Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Does using "recycleactor" completely break romance?


Her name seems to be a reference to madame curie is this too obvious go be included? Blitzbear93 (talk) 14:36, November 7, 2015 (UTC)Blitzbear93

Don't know, needs dialogue to confirm it, considering just "ten years ago" you had Curie III. ☢ Energy X ☣ 14:46, November 7, 2015 (UTC)

In the dialog starting her quest, she mentions "...Curie, my namesake". That should count as confirming dialogue.-- 12:41, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

  • The exact dialogue is The greatest scientific minds of history, the Einsteins and the Curies, my namesake, have had something beyond raw data analysis capabilities. from FormID 0010F0D4. Although Dr. Collins writes that I'm calling her "Curie", In the original Vault-Tec briefing to the chief scientist it states that the name comes from the designation Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer, aka Curie. Curie confirms this herself while a robot. The reference is clear from whichever source. --Lunamoonraker (talk) 17:03, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

My curie is shooting lasers, can anyone confirm flamethrower?

  • Curie doesn't have a flamer attachment but the Mr Gutsy laser attachment, along with the melee saw.--Lunamoonraker (talk) 16:38, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

Interest in Player actions: When you enter Covenant with Curie, she will not like the action


Ranged/Melee Issues[]

Is it confirmed that once in a synth body she will unequip a weapon she still has ammo for to fight with her hands? Because she doesn't have a default gun she has no default, and therefor infinite, ammo supply.-- 15:21, November 17, 2015 (UTC)

Are you sure this is a bug? I mean, she is a robot and not used to using firearms. If you take in consideration that most of her dialoge is about getting used to being a synth, and that when she fights she still acts like a robot, using bare hands seems like she's trying to use her tools she had back when she was a robot. --MrFunreal (talk) 00:45, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

She continually picks up pipe rifles off corpses and grabs ammo with me, despite giving her a melee weapon. Mctaff350 (talk) 02:24, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

Odd. Becuase she does prefer the melee weapon (modded baseballbat) i gave her over anything else. --MrFunreal (talk) 19:18, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

Catching up on my previous statement.
Curie does prefer melee. You can give her a weak melee weapon and a stong rifle, but she will still take the melee. You can tell her to equip a rifle that she will hold until she engages in combat, she will then switch to the strongest melee weapon in her possesion.
I also came to the conclusion that she will pick up any weapon if it is stronger than any weapon she has. No matter if it's long, short or melee range.
I will add this to the buglist.
--MrFunreal (talk) 17:21, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Did you give her ammo for the ranged weapon? It seems to me that followers work the same way as in skyrim - if you give them a weapon requiring ammunition, they will only use it if they have ammunition. Otherwise they will use their default weapon (in the case of skyrim, usually a hunting bow and infinite invisible iron arrows) or a melee weapon.
I can have Curie use any weapon I give her and tell her to equip, as long as she has ammo for it. If she doesn't, she will switch to a weapon she has ammo for, or a melee weapon if she has one. Otherwise, she uses her default laser rifle.
-- 17:24, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

Well carp, i haven't checked that. I'll do that tomorrow after work. If she then uses ranged weapons, i'll update this post to let you know and remove the bug from the buglist.
--MrFunreal (talk) 23:55, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

Okay. i forgot to give her ammo. That's embarrassing.
I'll remove the incorrect bugs i added.
--MrFunreal (talk) 19:10, December 1, 2015 (UTC)

  • The synth Curie has no items in her inventory by default, including any default weapon (either ranged or melee and therefore no unlimited ammo), so by default she can only melee attack with her fists. If provided with a ranged weapon and sufficient ammo she will use it until within melee attack distance then she will revert to fists unless a melee weapon is provided which she will use instead. The criteria appears to be availability and range, not preference when it comes to which weapon she uses. --Lunamoonraker (talk) 17:28, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

I'm not sure what's different on your games from mine, but in my game (100% unmodded so far), synth Curie most definitely has a default laser rifle, FormID 22CC13. It requires special fusion cells, FormID 245D69, but as long as she has one of those cells in her inventory, she can fire infinite times. She actually had two of these cells by default when I checked. Note, however, that she still really likes to use melee, so the laser rifle isn't always relevant.

It's possible she doesn't need the special fusion cell. I used the console to equip a copy of her rifle on me, and my ammo always says 999/999 and I can just keep shooting. Due to how hard it is for her to actually use the rifle, not using the rifle while missing the special ammo may have just been RNG, rather than a causal relationship, but I've done it a couple times and she seems to need it. -- 08:37, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

Railroad Affinity Issues[]

Curie does not appear to have a problem with assisting the Railroad. Maybe someone did something she disliked before completing a Railroad mission and misunderstood?

