Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

..i have a page...neat....ok...now what do i do.....i'm gonna sing a song!

Oh lets gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song,our c-a-m-p f-i-r-e s-o-n-g song!--JoeHanSon 23:23, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

oh that sucks! i wanna have my name all blue and with a link!--JoeHanSon 23:24, 11 June 2009 (UTC)


He is joe....he is hanson..he is not jedi

this page is a work in proggress

User 163132fc81zpm2nm-1

the guy with the hat

i like pie,do you like pie,tell me if you like pie and so do i now die,die by pie,alri?

KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> (>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')>(>'.')> KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY

I Hve no clue what to say,just trying to get it so rambo won't intrude into the mahlaha soooooo


ooook.......i've wasted space with everything i can think of....heres more kirby



Back when the guy with the cool hat was the guy with the cool headband,he gave Rambo his headband and now he serves as a bodygaurd for JoeHanSon And Mr.Hat,witch is a do nothing job,as no one ever attacks them.

He is a possible follower for the player if they kill Mr.Hat,Joe will back away,and give you Rambo to let him live, but be warned,if Sanders-Tron has been acquired for Joe and Mr.Hat,Rambo will usually be in the kitchen,As sanders turns hostile, Rambo will kill him,making you not able to get fried or grilled chicken,or complete the unmarked quest "Consumer's Delight"


Health= 1,000+20 x player level

DR= 10000

Big guns=100
Energy Weapons=50
Repair= 60
Melee Weapons=70
Small Guns=100


He LOVES Chicken

His clothes,and his weapon are both unique,and can be acquired if he dies.

He can be killed or give the player a reward depending on the outcome of the unmarked quest "Consumer Delights"

Corpse Loot[]

Rambo's jungle gear
All American Assault Rifle
That One Cool Headband

Monty Python Movie Mahala[]

Epic Boredom[]

Joe:"Man I'm bored."

Hat guy:" Me too,wanna watch Monty Python?"

"Sure man!"

The movie plays,and someone says the word "Mahala"

Joe: What the hell does that mean?"

Player walks in

Joe:"Ah,good,go look in the kitchen for a dictonary!"

Hat guy: "And get me a drink!"

After that[]

Hat guy: Weres my drink?

Joe: and my dictonary?

Player cannot find it.

"well go to the library then!"

After that after that[]

Player returns with a dictonary

Joe takes it and flips it to Mahala

"hmmm,so apparently it means neighbor in balken....why the hell is that in Monty python?"

"Who knows more importantly,who cares? anyone hungry? I got a little something I stole from the KFC"

Mr.Hat stood up an opened the fridge,a protectron walked out and said.

"Hello,I am Sanderstron-4000,the new model employ and chef for the KFC restraunt chain!"

Kentucky GRILLED?[]

Ketchup...OF DOOM![]


The burger king King busts through the door

Who the hell is that guy

Mr.Hat:no rambo,you can't shoot him yet.

runs over and shoves a whopper into rambo's face then sprays everyone with a ketchup packet.....OF DOOM!!!

when they wake up,the king and Sanders-tron are gone

Joe: Chicken.....WHY!!!

Joe bursts into tears

Mr.Hat: dammit,i wanted some chicken,go down to burger king and get sanders tron back!!

Rambo: And get me a whopper


The road to burgerking[]

There is no marker near burgerking,aside from the nearby mcdonalds so unless you've discovered one of them,follow the marker,fight off a few cars,and an angry pesdestrian or two,then walk up to the manager of burgerking or mcdonalds,they will engage you in conversation,then give you a job.

if you grill( ha ha) some of your fellow employs they'll tell you that a war has been started between them and mcdonalds, and depending on who you side with, the'll tell you they stole sanders-tron to try to pin it on mcdonalds and get kfc to kill them,or they to get sanders-tron and sell it back to kfc to get there help, talk to 3 emmployeys,or the manager again,and a burger will fly out of nowhere and kill who you are talking too,then 5 rival employees will attack

the war(mcdonalds)[]

after the battle, Monald Mcdonnald will come out of the Mcdonalds and say there going to mount an all out attack against burgerking

you,anyone that survived eariler ,and 10 other employeys will rush into burgerking,there will be 10 employs,and the king there the king is armed with a Flamer and all the employeys have knives,rippers,or auto-axes the king's armor has the same DR as power armor,so he'll be tough

when everyone's dead,ronald will give you sanders as a reward
