Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Point of skill books in this game??[]

Ok...now since we know for sure that skills as we know it are gone from previous games, how come skills books are still relevant? Its kinda odd to have skills books, which are meant to increase skills in a game, where skills no longer exist?...anyone?

They don't actually improve the skills themselves but add perks related to those skills which kinda still exist but are 'under the hood' rather than directly interacted with. DngnRdr (talk) 22:39, December 28, 2015 (UTC)

Error in the "Types" section[]

It actually doesn't state anywhere that there are 10 issues for each book. Half of the paragraph on bethesda.net explains otherwise, so I don't know where this assumption came from. The article states "Some of these grant an individual Perk, while others up the rank of a Perk associated with that magazine". And then they go on to explain that Grognak the Barbarian, for example, has 10 issues. Nowhere did it state that all magazines have 10 issues. I know it's pernickety, but it's still something that should be addressed, however I'm not sure how to best reword that sentence.

Location List[]

I added a comprehensive location list using information taken from each of the articles. I think users will typically find it more useful to be able to sort Magazine or location.

I think we should delete the Locations column from the Types table. Every single cell contains the same "see article" link that is generally useless. If we instead rely on the Locations table it will be a lot more useful.

Jedakiah (talk) 23:22, November 11, 2015 (UTC)

I just added an issue # column. The magazines issues are evidently not randomly located, so it will be nice to slowly fill in which issue # can be found where. We can also cross reference this to obtain form IDs.

Jedakiah (talk) 07:21, November 14, 2015 (UTC)

There isn't an actual *number* on the magazine itself so it would go by how it's listed on the specific magazine's name. Perhaps number should be changed to magazine headline (such as "I married a robot!" for live & Love). Otherwise people would have to go from the main mag perk page to individual magazine page which is bordering on redundant. Or, perhaps we use tables on individual magazines pages and lay it out like this: Characteristics- usual blurb about what it does for you. (not a table). Locations (table): issue name, issue location, issue perk.


Issue Name Issue Location Issue Perk

Hope that made some modicum of sense!

Thus spoke Shane for Wax (talk) 08:11, November 14, 2015 (UTC)

That makes a lot of sense. I just changed the title to "Issue" in the locations list and threw in a few magazine headlines. Feel free to adjust the title if you think something else is more appropriate.

I agree. We should also start cataloging perks as you outlined for the magazines that it applies to. For instance I believe La Coiffe, Taboo Tattoos, Picket Fences, and probably a couple other have unique perks that are dependent on the issue you collect. But to me that makes more sense on the individual magazine pages since not all of the magazines would need a detailed Perk column. You might also add a column for the cover thumbnail. My $.02.

What do folks think about removing the location lists from the individual mag pages, and linking those sections to the master list here? I think for now while we are constantly finding new details and revising the list it makes sense to only have one list we have to update. Eventually it might make sense to copy the tabled data here back into the individual pages. But at the very least we should wait until the master list is mostly complete and has good descriptions. Thoughts?

Jedakiah (talk) 20:44, November 14, 2015 (UTC)

Ah, good I'm glad I made sense to someone haha! I was afraid I was explaining it wrong or something when I ran it by chat earlier. As for unique perks, I know that Live & Love has one for each rank, if that's what you mean? Otherwise there are some that are just extra +5% or so on top of the previously collected magazine ranks. But I agree it should be left to the *individual* magazine page but keep issue name + location on the main perk magazines page. Essentially just removing the last column on my example table and making sure there's a link pointing to the specific magazine page.

To me it should go like the old books/magazines in FO3 and NV. Which means transcluded individual perk magazine by location and issue on the main page (this one) derived from the info on the individual pages. We don't want things to be TOO redundant.

The way I see it right now it should be a goal to check the location info already supplied on the magazine perk pages and match it up with the issue name. Some are in the same order, you just have to basically draw an invisible line from the perk mag issue info to the location. Which seems not very user friendly to me? Right now I've got a few of them but I don't want to go editing anything until I have all of the information lined up. Also the layout on individual pages should go from list to table in a similar fashion to my example.

I'm a little more tired now so hopefully I continue to make sense.

