Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Hey, does anyone know if you can respawn Harkness in order to get the unique plasma rifle, if you've already turned him in and finished the quest?

Just enter "Player.AddItem 6B539 1". You're cheating to respawn Harkness, why not just cut out the middle man and get the plasma rifle directly?—ErzengelLichtes (Contribs) 17:16, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

Red Tint in Eye[]

Is it only me, or does anybody notice that if you talk to Harkness in the dark, you can see a small red tint in each of his eyes, a la Terminator? --Big Wang 07:46, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

Harkness, Jack - Torchwood reference??[]

I agree the "trivia" sections on this wiki are verging on absurd, but here goes one more: Jack Harkness is immortal, has false planted memories, memory issues/blocks about who he is, ethical issues with what he has done, and needs help from a hard to find doctor to recover these memories. Any real Torchies want to take up this argument?

YUp, the comparisons are obvious to anybody who watches Torchwood/Doctor Who. Werewolfhell 19:00, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

Seconded. The comparisons are indeed obvious, but I guess short of a Word of God pronouncement from the devs, people will revert any edit asserting the connection. SimuLord 05:13, April 26, 2010 (UTC)

From wikipedia: "United States

On 2 April 2007, BBC America had acquired the rights to broadcast the series in the United States.[48] The series started on 8 September 2007;[49] the initial broadcast of the series was tied-in to a "radical makeover" of the channel that was to occur later in 2007.[48] The second series started on BBC America 26 January 2008,[50] and the third on 20 July 2009.[51] Torchwood has become one of the higher rated programmes for BBC America with its first series première in September 2007 attracting an audience of almost half a million viewers.[52]

HDNet acquired the US high definition rights for the first 26 episodes (Series 1 and 2) and began airing Series 1 episodes on Monday evenings, starting 17 September 2007.[53] On Monday 11 February 2008 HDNet began showing Series 2 episodes."

My points being:
    • Torchwood aired in the US during the twelve final months of development on FO3
    • That is hardly enough time for it to become a well-enough known phenomenon to warrant a cultural nod, let alone create an entire character to be such a ref. Chances are very high that the railroad/harkness subplot was developed earlier.
    • Cultural refs are, generally across media, the insertion of a specific textual or visual copy of a well-known (even if well-known among a cultural niche) iconic instance from a source.
No ref here.--Gothemasticator 05:28, April 26, 2010 (UTC)

OK, I'll buy that. Helluva coincidence though. SimuLord 06:46, April 26, 2010 (UTC)

Harkness freezing bug[]

Yeah, so Harkness froze immediately upon meeting him, and even after finishing his quest he remains. I went to Rivet City before even hitting level 3, but I've done this before without issue; I think it's because I chose the dialog option that's basically "I don't want in anymore". It was an accident. But I went in anyways without an issue, so...yeah. 360 version, by the way. (A Wanderer) 02:07, 27 January 2009 (UTC)


Has anybody noticed that later, Harkness get's replaced by some lady as the security Chief? She just says Harkness is gone, and she's in charge now. This happened on PC, and I never saw him die or anything.

= yea, I noticed. I got F3 on Xbox 360 and Harkness is also gone here. but he's still alive. when I fought with some Rivet City Guards he also came fighting along, so don't know where he came from.AntAgonizer 19:23, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

this happens when you tell Zimmer that Harkness is A3-21.-- 15:09, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Harkness isn't replaced. He does day shift and She does Night Shift.

When I was playing on the PS3, he's replaced, according to Danvers. I had told Harkness the truth about him being an android, but agreed to keep it a secret(he still gave me his plasma rifle). I gave Zimmer the false robot component(I never told him who harkness really was) and Zimmer and his buddy left the ship. Harkness now stands just outside the door to the market, day and night. You can still talk to him and he says things like he's on the city council etc etc. BUT , when you talk to Danvers, she says she's in charge because Harkness has gone.

Who the hell just wrote that Harkness is a member of a ---- gang??[]

I think i kno who it was..maybe not 100% sure a friend asked me what i was doing..told her i was on fallout wiki >_< she asked for link i sent her link to this article then went off to another one on the weapons then she started going on saying I changed it...fact is i don't edit articles ever if there was a way i'd trace that IP and i have a feeling it will point to my friend >_> (Blacknlrose 07:21, 4 March 2009 (UTC))

BTW i'v been on Wikipedia looking at that Ruby Gloom Artical and 5 seconds after my "friend" looks at it theres porn and everything being posted on it i tend to not tell her im on a wiki site cause she'll edit it and pin the blame on me

Dude... she's a friend?- Joshcee116

Yeah...maybe it's time to get a new friend? Cause yeah, she's sounds suckish =[ --Necrosis103 11:21, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

Actually, I have more than one account. I'm on here (as Blacknlrose), I use the same username (Bloacknlrose) on Wikipedia, along with various other usernames, including Higgys. I was too embarrassed to admit that it was all me back then but now, since I'm not on here anymore, I think I should. Sorry guys. It was me all along, one person, nobody else. 14:08, June 13, 2018 (UTC)

Another Bug[]

I may have found another bug with him, although you have to do some oddly specific things to make it occur. In the PC version, if you run across the bridge, facing backwards, the first time you come to Rivet City, Harkness isn't there when you reach the other side. (I was luring the Talon Company Mercenaries across the bridge so that Harkness and the other guard could help me take them down; I was facing backwards so I could fire at them while they were following me. I tried this twice, and Harkness wasn't there either time. This bug didn't occur under any other circumstances.)

