Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Confirmed that if you ever hit any robots, they turn hostile except for using the cannons (which they appear immune to) The Classical radio thing didn't work for me. Possible that it was just luck that caused it to work for the contributor before me, or that it just didn't work for me, so verification needed.

Shadow of Steel[]

I completed the Shadow of Steel quest long before the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution. I had no issues with the robots on the ship firing at the vertibird while en route to the Prydwen, nor were the robots hostile to me later. I also did not use the minigun during the ride, so I didn't accidentally aggro them. I think that entry in the notes might need to be removed or verified, since turning Ironsides and crew hostile is apparently not triggered by the mere act of flying by in a vertibird. I'm guessing the person that left the comment may have fired on them at some point, or something, perhaps even earlier in their playthrough, and may not have realized it. --Roulette of the Wasteland (talk) 22:47, December 21, 2015 (UTC)

  • Had a save file at the beginning of the vertibird ride and was able to verify that flying by does not turn the robots on the USS Constitution hostile, but firing on them while you're flying by does. I don't know yet if turning them hostile earlier in the game will cause them to fire on the vertibird while flying to the Prydwen.--Roulette of the Wasteland (talk) 22:47, December 21, 2015 (UTC)

Small generator bug ?[]

Maybe it's my game but, after siding with ironsides, i couldn't activate the small generator at the top of the building. I must use the "setstage" command to bypass this problem. (generator normally clickable but don't react)--Benmc20 (talk) 15:29, December 22, 2015 (UTC)

The generator had me puzzled too - not because it didn't do what I expected, but because it apparently does nothing. I mean, you can click on it, but clicking it does nothing. It doesn't start up or anything. I'm guessing either they never got around to making it do something, or they decided it added too much complexity into the game. Either way, it's purely cosmetic: to trigger the power, you need to flip the switch outside, on the balcony nearby, rather than (so far as I could tell) do anything to the generator itself. -- DewiMorgan (talk) 23:29, December 22, 2015 (UTC)

Your supposed to activate the switch not the generator.

And where is the switch. I've searched anywhere in this ruined house, and nothing.--Benmc20 (talk) 20:46, December 30, 2015 (UTC)

Here's a video of a guy playing the mission. What you're looking for's at 43:45. https://youtu.be/hr8Hsr_UUUk?t=43m45s -Xernoc (talk) 20:53, December 30, 2015 (UTC)

Did you notice how he had the quest active in his Pipboy and the quest marker actually lead him straight to the switch? Funny that huh! DngnRdr (talk) 10:54, January 19, 2016 (UTC)


paladin dense like it if you say you choose Ironsides to Mandy Stiles

Final Bug listed happened to me too where ironsides states the same conversation as well as everything in the ship remaining as stolen marked. I am curious if it has anything to do with picklocking the captain chambers (master lock) before given the key to go inside it, like i did?

Can't side with the Scavengers faction[]

When I approached the USS Constitution I was attacked by two Scavengers, and I killed them. I then continued into the "USS Constitution" quest. I cannot side with the Scavengers, as Mandy Stiles becomes hostile when I approach her. In my first playthrough I tried killing all the attackers I could, including firing the ship's cannons. One of the casualties was Mandy Stiles. I tried "resurrect" but she was hostile afterward, and I couldn't talk to her. So I tried again, this time she did not die but turned hostile when I approached her. So I tried another playthrough, this time only firing the ship's cannons, and not directly firing at the Scavengers. Mandy still became hostile when I approached. Unfortunately, the Scavengers faction is not listed in the Wiki (yet), nor can I find an ID for them (see my talk on the factions page). This means I cannot side with the Scavengers in this quest, and the page gives no clue to how this might be done. I am wondering if my encounter at the beginning, immediately after getting the "last voyage of the USS Constitution" quest, has spoiled it, but my patients with it has ran out, and I am not willing to do it all over yet again just to maybe find out nothing has changed. HalloweenWeed (talk) 15:10, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, Mandy took part in the 1st assault on the ship. Also, my sqs is showing 94 quest stages. HalloweenWeed (talk) 02:57, February 20, 2016 (UTC)
Aya42 (talk answered my need for Mandy's faction IDs:
"If you want the form IDs, MS11ScavengersNPCFaction is 0008c9da, and MS11ScavengersOwnerFaction is 00096ea3, but I'm pretty sure you can just use the editor ID in the console if you don't know the form ID." But unfortunately, apparently the quest times out because when I went back to finish it it was in the "done" area of my pip-boy, and I couldn't get the quest to continue without resetting it, even with console commands. So I reset it and this time went for siding with the robots, as I found out that the Constitution doesn't move to the other bldg. when you side W/the scavengers. HalloweenWeed (talk) 23:08, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

We want to ride the rocket![]

So just tried riding the rocket on PS4 with the wife. Died (of course). I know the interior cell is unavailable during the actual countdown, but if you can get to the ship fast enough (go to the dinghy, use top hatch seems to be faster than navigating to belly hatch) is it possible to enter the ship after the switch is flipped but before the countdown is started and ride inside? Has anyone tested this?

Will test myself soon and post link to video.

