Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Not sure how to add it to the page, but just wanted say I found a new missile varient: High Velocity Missile. I still haven't used it yet, but it can purchesed from the BoS in Hidden Valley; I assume it moves faster than the standard missil (it doesn't list any extra effects). --MoronicCinamun 16:31, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

High Velocity is found in.....[]

  • Hidden Valley The Hawk 19:39, October 24, 2010 (UTC)
  • 188 Trade Route
  • Gun Runners (together with High Explosive Missiles. Strangely - they don't sell regular missiles.)


A critical error was made by whoever designed the HE variants of launched explosives. All explosives have two types of damage: Impact Damage (ID) and Explosive Yield damage (ED). ID is determined by the weapon, the ED is determined by the ammo type (or more specificly, the effect script attached to the projectile type of the ammo type, if there is any. if there is none, there is a basic projectile effect determined by the weapon, but a seperate projectile effect none the less). For some reason, the damage bonus for HE variants (x1.35) is granted to the weapon, which determines only the ID. The ED is not affected by this bonus. The damage bonus should have been removed and the ED increased to match the intended bonus damage. In case of the Red Glare the damage is 20 ID (weapon) + 40 ED (projectile type), totalling 60 damage. 1.35(HE displayed Bonus damage)*60 makes 81, substract 20 ID and you get 61 ED for the Rocket HE. Also I would like to point out that other than the increased blast radius, since the bonus damage multiplier only affect impact damage it basicly causes a "high explosive" missile or rocket to act more like an armor piercing warhead: only the impact damage is increased. Lastly, because explosives have to types of damages each type is also individually substracted by target DT. In case of the missile launcher, displayed damage should therefor be substracted by (ID-DT+ED-DT)dmg/att. The Pipboy displays damages based on the full damage on a direct impact on a target, not an impact on the ground, by which only the ED can damage a target. My 2 cents --Radnus 15:00, October 14, 2011 (UTC)


I can try to re-orient it for you. -Love, ΣΔ 02:58, December 21, 2011 (UTC)

Characteristics: Is it meant to just be "robots"?[]

Under Characteristics it is stated that missiles lock onto the heads of any robots when targeted through V.A.T.S. Is this not the case for humanoids or other creatures? Shaka1277 (talk) 15:27, May 27, 2015 (UTC)