Gave the component on ps3[]

Is there anyway to get the rifle after you have finished the replicated man quest when you give the Zimmer the component?

What did I do?[]

This must have been a glitch or something. I forgot what it was I did, but I was able to actually kill Harkness. His head blew up and I searched his corpse. Is this something anyone else has done? If so what steps do you do to get this result? Can you kill Zimmer and Armitage as well after doing this?

Harkness was stuck[]

He was stuck in his original spot just outside the entrance to Rivet City, I completed all the replicated man quest and managed to get his plasma rifle and the wired reflexes perk from zimmer, but he still never moved. One day I was bored so I started pushing harkness across the bridge and he fell off the boat down into the water below. I tried to search for his body but I never found it and he has never shown up back in Rivet City. Nobody there seems to think he is dead either very strange.

Killing spree[]

Its fun to use a mesmetron and frenzy him, especially in the marketplace, then he tries to kill everyone and everyone tries to kill him. The thing thats even more cool is that he gets back up so you can do it again and again. Sometimes someone shoots him with a fatman and I get killed in the explosion. Patriot guy 11:48, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Any Way to get Harkness Moving?[]

In my game Harkness is frozen in his initial position. I know you have to reset scientific pursuits but I'm on ps3, is there any other way at all to fix this? thanks. -- User: SABOTAGE99


Should this be moved to A3-21? Because A3-21 is his official name. Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 10:42, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

I wouldn't move it. He's known more commonly as Harkness. And A3-21 is a designation that is learned through the plot. Not that I'm concerned about spoilers, but the name you learn to know him by sticks.--Gothemasticator 12:51, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

Mister Sandman[]

In "Other interactions", it says that you require the Mister Sandman perk for him to mention slitting his throat. On my character, I have gotten him to say this to me, and I don't even have the level requirement necessary for Mister Sandman. I also have neutral Karma. Is the thing about needing Mister Sandman really necessary for him to say that?

Harkness Weapon Glitch[]

I killed everyone in Rivet City that I could and on my way out Harkness wasn't wielding his Chinese Assault Rifle. So, with 100 sneak, a stealthboy (after previous attempts), and sneak mode as hidden, I tried countless times to loot it (as it appeared unequipped in the pickpocket interface) but failed all of them. Can the weapon actually be looted or is it just a glitch? Foxi Hooves (talk) 19:53, August 31, 2012 (UTC)

Harkness is a ROBOT, Yes or No[]

I might have missed the note pasted in class but I think Harkness is still a robot, a thing created by man, a computer, in human form.

  • Should he not be best displayed in "Robots and computers" ?
.  SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 18:33, January 3, 2013 (UTC)

He is not a robot, he is an android. A machine that is designed to emulate organic life both in appearance and behavior. A robot is a machine that is limited to its programing and is not self aware. --GreyWardenMortimus (talk) 07:09, January 18, 2013 (UTC)

Did He Get A Sex Change Or Something?[]

I completed the quest, without receiving his rifle. He got stuck, standing, in the same place forever in the Market. I wanted to show somebody the glitch recently, and noticed he'd been replaced by that lady. She's now stuck just as he was.


And then I said, "Oatmeal? Are you crazy?!" - FullOnFedora 21:33, March 21, 2013 (UTC)

Fallout 4 retcons[]

Now that we have more information, shouldn't we change the references to him being an android to Synth? Now that we have Fallout 4, "android" is a pretty outdated term and I thought we should change it to Synth to reflect this. Maybe I'm just being anal about this. 00:06, January 14, 2016 (UTC)

The lead for the article should primarily use FO3 terms since it's an FO3 article. Great Mara (talk) 00:08, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
Right in the game, if people are paying attention, Zimmer will refer to them as synthetic humans. Hell, he does it twice according to Zimmer.txt do a simple ctrl+f for synth. 10:55, July 13, 2016 (UTC)

Also if fallout 3 is any indication hes not a full gen 3 synth (probably a advanced prototype) as Pinkerton's discussion of him implies that he has mechanical parts inside him that could be reprogrammed and even gave him a extra memory chip where as the fallout 4 gen 3s have only the component and nothing else to tell if they are synths he also is likely not the same as the fallout 4 coursers as they have special courser chips to relay and what not

Who says that the synth component doesn't contain memory chips and that Harkness doesn't have a courser relay? Paladin117>>iff bored; 02:05, June 14, 2017 (UTC)

Because if he did they could simply zap him back to the institute (though unlike chase in his case it makes sense because he was made at least 10 years prior to fallout 4 and thus less advancements would have been made and the courser chip could be relatively recent) and wouldn't need to look for him, obviously the implications pinkerton stated is there was alot more robotic parts inside Harkness' head compared to the gen 3 synths in fallout 4 (infact he seems more like the broken mask synth)