Thus spoke Shane for Wax (talk) 00:09, November 15, 2015 (UTC)

Why are there numbers for the Grognak issues? Where'd these numbers come from? It certainly ISN'T the issue number listed on the magazine.

User:ElvanLady December 16, 2015

Consistency in tables on mag pages[]

Pretty sure it should be a good idea to make sure all of the tables on each of the perk magazine pages are the same in the same order. For example Live & Love goes like issue, location, location description, perk, base ID but the Wasteland Survival Guide goes name, perk, location, specific (I guess meant to be location description), refID. What should be the proper layout of the tables?

Thus spoke Shane for Wax (talk) 07:18, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

The majority of the pages have this order: Issue, Location, Location Desctiption, Perk, Base ID. I am not saying its the best order, especially because I am the one that chose it. If somebody wants to change the order I am not opposed at all. But, in the interest of laziness if only one or two of the pages is a different order it might make sense to just change the odd duck.
Jedakiah (talk) 17:49, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Base Id and RefId[]

Seems a bunch of magazine pages come with "refid" section which uses baseid. Not going to go into debate about usefulness of baseid due to it being easily available though a simple console search but refid is not baseid. Personally refid to me would have been useful if I simply didn't want to go looking for every magazine on a new game and just moved them to myself. Needs to be corrected.

--HiSaZuL (talk) 14:35, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

There are certainly merits to both ID types. In my opinion we should be adding both to the individual magazine pages. If you add another column to the table and input at least one RefID, odds are strong other editors will help you fill in the rest.
Jedakiah (talk) 20:24, November 29, 2015 (UTC)

Wasteland Survival 9 perk[]

Not really sure if this would be worth putting into magazine section or not... its relevant for mod/console/accidental duplication with dogmeat usage but at the same time not really, maybe a in a bug section...

If you add/duplicate/etc wasteland survival 9 and find it again later and pick up, your extra meat chance will get completely screwed up. Not really sure if any other perks get screw up in similar way. Perk ranks are all correct no mater how many duplicates you pick up(at least for the perks I bothered to check) but that one gets messed up and you notice it right away, it's not some obscure math you have to really dig for.

If it does get screwed up you will need to modify a global setting "extrameatchance". Got slightly confused by value usage on this.... default is 100(meaning you don't get extra) 0 is what picking magazine and getting perk sets it to. Every time you pick that magazine it gets reduced by a 100, second will put you in -100 and you will lose extra meat. So type "set extrameatchance to 0" and you are done.

--HiSaZuL (talk) 04:24, November 25, 2015 (UTC)

That seems like it would make a great note on the Wasteland Survival Guide (Fallout 4) page. Maybe add a notes section?
Jedakiah (talk) 17:44, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Downside to Selling Magazines[]

Is there any downside I'm not seeing to selling the magazines... you don't lose the perk if you sell them and they're worth a decent amount each. My first (technically third but deleted the first two incomplete) character had a whole bunch of racks displaying them but with my next character - Survival difficulty - I'm thinking the caps would be more useful than holding on to the magazines. DngnRdr (talk) 22:47, December 28, 2015 (UTC)

I sold them on my first character (original release ver - normal difficulty - PS4) with no noticeable problems. Haven't since the updates though. (Philbert) 01:50, January 18, 2016 (UTC)

Multiple locations for La Coiffe #1[]

Sadly it's been so long since I picked it up that I can't remember clearly, but I know for a fact that La Coiffe #1 spawns in another location that isn't Fallon's. I believe I found it in the laundry in Lexington; can anyone else verify the second location?PandaBot3000 (talk) 19:45, January 30, 2016 (UTC)

That's curious, there is only one location I can see in the game data. Mixup with #2 in the Charlestown laundry, or a respawn of the one in Fallon's? --Alfwyn (talk) 20:04, January 30, 2016 (UTC)
I must have invented the whole thing in my mind - I checked my inventory to be sure, and I couldn't find it anywhere. But I swear I remember the cover and the whole new magazine animation. But there is no proof. Getting old sucks. PandaBot3000 (talk) 23:48, February 3, 2016 (UTC)

Greetings. Guns and Bullets issues 3 and 8 are transposed here versus the series-specific article (http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Guns_and_Bullets_(Fallout_4)). Here, issue 3 is the "guide to killing commies" and issue 8 is "take aim, army style." I regret that I am far too along in my game to verify which is which. I hope someone can correct this error. Thank you.

