Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This information is inaccurate; If you read the logs in the terminal next to where you find Curie, it is very clear that Curie is a Mr. Handy that had been modified with a new personality, not a Ms. Nanny, technically making Curie a transgender(and optionally transsexual) character.


Is a Robot, and her programming is female, we cant categorize a robot body with a sexual class, yes her body was from a Mrs Handy and they make changes before they install Curie personality in it (The paint and the tools), but again, is a robot body, we can say that the programming is the "gender" the creator wants to show. Ms Nanny is a other version of Mrs Handy with a white painting and a Female programming, Is simple, theres no especific gender robot body in the Handy/Nanny models, both Ms Nanny and Mrs Handy use the same body with diferent Programming (Or personality) and diferent tasks. Curie applies in the Ms Nanny class because of her Female personality and the tasks she have. Bethesda clearly make her a Ms Nanny.

Curie is clearly a Miss Nanny..[]

Her voice and paint is identical to Miss Edna's. She was altered, yes, but only in personality and database, not appearance or voice. The Scientist referring to her as a Mister Handy was probably just using it as a general term. I think its just one person who keeps using that one terminal to "prove" shes a mister handy, despite so much more evidence pointing to the contrary. She literally has the same model as the Miss Nanny in the loading screen. And the same voice as another Miss Nanny. (The scientist didn't alter her voice and if he did how would he just HAPPEN to make it identical to Miss Edna's?) And obviously there's a high probability that miss nannies and mr gutsies would occassionally be called mister handies because theyre BASED on mister handies and have mister handy back panels- which are obviously not "oversights" because they have to make the whole nanny and gutsy models they cant just slap different textures on mister handies thats not how models work and some gutsies have different models anyway.

this User:Great Mara guy keeps changing it based on little information then berates people for correcting it and threatens them with a "do not edit war" warning who is this dunce and who let him be a patroller lmao

The wiki documents what is found in game, not extrapolation. In game her model is referred to once, and that is as a Mr Handy. If you can find evidence to the contrary either in game or through a statement by a developer, then it can be changed. In the meantime, she's a Mr. Handy. As a side note, there's no reason to get snippy about Mara. If you look through the edit history of this page you'll see plenty of other people defending the Handy definition. She's a Handy. Get over it. --Xernoc (talk) 09:38, December 27, 2015 (UTC)

Miss Nanny VS Mister Handy[]

Miss Nanny's are said to be the female equivalent of the Mister Handy's. So they are similar, but they still have some different aspects. One obviously being the female voice, and another being the white color, but one they also have is that they carry a laser instead of a flamethrower like the Handy's do. Curie for example has the female voice, white color, and the laser, Miss Edna has the voice and the color, but not the laser cause well..she's a teacher..But Supervisor White also has the female voice and the white color, and also the laser, Pearl I do not know cause I haven't played that far yet. But seeing that on the back of these robots it says "Mister Handy" one might think they are indeed Handy's, but knowing Bethesda we can just conclude that it's just a sloppy oversight from them, cause Mister Gutsy's also have Mister Handy on their back yet they are considered their own kind of robot, so IMO that can't really be used as an argument that those ladies are Mister Handy's. Same goes for that their creators ingame call them Handy's, I'm also sure that it's just an oversight, cause if every Nanny is actually a Handy, why would they make a Loading Screen about Miss Nanny's if they don't even exist? Considering all that I myself am convinced that we can call Curie, Supervisor White, Miss Edna, and maybe Pearl (but as I said I haven't met her yet) Miss Nanny's and that Bethesda was just sloppy in creating these robots. BramDuin (talk) 19:28, November 26, 2017 (UTC)

Is there a point here? And Supervisor White is explicitly stated to be a Handy in her own dialogue. Nanny's are from a specific production line. Great Mara (talk) 19:36, November 26, 2017 (UTC)
Sorry if I misunderstand, but is there anything in particular you're getting at? Is there something you think should be changed? Because it sounds like you're in favour of calling e.g. Curie a Miss Nanny, but that is currently what we're doing already.
- FDekker talk 19:38, November 26, 2017 (UTC)
Yea sorry, I think Supervisor White should also be considered a Miss Nanny, cause she is exactly the same as Curie apart from the voice, tho which is still female. But we call Curie a Miss Nanny and we call White a Mister Handy, but as I said I believe White is also a Nanny just as Curie, and I just think that the devs didn't think much when writing their stories for they call Curie a Handy aswell, even though she is a Nanny. Hope that makes any sense.. BramDuin (talk) 11:03, November 28, 2017 (UTC)

(I'm going to take the script over visuals. That is what we are told, plus the gray garden robots are custom builds. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 12:48, November 28, 2017 (UTC)
