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Since the latest patch, there seem two be two radiant quests "Defend Settlement". The one here, suddenly popping up, and one similar given by Preston/Minuteman Radio, where you get sent to a settlement, then the optional to build defences, until a very similar attack to the usual "defend" occurs. (It may also be possible that the new version replaced this one, though I do think that I had both since the patch). By the way, the latter does not turn up in the "Misc" section of the journal but like any other Minuteman radiant it is a quest entry on its own. -- 23:17, February 8, 2016 (UTC)

It was always a collection of five very similar quests with the same name - that's why five id's are listed in the infobox. --Alfwyn (talk) 00:29, February 9, 2016 (UTC)
Yeah, but one is a "Defend from imminent attack", and the other is to help build defences first. I'm over level 35 and just got one, (came here wondering what the difference was). I just had a quick look, and the nominated settlement has the lowest defence rating out of all my populated settlements. Maybe that is the trigger for non-miscellaneous quest?
Reviving this topic to add some info. The turning point seems to be Taking Independence. Before you take back the castle and set up Radio Freedom, the only defend quests you'll ever get are the miscellaneous ones that alert you to an attack in progress ("[location] is under attack!" prompt, followed by the objective "Help defend [location]") and can succeed or fail on its own if you don't go to help. As someone in a different topic pointed out, these seem to be able to happen even if you've never met Preston, seeing as you can own settlements without being a member of the Minutemen. Once you've gotten the radio set up, these will still happen automatically (I think these are generally based on population, defense rating, and available food), but you can also get a new type of quest, that doesn't go into the miscellaneous list, directly from Preston or Radio Freedom (these quests are called, in the quest log, "Defend [location]"). These send you to talk to the settlers first, build up at least ten defense, and then fight off the incoming wave of enemies (which seem to be tougher classes of enemies, too; at higher levels I'm getting things like three Super Mutant Prima all with Miniguns, while the random misc attacks still include smaller enemies, such as regular level 10 mutants with nothing but a board). These ones include a stage that has you talk to a settler if you succeed to get a bottle cap reward (or Preston if you fail, but I just reload saves when that happens), and then back to Preston if you got it from him (like other non-misc quests), whereas the misc ones don't and just have the settlers thank you with some dialogue options. Finally, companions also have the same reactions to the non-misc version that they do to accepting other Minutemen radiant quests (as opposed to no reaction from the misc objective, considering it's just all combat).
There's definitely a difference between the two types as for editorIds, I couldn't say. But I would imagine there's a difference as well. This article seems to be a few years out of date. Schiffy (T|C) 16:46, March 10, 2019 (UTC)
I've been doing some research on this with the help of the Creation Kit and script sources and I've found the two quests are quite different (though they both use the same workshop attack mechanics in the end). I'm working on documenting the second type (Defend (location)) right now. The page is currently located at Defend_(Minutemen), but looking at the source there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the player from obtaining the quest even if they aren't a member of the Minutemen, so it might be better to rename this page to [[Help Defend]] and rename the new one to Defend. The association with Taking Independence seems to be caused by Taking Independence activating a second SM Quest Node (MinutemenRecruitmentPostMin02), which increases the chances of receiving the second type of quest. These quests are more rare in general because the game only rolls for them once every 72 in-game hours (twice every 72 hours after completing Taking Independence), as opposed to the regular recruitment quests which can be obtained at any time. Regardless of any renaming I'm going to update all the relevant articles with this information. P0cketpc (talk) 22:25, June 20, 2020 (UTC)

Content moved from article[]

The following was added to the "Bugs" section by

  • PCPC If this quest is assigned to the settlement of Covenant and the player has already finished the quest Human Error by siding whit Covenant, the mayor Jacob Orden is the person who need to be whit talk to. He however will as with all Minutemen quest relate to Covenant be mute and act as if he talking whidout open his mouth, upon skipping the dialog and build the requested defences a group of enemy will attack, once return to the mayor instead of the mute speech of thanks will have a dialog belong prior to completation of Human Error in whitch he will counsel the player to remember what he did say about mr. Den, even if he is already dead, any attempt to speack to the mayor wil trigger this dialog making the quest impossible to finish. If a radaint attack to another settlement begin and is dealt with before defending Covenant but after the initial speack whit the mayor the Covenant quest will fail upon returning to Preston; if the radaint attack is dealt with after succefully defending Covenant the quest wll update as if the player successfully speack whit the mayor. Upon returning to Preston the quest will be completed, however in doing so Preston will not give another mission ever again, making impossible to do a Minutemen quest ever again.

...which seems to refer to a different set of quests which start with MinRadiantOwned and have more objectives. Aya42 (talk) 20:11, March 13, 2016 (UTC)

Minutemen Exclusive?[]

I'm not sure this is a Minutemen exclusive set of quests, I received a settlement defense quest for Abernathy Farm even though I haven't talked to the Minutemen since the quest in the Concord Museum. Also there were extra settlers when I arrived, more than the beacon-less settlement had beds for, who disappeared not long after the battle. Should this be listed as a bug or do these quests appear regardless of the protagonist's Minutemen affiliation? I know at least one other person who claims to get these missions despite not being affiliated with he Minutemen.

These quests are not minutemen exclusive and in fact have little connection with the Minutemen at all. The only thing linking these quests to the Minutemen is the fact that most players gain settlements because of Preston handing them radiant quests all day. If no one has any objections, I intend to rebrand these as miscellaneous quests in the process of rewriting this article. P0cketpc (talk) 03:09, July 4, 2020 (UTC)