Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Leveling in Vault[]

Just wanted to make a note that while in the Vault you will not level requardless of how much xp you gain. I was trying to get lvl 2 just so I could get lockpick from the maxed 47 to over 50 so I could open the safe with the rock-it launcher schematic. After killing every for easy 25xp each I had 279xp/200xp and as soon as I stepped out of the vault and the little door into the wasteland as expected I finally leveled... once I was already locked out and couldn't return. 06:07, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

Level cap in Fallout 3 and Broken Steel add-on[]

I have been able to accumulate XP beyond level 20 on XBOX 360 without the Broken Steel add-on. I do have the "Operation: Anchorage" and "The Pitt" add-ons which I installed via disc (as opposed to download from XBOX Live).

If anyone else has had this experience, I think the main article should be revised to reflect that you can achieve additional levels as long as you have one of the add-ons.

I have the same add-ons as you installed the same way (retail disc). However, I am at Level 20 and am not receiving any more EXP. By that, I mean it still informs me of EXP I should get, but the meter does not move. Go into you Pip-boy and make sure it says "MAX" where your EXP should be. OPM 05:26, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

PS3 titles broken past level 20?[]

I have broken steel dlc, level 25 currently, but for some reason i am still Last,Best hope of humanity.

Same here. TacoD 04:15, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

It sucks, same here too. :(

Same here too! I play with Fallout 3 GOTY on the PS3 and my level title is still "Last, Best Hope of Humanity". It even changes to "Paradigm of Humanity" if I go on a rampage somewhere. January 11, 2010

Another confirmation for PS3 GOTY edition... Well, it's a nice title regardless. Note- it also doesn't change on the save/load game menu. 02:07, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

Here in NV, I'm at Level 47 (3 and all DLCs so far), still labeled as Guardian of the Wastes, which is from level 20... Painterkilla 19:36, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Grey Stranger[]

Would the level 29 neutral title "Grey Stranger" be a possible reference to the Grey Fox in TES:Oblivion? Since when not wearing the mask, he is referred to as "The Stranger".

Recycling of materials from past Beth titles does not constitute a cultural reference.--Gothemasticator 20:05, January 24, 2010 (UTC)
I think theres a difference between a recycle (Grognak's axe) and a drop dead reference. But okay then. Tzaro the Outcast 20:47, January 24, 2010 (UTC)
Bethesda has a history and practice of reusing character names, voice actors, quest designs, etc. We do not cover such on this wiki.--Gothemasticator 21:28, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Considering the title is "Gray Stranger" not "Grey Stranger", no 03:46, September 14, 2013 (UTC)

Player Character's Level's influence on creature-types in locations and encounters.[]

Is there any reference or information available that give more or less accurate info on how the type/level of creature you encounter is determined? And is there any way to influence and/or manipulate it? Because it's obvious that at high, broken steel levels the game becomes a parade of Overlords and Ghoul Reavers. But sometimes you get struck ridiculously early on with powerful creatures out of the blue.

I remember chipping away at a Super Mutant Overlord with the CSA and a Dart Gun at around level 9-10 near the Shelter south of the Chryslus Building and thinking that without the CSA with it would simply have been game over.Dr. Lobotomy 23:15, October 11, 2010 (UTC)

Level Perk Skip[]

Playing through Vegas, I was in Vault 34 when I reached level 17, but got the perk then. I do not have the Here and Now perk. Glitch?

What happens if you max all skills before the level cap[]

Basically, what I am asking is if you max ALL skills before level 20/30 depending on if you have broken steel added, and than level up will you be stuck at the skill screen with no where to put your points, or will the game account for that?

You're stuck, although it's impossible to max out skills without Broken Steel if you don't cheat. In fact, there's a perfect character guide that warns you not to go around reading every magazine in case you get too many skill points.
Thank heavens this is fixed in New Vegas. One bug they actually FIXED instead of CREATED.

FNV level cap & Dead Money[]

I know Dead Money raised the level cap to 35, but I found that if I remove all its files (ESM, NAM, and BSAs) and load a savegame before installed/activated Dead Money, I can still level up to 35 ("getGS iMaxCharacterLevel" returns 35). I've checked if it was caused by any mod I installed (most are bug fixes, plus some self-made weapon tweaks. I didn't use the community bugfix compilation) with FNVEdit, but didn't find any.

I even remove all mods and start a new game, but the level cap is still 35 (check with "getGS iMaxCharacterLevel" console command). It seems the recent update has something to do with this. The game setting "iMaxCharacterLevel" is still 30 in the main ESM, maybe the new level cap is hardcored in the new exe? Can anyone who updated the game to the newest patch but didn't buy or have Dead Money check the level cap? --NovaRain 03:20, March 26, 2011 (UTC)

Save files are simply states of how all the data in that particular save game at the time. If you started a game with no DLC installed, the level cap would be 30. Play through the game, beat it, install all the DLC, and then reload that same save, and you will find that the level cap is still 50. Since the level cap is hardcoded as being part of the DLC, maximum level is drawn from the hard drive, not the save file.

Skill Mags[]

If you have skill makes active when you level up, will they qualify you for perks? eg: Barter 60+ Salesman Weekly(10)= Long Haul. General Geers 15:10, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

Level 36[]

I have Dead Money installed and levelled up at level 36. Is this a bug? Lumps 14:28, April 29, 2011 (UTC)

Just now after installing the 1.06 patch I was able to level to 31[]

Which was intersting, since i just finished the game, no DLC what so ever, I was just doing some of the other endings, and I reached level 31, increased skills, etc. I had previously not recieved XP, just the sound effect. Now it seems I can level. Also after updating and loading the auto save of my frist play through before the credits, the game had not allowed me to save, though I skipped the credit (after all reading seeing them pre patch) so maybe that is a factor...