Same here Curie doesn't appear to care either way for the Railroad - several missions done and zero like or dislike messages. (She has asked me to help her find a human body, but I haven't rescued Nick yet.) Mctaff350 (talk) 02:24, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

Certain dialogue options in the opening conversation with the Railroad actually gives "Curie liked that" and "Curie loved that" (one of them was saying how you help everyone, synth or human). I haven't gotten very far in their storyline yet, so I don't know if there's more (I believe I got a "liked" message with some random guy on the first mission, but it seemed to be related to being nice, rather than helping synths or anything). -- 08:37, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

Miss Nanny or Mr. Handy[]

Miss Nanny shouldn't be removed and replaced with Mr.Handy. She indeed started out as a Mr. Handy but she changed into Miss Nanny(Added with a female personality), in which, it is separate from Mr.Handy(I do recall the pages were not merged). The wikia contributor shouldn't have changed it all in my opinion. Admins/fellow editors.... what do you think? --RyuuMatsuda (talk) 16:38, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

Looking back at his/her edits. It looks fine to me so disregard this topic. However, I added a current(Miss Nanny) and before(Mr. Handy)

Miss Nannys are modified Mr. Handys.

About that; I think the game developers simply forgot to change (or didn't want to) make seperate textures for Miss Nannys. Since all the protectron units have a big "Protectron" on the back, rather than 'Medic', 'Police' and ecetera.
--MrFunreal (talk) 23:58, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

Disappearing Curie[]

While it is mentioned in the bugs list 'Upon dismissal, Curie may return to her original position upon becoming a companion outside the medical chamber in Vault 81, regardless of which settlement she is directed to. Even if not dismissed Curie can dissapear never to be seen again.' I have had her dissapear when rescuing Nick and moving to the part where he requests to be your companion, when I finished 'Dangerous Minds' I looked for her and she was no where to be found. Using the console 'placeatme' command caused her to spawn, but then immediately run off to Vault 81 after saying "Have you found someone to help me?". Which is the only interaction she gives and she won't bring up any dialog options so she is effectively stuck and no more commands managed to fix her. Using 'placeatme' simply created more Curie's who all immediately run away. A possible 'fix' may simply to not pick her up as a companion until after having done the 'Dangerous Minds' quest.

Never use "placeatme" to move a character: if FO4 is anything like its predecessors, it can cause chaos. Always use the "moveto" command with her reference no., e.g. "102249.moveto player" if she's in her synth form. --—Vom (talk) 23:14, December 30, 2015 (UTC)
You can fix Curie's bugged return to Vault 81 behavior despite assigning her to a settlement, at least on the PC you can. While Curie is standing next to you (anywhere), simply open the console, typein "resetquest comcurie" without quotes and then "setstage comcurie 83". This will trigger the dialogue where she offers to join you as a companion. After accepting her, she will then go wherever you tell her to. I'm not sure if this screws with any other quests, but I did this after she was already given a new body.--—Alien1099 (talk) 23:14, January 25, 2016 (UTC)

On the Topic of Voice[]

Surely the thing about many Miss Nanny units having the same voice as Curie should be labelled as an oversight, rather than a bug? It's definitely not due to any errors that they have these voices, considering the lines were written and acted with the express purpose of being used as those robots voices.


On the "dislikes violence" : Please check if this applies against animals. It's possible that she only dislikes violence against people; I think it's a matter of elimination to determine it. So far I've found no change on ghouls, supermutants, and synths. - User:Gywenne 10:41, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

In terms of combat, how do you min/max this companion as a synth? Most of her stats is at 4, im thinking of giving her power armor, a plasma rifle and the supersledge to accomodate her combat AI. Is that the way to go?


After transfering her to synth body I had given her Pickman's Blade and still am searching for Medic's Syringer. Here are two questions: 1)how companions are using syringers? 2)how do they use weapons with Medic's legendary? 08:07, December 9, 2015 (UTC)

Not just Curie[]

Standing with her hands behind her back isnt just a Curie specific thing, Piper will do it too if she is with you the first time you ente the Railroad (and most times after that) so it seems to be a bug, also the comments on this being because she was a "soldier type" look unprofessional and unconfirmedBlitzbear93 (talk) 01:23, January 9, 2016 (UTC)Blitzbear93

I agree with Blitzbear93 above that: (1) this behaviour is not limited to Curie, and (2) the suggestion given for this supposed peculiar behaviour is pure speculation and extraneous to the article. As such, I will remove this point from the Notes section. Natnair (talk) 07:46, January 20, 2016 (UTC)

New Evidence regarding Handy vs Nanny[]

