Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Merging Duplicate Item Articles[]

Would it be reasonable to merge any item article that's duplicated for Fallout 4? Like the two duct tape pages; one is just "duct tape," while the other is "duct tape (Fallout 4)." Having two pages for what is essentially the same item seems silly to me. DarkSoldier84 (talk) 12:42, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

I've been wondering about this. Duct Tape is a good example. You can collect it in FO:NV, but in FO4 it breaks down into components. I think this makes it two different items because it behaves differently.

They could be merged by adding a sentence like "In Fallout 4, (junk item X) can be scrapped for (N components)." Simple, to the point, and far smaller than an entire page with all of its attendant styles, codes, and categories. DarkSoldier84 (talk) 08:42, November 21, 2015 (UTC)

Merging pages of fallout 4 items that are functionally identical together makes more sense to me than merging fallout 4 pages with fallout 3 ones... For example, in fallout 4 there are 48 different versions of vases. There really is no need for 48 different pages for items that look slightly different but are functionally the same (sources of ceramic).

"Miscellaneous Item" or "Crafting Item"[]

I'm wondering if items like duct tape, coffee cups, pre-war money should be labelled as "crafting items" in FO4 instead of "miscellaneous items" as they have been previously.

An important aspect about about crafting that I don't have an answer to yet is about how junk is automatically scrapped in Fallout 4. In particular, many junk items have multiple components which break down to useful components for crafting, but what happens to the extra components not used in that particular craft? Suppose, for example, that a junk item contains screws, aluminum, and steel, and it is auto scrapped for just the steel. Are the other components simply lost, or are they returned to the workbench for use in later crafts?

In reference to crafting, I've played around and found that when a junk item of many components is broken down automatically while crafting, the unused components are returned to the workbench for later use and not lost. This is important enough that it should be noted on the crafting page so people are dropping junk, then salvaging them for components. Weapons and armor, however do need to either be dropped and scrapped, or scrapped at their appropriate work benches in order to get their components. Auto scrapping does not apply to weapons and armor. (Confirmed on PC)

I'm not sure the best place to put this, wikia won't let me upload excel files... Google Spreadsheet of all junk items: [[[1]]] If someone could put the data into a sortable html table on the wiki it would probably be helpful. --CardKeeper (talk) 17:14, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

There is Fallout 4 miscellaneous items#Junk_items --Alfwyn (talk) 17:17, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, but unfortunately that table can't actually be sorted by material due to the way it's set up, which limits its usefulness. --CardKeeper (talk) 21:10, January 1, 2016 (UTC)

There are probably 101 ways to represent the data, I don't think we want to duplicate the same data too often. We have it sorted by material on this page. But in practice I don't care much about the tables anyway and mark the resource I need for searching - needs two perks but is very useful. That said, if there is a way to make the data more useful without too much duplicating of data or generating unwieldly large tables, that would be nice. --Alfwyn (talk) 21:17, January 1, 2016 (UTC)
Not easily in a spreadsheet, I've tried. A relational database (RDB) with some SQL work is the best way to do this. Can this be done in a wiki? (Philbert) 22:55, January 3, 2016 (UTC)
Didn't notice the question before, excess components from scrapping are converted to those misc items providing just one of their resource and get placed into the workshop - no loss here.
Going through the installed extensions, I noticed that we have a <googlespreadsheet> tag, but I couldn't get it to work with the document provided here. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:16, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

Scrapper Components[]

Can anyone create a list of components gained from various items using the Scrapper Perk? The description in the game appears erroneous in that only weapon mods create the extra components, and I cannot find a list or comparison on here of the difference between scrapping items with or without the perk. Calfret (talk) 15:54, December 4, 2015 (UTC)

Without the Scrapper perk you can only recover wood, steel, plastic, and rubber from scrapped weapons. Scrapper 1 allows you to recover screws, springs, gears, copper, aluminum, and glass (in addition to basic materials). Scrapper 2 allows you to recover any material. The perks have no effect on the quantity of materials recovered, and they have no effect on junk items.

Scrapping items that have other objects in contact[]

The last end-note warns of unintended items disappearing e.g. items on a table you're scrapping for wood. Perhaps it's a result of later patchings, but I've personally observed items on top of a scrapped table, etc, just falling to the floor and still being available. So I don't think this issue is true any longer.

What I've seen is that an object that can be taken in normal play mode (green outline in Workshop mode) like a Hot Plate or a Coffee Cup, will fall when the object it's sitting on is scrapped. Any object that can't be taken, and can only be scrapped in Workshop, (yellow outline), like a wooden box or a steel barrel, will be lost if you scrap the object it's sitting on. Scrap-only items on top of other scrap-only items, should be scrapped from the top down to get all the ingredients. Scrapping the support will cause the objects on top to be lost. --Crobar (talk) 22:24, March 25, 2016 (UTC)
Just tested this in The Mechanist's lair. When I scrap a metal box (worth two steel) with an identical metal box sitting on top of it, I end up with the components for both boxes (four steel). Ditto for a wooden pallet with six steel barrels on top. Aya42 (talk) 23:36, March 25, 2016 (UTC)

Components Disappearing "bug"[]

I've tested it with a few items and the other components of items used during crafting do appear in the workshop's inventory. I've only checked a few items and extensive testing would be needed to discard the reported bug, though.Pantaleon (talk) 21:52, March 1, 2016 (UTC)

I've also tested this at a newly secured settlement. I took all junk from the workshop, and then transferred all of my junk to my companion. I took back an Adjustable Wrench and an Extinguisher, transferred them to the workshop, then made a sign (4 steel). My Workshop Junk Inventory was left with a Gear, 2 Asbestos & 2 Rubber. I took those, gave them to my companion, and took a Paint Can (2 Steel, 2 Oil) and 2 Steel. I kept them in my inventory and made another sign. I saw notifications that a Paint Can and 2 Steel were removed. My inventory showed no Junk. The Workshop showed 2 Oil. The excess, unused components of Junk items consumed by crafting, are indeed saved in the Workshop, whether the original Junk was in the Workshop, or in your inventory.

This was tested on PS4, 03/25/2016 with all patches, and no add-ons. Crobar (talk)

Seems like sufficient evidence to nuke the bug, so have done so. Aya42 (talk) 23:39, March 25, 2016 (UTC)

Are parts conserved?[]

When crafting and scrapping, are parts conserved? I came to this article looking for an answer to that question, but could not find one.

No. Scrapping a built item will yield half or less of the materials used to produce the item. Great Mara (talk) 01:03, October 28, 2016 (UTC)

Engine scrap[]

Today was the first time I noticed that the engine in the river by Sanctuary can be picked up. That much is already noted here in the article. However, I don't see an entry for that specific item in any of the items lists. For the record, it yields 6 steel when scrapped. Ultimate Frog-Man (talk) 00:44, September 22, 2018 (UTC)