Taolan (Beep) 08.42 UTC, 24 Jan 2016.

I've actually accomplished this, and it's easiest accomplished with a power armor suit that has a jetpack. as soon as i flipped the switch, i ran, jumped on top of the billboard, charged up my AP completely then flew up to the boat. as soon as i got there, i jumped over and entered. the boat is accessible during countdown, but after countdown it spawns objects and stuff on all entryways, leaving you to your death. hope that helps! :P

Mrminesheeps (Beep)

Totally clueless robots[]

Ironsides: "Helm reports we are quarter fathom closer to the Atlantic."

A fathom is a measurement of depth - 6 feet. Even if he was using it to measure depth, which he isn't - he would be wrong because they are now higher!

He is delusional robot trying to set ship with huge hole in the hull to the sea in the name of US army. I think fathom if just fine measurement in here. 12:20, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

  • Hard to fathom what his problem is...

Bugged scavenger attack[]

The wiki mentions that, during the second scavenger attack on the ship, "if you let them get to the top deck you will fail the quest" but that's not what happened in my playthrough. I shot at the scavs from the top deck but 1 or 2 managed to run under the ship, so I dropped down to the ground and attacked them from there. Then I went back up the ship and, to my surprise, the ship was filled with scavs (I suspect that the scavs spawn continuously until some condition is met.) I decided to let the robots fight it out with the scavs, but after some time the scavs overwhelmed the protectrons. After waiting for awhile, I finally intervened and hunted the scavs down myself. On the 2nd-highest deck, a couple of scavs were flickering in and out of existence near the stairs. It was not possible to attack them. Then I went up to the top deck...after the screen loaded, I heard a hail of bullets and a message came up stating that the quest was completed. A few scav bodies were on the ground and the robot captain had steam coming out of his body. Anyway some kind of bug happened obviously and I did not fail the quest despite taking my time to destroy the scavs and allowing them to reach the top deck. --Natnair (talk) 08:58, February 19, 2016 (UTC)

Repair doors closed[]

The repair doors (i.e. Power cables & Power relay coil) will not open if the quest is reset after closing the doors on a previous attempt; and the open door console commands do not work on them. However, as a workaround one can simply set the corresponding quest objective stage (510 or 520, and 620 or 630) to complete these objectives using the console command. HalloweenWeed (talk) 16:05, February 22, 2016 (UTC)

Lookout Dead[]

Was attacked by a bunch of Rust Devils after clearin out the Drug Den location and after a Sentry Reaper exploded, I loot the bodies, I find Lookout amongst them.... am I screwed as far as starting this quest - assuming they don't just try to kill me if I come in range? DngnRdr (talk) 18:48, June 5, 2016 (UTC)

Without Lookout to "introduce" you to the crew and Ironsides, they all turn hostile the moment you're in range. Killing them all does provide decent XP and subsequent looting of the ship can be quite profitable but the quest is doomed - and the scavengers won't talk to you still, so you can't even offer them the empty ship.DngnRdr (talk) 14:12, July 11, 2016 (UTC)

Bug Riding Ship to new location[]

I have added a new bug that someone else will need to verify as I cannot get the quest to reset in any way with quest commands at it involves the game moving in game objects as well. When I finished the quest I decided to ride the ship over with "God Mode" enabled so I wouldn't die. Unfortunately I believe this has created a bug in the in game resource of the ship where the ship is in it's new location, but is stuck with pieces of building left on it and is inaccessible so you cannot talk to Ironsides and have him give you his cabin or any of the other things you could do on the ship if you ended it normally. I tried reseting the quest with console commands and going thru each stage and completing the stages in console but after completing the quest the ship is still stuck exactly like it was. I think I may have an installation of the game on another computer with a different character and I don't believe that character has done the Constitution quest yet so I may try verifying the bug on that character to see if I get the same result. As of this time with the average experience I have using the console I have not found a way to fix the ship yet after this bug occurs.

--Rangermanlv (talk) 02:13, June 18, 2016 (UTC)

Are you sure it's inaccessible, or have you just not found the way to enter the ship in the new location? Can you get to the elevator?DngnRdr (talk) 15:43, June 23, 2016 (UTC)

Make Constitution Robots Friendly[]

If at any time before starting the "Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution" you made the robots hostile, and your on a PC, I figured out how to fix it so you can do the quest line.

first off set the MS11IronsidesRobotFaction to friendly:

player.addtofaction 8c9db 0

Then, to make sure you can talk to lookout to get the quest to talk to Ironsides you want to reset the quest to stage 1

setstage 22a02 1

With those 2 console commands the robots are friendly again and you can do the side quest after talking to lookout.

Stealing the chip is just stealing owned things in general[]

Isn't the scenario "Steal the guidance chip from the scavengers" in Companions' reactions simply the reaction they always have to stealing owned things? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Fantastfisk (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I compared the reactions with the reactions listed for stealing items on the Fallout 4 companions page, and while most were the same, the reactions for Preston and Gage were different. However, it could be that the information on one of the pages is wrong, so they might actually be always the same. We would need to check and confirm in game. The Appalachian Mandalorian insignia 09:30, 16 March 2022 (UTC)