. When talking to her in the river, occasionally her head will spin 360 degrees, mostly when handing you items.
  • Sometimes, if you kill Moira before blowing up Megaton, you can find her ghoulified body in front of the entrance to Underworld.
  • If you shoot Moira in V.A.T.S with a laser pistol she moves sideways without running but as soon as you exit V.A.T.S she runs as normal.

--Kingclyde 09:53, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

I wrote that last one, and I can confirm it happens if she is behind the counter. Same happened to Jenny Stahl as well, maybe its a glitch that effects all the 'rather good but iv'e seen better looking girls' in Megaton who go behind counters! Anyway I just added it back. The Victorious Phoenix 20:02, May 27, 2010 (UTC)

Ooops, forgot to say this glitch, as far as I know, is a 360 only glitch. The Victorious Phoenix 20:07, May 27, 2010 (UTC)

Scared possibly or glitch[]

Okay I have been role playing and I decided to arm everyone except random wasters. So I armed Moira with East Coast Standard Issue Combat Armour, an East Coast Superior Sledgehammer and an Older Model of the renowned DKS-501 Sniper Rifle with 100 rounds of 308CR. So she equips the Armour and the Rifle. So then I punch her then she still runs off. Is this a glitch or does she have general low self-esteem? The Victorious Phoenix

Her aggression is set to "unaggressive" and her confidence to "cowardly", so no, it's not a bug that she flees from combat. -- Porter21 (talk) 11:15, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
Is there anyway to change that? Because her mercenary died in (open double-fingers) 'mysterious circumstances' (close double fingers) and so did most of the town, so I wanted her to fight for herself. Plus she'd look kinda hot if she was shooting that Rifle, the armour really fits her figure!! Oh and one more thing, if you blow up the town, will her inventory respawn to the crappy jumpsuit? The Victorious Phoenix
If you have the PC version, doing so is trivial. Load her up in the GECK and change her aggression and confidence traits. Sangheili1024 07:09, June 18, 2010 (UTC)
Aww Man! I'm on the 360! The Victorious Phoenix
In that case the only thing you can do is mezz her and hope her head doesn't explode. Sangheili1024 22:26, July 4, 2010 (UTC)
Aww Man again! I charged through paradise falls with the mezzer and then sold it to her!!!!!! The Victorious Phoenix


I find it impossible to mezz Moira. Everytime I try to use it she either frenzies or her head explodes. I have been playing for 100+ hours and I always try to mezz her but it is impossible. Is she... unmezzable?

She is not a member of the faction that allows you to mez NPCs; so yes, she's unmezzable. There's 6 factions related to the use of the Mesmetron: MS13CanMez, MS13CantMez, MS13AlwaysMez, MS13CollarFaction, MS13HatePlayerFaction, and MS13MezzedFaction. She's not in any of them. Kris (talk) 18:14, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Hi! I hope that this information helps! If you're playing the PC version, she can be modified with just a few mods. One mod I have give Moira, Flak, and some others I think, the ability to repair your stuff up to 100%. With the mod that allows you to buy slaves at Paradise Falls and the mod that allows you to Mezz everyone, including Moira,well, if you also have a recruit companion mod that might help here too, but anyway, I ended up one time with one character, owning Moira as a slave with the ability to repair my stuff as I went along up to 100%, and I was able to sell stuff to her and buy it back as needed, thus she makes for a great caddy/squire and whatever those guys who help mountain climbers are called. Oh, and I always give her 1000000 Bottle Caps so that she can afford to buy my stuff. Thus far though, I've not tried the much simpler companion recruitment method yet.

By the way, with my previous character that I just quit playing, but was created after the character who owned Moira, I bought Clover from Eulogy. I saved the lives of Lucas Simms and the guy from Tenpenny Tower, during their confrontation in the bar, by mezzing them both and sending them to Paradise Falls. I later then freed the sheriff and he returned to Megaton and resumed his patrol. My character and Clover exited the Megaton home one day and Lucas Simms confronted her! Since I have the mod that makes all potential companions essential, Clover won that fight! I had gone to the effort of improving the whole town's wardrobe and weaponry, and they sure enough, got involved in the fight too! Clover began killing everyone that attacked her as if she were The Bride from the "KILL BILL" movies! So I tried reloading, and to no avail, the fight always began. So I created my latest character. The point of all of that, is that with Moira as a companion, I never had to worry about her killing people I didn't want killed! Instead, I'd have to look for her in whatever hiding place she chose to hide in, once the combat ended. But I prefer that to Clover killing them all.