Number of magazines[]

Maybe my math is wrong (but i did it 3 times) or maybe im missing something here, but there appears to be only 121 magazines (including the You're Special) which means they can all fit evenly on 6 magazine racks. Unless someone can point out where ive gone wrong, im gonna go ahead and change the page to reflect this :) Jihiro (talk) 04:01, January 30, 2017 (UTC)

Curious case of disappearance[]

Just want to share this tidbit: First time I decorated Home Plate after doing the Vault 88 quests. Usually I keep all magazines in Pip-boy inventory (carry with me), as they are zero weight. This time I dropped Live & Love #7 on a coffee table as decoration. Just 1 magazine. After finish decorating, I made a save in Home Plate. Later reloaded the save, the magazine was gone. I deleted all other recent old saves before this happened. I didn't want to load a save 10 more hours ago to redo the Vault 88 quests.

For curiosity, I went to Bunker Hill to check if there was still a copy. Surprise, the magazine somehow reappeared at Bunker Hill. I loaded a very old save. The magazine in the old save did not respawn at Bunker Hill but still in my inventory. Bunker Hill was already a settlement.

In short, as long as I still have it, the magazine never respawn. I lost it in Home Plate, it reappeared at Bunker Hill again. Maybe this is some kind of "failsafe" by the developers just in case you lose it? The magazine somehow find its way "home".

Location Changes[]

So, I decided to put this here instead of just going ahead and changing it, mainly because I am unsure if the placement was changed in an update, if I am just a little crazy, or if something else was going on. I found two of the magazines in different places (within the already specified location) than were listed here.

I found Tesla Science "#3 Geckos and Gamma Radiation" on the top floor of Sedgewick Hall, though it was in the South-West corner of the center room on the Southern side of the building, and not on the North side of the building.

I also found the Massachusetts Surgical Journal "#7 Pay Now, Get Better Later!! Insurance Scandal Sweeps Medical Industries" on the Southern side of the building, and not the Northern.

(Left for clarity; but just some weirdness that caused my confusion.)

As a small note, Live and Love "#9 I Married a Robot!" was in the location specified, though it was on a concrete block and not a table. Nccvoyager (talk) 05:21, July 29, 2017 (UTC)

I'd check your install, as the Tesla Science magazine in the main University Point building is on the north side of the building. We also have maps on the individual pages that point out the locations. link Great Mara (talk) 02:50, July 30, 2017 (UTC)
Indeed, you have my apologies. I did think it was a bit weird, so I went and looked at Sedgewick Hall and Greentech Genetics again. After a bit of testing, I found that the suit of power armor I was using was to blame for the apparent difference in location. For whatever reason, the compass was completely reversed while wearing the armor within Sedgewick Hall and while within Greentech Genetics. (For reference: Playing on XBOne; full set of X-01 armor, all parts Mk.VI with Prism Shielding, a Core Assembly Torso, Optimized Bracers on both arms, Calibrated Shocks on both legs, Targeting HUD and Headlamp Bright on helmet.) Nccvoyager (talk) 12:20, July 30, 2017 (UTC)
I checked this and added the perk magazines to the maps. So before your question they weren't there yet. Now still to add the other 200 magazines... Jspoel Speech Jspoel 12:27, July 30, 2017 (UTC)
Ah, thank you for that. I must ask what to do about the issue with the power armour. Mainly whether y'all think it's just an issue with my install, or if it is more widespread and worth looking into for verification. Nccvoyager (talk) 22:45, July 30, 2017 (UTC)

Astoundingly Awesome Tales #4[]

There are two issues of Astoundingly Awesome Tales which are numbered as #4. It seems clearly from the art book Bethesda released that "Rise of the Mutants" was supposed to be numbered as #14, per File:Fo4_map_astoundingly.png, but in-game the cover is numbered as #4 instead. Ultimate Frog-Man (talk) 22:11, September 28, 2018 (UTC)

Well, it "is" #14 really, as shown in the Perks list as well. For the sake of simplicity, how about we pretend that specific copy was just misprinted? :P —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!