I recently received a tip that Curie calls herself a Ms Nanny in one of her idle dialogues. I took some time and was able to track down the file in question. The companions all have a handful of situation-specific lines they'll say around raiders/super mutants/etc. Apparently, one of Curie's lines when you're around robots is "Are any other Ms. Nannies about? Before I was modified this was my original model, you know." The dialogue file is 0010BCF8. Not sure which piece of evidence is stronger, the scientists' terminal or Curie's dialogue, but there is actually evidence for Nanny now besides the color of her textures. Here is a youtube video if you wish to hear the line without looking it up. Timestamp is ~16:10. https://youtu.be/8q3NHZwsoG8?t=16m10s --Xernoc (talk) 04:54, January 10, 2016 (UTC)

Vault 81 Mission Statement vs Collins Archive Very related to the above - this page has an example of each, http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_81_terminal_entries - they seem to contradict each other whether Curie was made custom on-site or was supplied by Vault-Tec as something other than a normal Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny. I think the entry from the Collins Archive of Curie's computer is better writing, and the supportive dialog of Curie's about being a Ms. Nanny made it clear which the wiki went with (as that would seem to be how folks would remember it vs the one tiny paragraph introduction in the contrary version in the Mission Statement). 14:19, January 5, 2017 (UTC)


Shouldn't it be mentioned that she sometimes gives us Stimpak? (She has given me many in the Miss Nanny form, don't know about Synth form).

NVM, it's mentioned here. Sorry lol


The baseid for the Curie that can be encountered is CompanionCurie (00027686), and is consequently the only one having a refid. This uses EncCurieRobot (001846cb) and EncCurieSynth (001647c6) as template via a list that has the "use all" flag set. That is new to me, previously templates would usually chose one of a leveled list as base, maybe the script for Curie sorts that out. --Alfwyn (talk) 20:48, January 27, 2016 (UTC)

Smokes like a trooper.[]

Out of the action and in her rest time she smokes like a trooper, striking Lucifers on her butt.Charming to watch -- 10:50, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

  • Who removed this from the bug section? Smoking animation shouldn't be available for her, she couldn't possible have time to learn it and to be addicted like that.Faust-RSI (talk) 17:41, September 23, 2016 (UTC)

Does Curie carry a hidden diagnostic tool.?[]

While modding power armour in the frame I have several times seen Curie bend down in the yellow frame and remove a diagnostic plug from her left arm, identical to my Pip Boy 3000 plug used to open vaults, look at her arm, tap some hidden keys on her arm and then replace the plug back underneath her arm.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 21:06, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

Cambridge Labs[]

I just completed Cambridge Labs twice (second time to make sure I left the security systems active) and Curie definitely did not care what-so-ever that I completed the research. She made no comment and there was no pop-up in the corner saying she liked it, let alone loved it. Either a bug that should be documented or her Range of Interests section features bad information.


Verified Curie reverting to robot form when selecting her at the robot workstation, on PC.

Screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/viEZL2r.png, http://i.imgur.com/e3ZRpir.png

Note the still-equipped gun clipping through the floor.

I had that happen. So I reverted back to an earlier save, after that I got both the Synth and robot body taking up the same space. So I fast traveled to another location and now the robot body was turned on it's side. I was forced to revert to a save before she got the Synth body. Next time I use the robot workbench if her name shows up and I don't click her name hopefully she won't revert. --Revan's Exile (talk) 16:01, July 21, 2016 (UTC)

Health information inaccurate[]

The information regarding Curie's health is either outdated or outright wrong. She doesn't have static health; it's calculated the same as any other characters but only exactly twice. Once for the robot form (I believe when you first enter the cell that she's located in) and once when you get to stage 300 of Emergent Behavior (an actor Reset is performed at that time). So, in order for her to have 440/670 health, the person writing that portion of the article had to be level 30 when he picked her up and level 54 when he completed Emergent Behavior.

That her health does not increase as the player levels should be considered a bug and it happens because she uses nested leveled lists for her templates. That was probably best solution they could come up with to do the body swap.

In reference to the above, I too am curious where this info has come from.

In my latest run I reached level 38 or 39 before picking up Curie and she spawned with 530 health, at lvl 40, she still had 530. It appears that her health does indeed not increase, but the statement that she has 440 as a Miss Nanny seems erroneous and that her health is based on the level the player is when first encountered. I haven't yet reached the point of her becoming a synth to see if her synth info is similarly inaccurateMrsuperhappy (talk) 19:44, August 13, 2020 (UTC)

Weston Water Treatment Plant[]

I didn't see it listed in Curies Approval/Disapproval section.

When activating the bottom one of the breakers that lower the water in the treatment plant (the lowerst one in the mirelurk section)I got a "Curie likes this" popup. Not sure why she would like that, and not sure if it is meant to happen so I heve not added it to her listMrsuperhappy (talk) 21:36, July 26, 2020 (UTC)