I hope that helps! Good luck! Leo Star Dragon 1. 02:24, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

Moira Stuck At Megaton Ruins Fix (PC)[]

I've known this for months but never thought to share. Just paste this code into Notepad and save it as moirafix.bat in your Fallout 3 root directory (where Fallout3.exe is). Then in-game open the console and enter "bat moirafix.bat" and she should immediately set off to Underworld. You can check if it worked before she ever gets there by immediately fast traveling to Underworld and looking for her Craterside Supply Inventory upstairs in the back.

setessential 2d3c0 0
prid 2d2bc
set MS03.MoiraGhoul to 2
RemoveScriptPackage 00004157
RemoveScriptPackage 00004155
RemoveScriptPackage 0003E5DB
RemoveScriptPackage 00004153
RemoveScriptPackage 00004156
RemoveScriptPackage 0005CFC0
RemoveScriptPackage 0005CFBF
RemoveScriptPackage 0005CFBD
RemoveScriptPackage 00027F5D
AddScriptPackage 0005CFBF
setessential 2d3c0 1

The redundancies are to just make sure she's 100% "sanitized" before adding the appropriate script package. I know this is late but I hope it helps! --Plutocracy 17:41, January 1, 2011 (UTC) (logged in this time, left original tag) -- 17:37, January 1, 2011 (UTC)

Has anyone verified how reliable this is? I used this .bat with Tale of Two Wasteland to restore Moira after I assume she was killed by Mother Curie III. I had to also use the moveto command to get her to show up. But what concerns me is that after I used this batch, my entire game seem to have some kind of soft reset where many NPC's starting talking to me as if it was the first time I'd met them. This resulted in an issue with Yes Man that I had to use the console to sort out. It could very well be a coincidence, but I'm only running 3 mods, an unlimited companion, a sunny smiles companion and a vendor doubler and I don't think any of those is responsible. Theopheus (talk) 02:02, 21 May 2021 (UTC)02:01, 21 May 2021 (UTC)


Is she insane wanting the lone wandrer to hurt, iriaddiate, blow up, kill him/herself cus i think she is --Please Welcome NCR President Andrew Parker 07:22, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

She isn't normal, but I wouldn't go as far as to say she's insane. Just really, really devoted to scientific research. Yes-Man 07:23, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

If she wasn't insane why would she try to get to Lone Wandrer killed acidently and she loves mole rats and feels sorry for them when there heads explode when you hit them with the replent stick. So in my caseeeee... I would love to see her dies in the most painful sort of way --Hello New Californa Rebublic How We Doing 04:28, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

She is just researching like when you get rads she then takes them away, Her character is like Three dog's she makes the player do it so she won't die. If she dies she can't write the book. She is smart not mental.

OK, how about this. What if you crush her spirit? (get the Dream Crusher perk) And then detonate the bomb? What will hapen then?

Really, why do people keep thinking she's insane? All the evidence up till now (with NV's release as well) point to the Wasteland Survival Guide being a good idea, and being helpful in the Wasteland. So she asks you to endanger/hurt yourself, what of it? so do hundreds of Fallout characters. Would you rather have her break character and ask you to break some random waster's legs and drag him into her office. Sheesh... 14:08, February 21, 2014 (UTC)

Behind the scenes[]

Just watched the movie On the Beach, about a nuclear holocaust. One of the protagonists is named Moira Davidson http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0116589/. Perhaps that is were her name came from? 22:25, July 16, 2012 (UTC)

I'd like to point out that the character "Moira" Brown is a 1:1 spitting image of a friend of mine who lives in the Washington DC Area - "Moria" Brown. I believe in all likelihood - someone in Bethesda Software art department (Also in DC area) used her as an unwitting model for the character. Even "Moira" is a simple anagram of "Moria" with no change in the last name. http://i.imgur.com/ElKpM.jpg

We've got to add this quote[]

After you start the Mirklurk research portion of the wasteland survival guide quest, and before you finish it, if you talk to her and pick the dialogue option: "Why do we care if they're intelligent? They still try to kill me". She'll arguably say her most funny line of dialogue in the game: "Okay, yes, they're jerks. But if they're intelligent, we can get them to stop. And train them. Maybe we could even ride them! That'd be fun!". Absolutely priceless. I'll add the textual part of it to the quotes section, but somebody else will have to include the actual sound bit since I don't know how.-- 08:04, January 17, 2013 (UTC)