Likewise except I have both DLCs meaning the max for me should be 40.. but I'm getting experience and almost to 41 since the recent patch. They giving us a friendly 5 extra levels or something?

new vegas july 2011 patch 1.06 allowed me to level without dlc PS3[]

I was amazed that this happened directly after the update.. I was given skill points to allocate and everything...Initially I had no problems if Bethesda was giving "NoDLC Fallouters" extra levels, but, when the game began to frequently crash, then I had a problem. Anyone knows how to fix? 07:48, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

New Patch ( PS3 ? ) Level Cap = 40 w/o addons?[]

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else or if I'm missing something but, In the ,, Level Page it says that the cap in New Vegas is 30 without any addons but my game has my cap set to 40 on the PS3 and, to my knowledge, there is no addon installed. How is this possible ? A glitch perhaps ?

level cap bug[]

Hi, I have level capped at 34 with all 4 add-ons instaled (weirdly, it was 30 with Dead Money only). Now I have to use the setgs command every time. Does anyone know a way to bypass this? Thanks 10:17, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

Level up Sounds[]

The difference between FO3's and NV's level up sounds pretty much sums up the approach to game design their respective companies take. FO3: bloated, bombastic, excessive, complete disconnect from the series, essentially a Disney intro FNV: efficient and clean, consistent with the world, non-distracting, classy, mature tastes, GOTY. -- 00:25, May 31, 2014 (UTC)

Actually no, the level up sounds are listed incorrectly here. The sound listed for Fallout New Vegas is the one that plays in both F3 and FNV when the level up happens, while the one listed for Fallout 3 is the one that plays when the level up screen to add skill points and perks in fallout 3, while the one from FNV isn't listed. -- 12:16, May 29, 2015 (UTC)

Would it not be more correct to say the formula that describes the XP need to reach each level as -75n^2-25n-50?

can somone add the fallout 4 info? as in how much exp to get to each level

This page needs to be locked![]

if you compare the last 50 plus changes not one line has actually been changed. its just been back and fourth edits with trolls for 50 edits. this needs to stop so we dont have to waste time.

Fallout 4[]

Is leveling in Fo4 capped? Nick3258 (talk) 11:50, January 5, 2016 (UTC)

yes there is no such thing as a game being able to have no level cap. your level in a game is stored in a binary string of a set length weather your level 1 stored as (00000000 00000001) or level 65,535 stored as (11111111 11111111) it still uses all 16 binary places. they gave us 16bits to level up with so 65,535 is the max level. the game will crash if you level up again. 16:47, January 5, 2016 (UTC)

Fallout 4 enemy scaling[]

Just read this, think what is currently stated on this page is wrong. https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/1693785669865832189/

"Fallout 4 uses a system called "Rubber Banding" which is a bit hard to describe, but I'll try.

Basically, every area in the game has a "Threat Level" base. The Threat level dictates the Minimum and Maximum level of enemies that will appear. For example, the area around Sanctuary, Tenpines Bluff and Sunshine Tidings Co-Op is the Lowest Threat Level. With one notable exception (A boss spawn inside the Quarry), you won't find encounters over level 15 (Specifically the lowest tier of Threat which is approximately level 15). Contrary to popular belief, Cells are not "Locked" Permanently, they will recalculate if the cell refreshes and scale up if possible, within their threat level.

Here's where it gets tricky:

Enemies are classed by level and then sorted into the threat categories. For example, the lowest level Deathclaw is around level 20, and despite the threat level around Sanctuary being T1 stopping at around lvl 15, Deathclaws can spawn (usually in the form of Random Events) in these areas, as this is the lowest level type of Deathclaw. You won't see a Mythic Deathclaw up north though. Or, for example, a Radscorpion hunter, which despite being the same level as a Deathclaw, is the second-tier of Radscorpion.

What I've said here is sufficient for basic guidelines, but shouldn't be treated as Gospel. Exceptions, either through bugs or the game just being itself surely exist. For your purposes, if I'm reading it right, you're worried about "over-exploring" early and "Locking" areas to certain levels. Don't worry, certain areas will never go LOWER than a certain level (For example Glowing sea min level 30) and no area that scales indefinitely permanently "Locks" to a certain level (IE: If you visit glowing sea at lvl 1, and then, after cell resets at level 150, you'll find appropriately leveled enemies)

Most enemies are static, however for a few classes of enemies, there is a "Leveled" Type which starts at a set level, and matches your level once you reach and then pass their starting level.

For example, the Charred Feral Ghoul is always at least level 64(I think?) but once the player is level 65, the Charred Feral Ghoul will match the player's level, indefinitely. (At least until around level 1000 with the 64bit integer overrun causes the game to crash lol)

Some "Leveled" enemies include

Super Mutant Warlord

Vampiric Bloodbug

Charred Feral Ghoul

Bloated Glowing One

Mythic Deathclaw

Deathskull Radscorpion

Assaultron Gorgon (Automatron only)

Annihilator Sentry bot MK2

Sentry Bot Reaper (Automatron Only)

Protectron Golem (Automatron Only)

Mr. Handy Annihilator (Automatron Only)

Quantum Scrapbot, Tankbot, Robobrain, Swarmbot (Automatron Only)

Dusky Yao Guai" Eddo36 (talk) 14:43, August 24, 2018 (UTC)

FO4 link to full table?[]

Since the Fallout 4 level table missed a lot of level, I make my own version then shared it on User:DynV/FO4 levels. If someone know where on the page it could be linked, please do so or let me know where. DynV (talk) 12:18, 31 January 2024 (UTC)
