Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Various questions[]

Does anyone else feel that this quest also makes several references to the Heaven's Gate mass suicide cult? -- 06:27, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

i also feel they made some references to Halo with their "Great Journey", and "Demons".

I added an image of the ghouls shortly after takeoff. Paximilian 05:56, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

The giant bug warning about corrupting save files is not 100%. I have picked it up and my 360 saves are perfectly fine.

Through the window in the basement where the rockets used to be before the launch a ghoul with a hunting rifle can be soon patroling. wonder why they left him behind...maybe he overslept?

I reset the navigation but I refuse to murder a dozen misguided people. This is a big karma oddity in this game. You should take a huge hit for launching them to death, but you don't. Unless and until there's info about what happens to them later, that launch button will stay unpressed. Also, did anyone find the non-ghoul scientist who was going to move to Novac? Did he stay there? Where can he be found?TheTrueBlue 18:27, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

I agree about the karma hit. They aren't ferals and none of them has done anything to offend you. But I launched them all the same, after correcting the trajectory. Lacking any other information, I have to assume that Jason knew what he was talking about and was bound for some definite destination -- perhaps to land in the middle of some nearby radioactive wasteland that would be murder for ordinary people but paradise for ghouls (those rockets are way too small, I think, to make it into space). And if he is committing suicide.... it's not my fault, and not my responsibility, since I have no certain knowledge that the trip will end in death. Wunengzi 07:11, December 29, 2010 (UTC)
I found him in Manny's room in Novac. Just stumbled into him, doesn't say a lot, but he might otherwise wander around the hotel area.

Also, I picked find fuel, but the marker led me to the dead guy in the rad suit in Clark Fields where I got the ignition powder instead, then I robbed Dino-lite of the souveneir rockets, but the non-ghoul scientist only takes the powder, and I can't sell or unload the rockets. They're just a zero-weight 300 caps worth of space... TheTrueBlue 18:31, October 21, 2010 (UTC) The rockets can be given to boomer children, so they're not with you for ever. --Grupa 'Zamamee 16:58, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

There are also rockets in the REPCONN Headquarters in the locked room located directly to the left from where you enter the building. These rockets also works as fuel for the quest and they don't count as stealing (I triggered the alarm before discovering them so I don't know if it is counted as stealing before the robots goes hostile).-- 12:49, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, I can confirm this. It should be added to the section, but I don't see it. Theopheus (talk) 00:44, January 8, 2014 (UTC)

Where are they heading?[]

I don't have the game yet but exactly where are they going...California?

They're flying in colorful toy rockets, powered by contaminated fuel from old Souvenir Rockets, and infused with ignition powder found on some dead guy in a puddle of radioactive waste. Most of the "Brotherhood"'s members are rotting away to varying degrees of feralness as they walk around. The leader of the group is insane. The head researcher/technician is borderline insane. The escape velocity for Earth is about 11,000 Miles Per Hour. Yeah, this will end well. TheTrueBlue 07:52, October 22, 2010 (UTC)
Ok, I've found proof that ***SPOILERS*** they don't necessarily die (somehow), no further details are known though. So I will go ahead and push that button now. TheTrueBlue 09:19, October 22, 2010 (UTC)
DLC opening, anyone? I doubt if they were going far in those rather small rockets. Oh, and the word you're probably looking for is not "insane" but "delusional." Jason is fully functional mentally. He can reason perfectly well and interact socially, but at the same time he's obsessed with some really weird ideas. Wunengzi 07:21, December 29, 2010 (UTC)
Does your choice to sabotage/not sabotage have any effect on the rest of the game?Wck604 14:21, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
No idea about that one. However, the choice to accept/complete this quest does have a significant impact on whether you have to delete the last several of your gamesave files in order to escape the "DLC not found" corruption glitch. Seriously, I realize some people have managed to complete this quest without corrupting their last 5-6 gamesave files (and I honestly wish those people no ill will at all, lucky bastards) but for the vast majority of people reading this, if you haven't started/completed this quest yet, and there still isn't a patch/TU to fix the problem, just consider yourself lucky and move along.
BTW, kudos to whoever added the "warning" text near the top of the walkthrough -- but I really wish there was something even bigger/bolder to alert users of the danger. Something classy, like a black skull and crossbones on a neon yellow background, with big bold text proclaiming: "Warning! Completing this quest this may cause you to scream uncontrollably...oh and you might lose hours/days worth of progress due to multiple save file corruption, on top of the screaming, so, you know, just thought you oughta know." You know, something nice and professional-looking like that.  :)  âŠ•Fjord 19:01, November 19, 2010 (UTC)
A cameo in the Divide would be nice. (By cameo, I mean wreckage.)

Yeah, they should definetly have a crashed couple of rockets and ghoul soup in the Divide. That would be perfect!

Jason not appearing in Launch Room?[]

Anyone who got this problem... Like I did... Can first try to go back to his base on the top floor. He can be found stuck/walking against an object or wall and thus not able to go down. Never hurts to warn the other players! Much wandering fun to all! Serphilith 19:12, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

"Halo" References[]

The similarity to the Halo backstory issue of the "Great Journey" jumped out at me as soon as the NPC ghouls said “The holy fire will carry us to our salvation!" The further into the quest I got, the more the references became obvious. I love Fallout, but were the folks at Bethesda/Obsidian playing Halo while coming up with the ideas for this quest?

I wrote an article on this and hopefully will get to explore more of these similarities as the quest unfolds. Really though, these story similarities seem too big to ignore.

You're not supposed to ignore them. They're blatant references, the same way Cassidy tells you he wishes he had a Limit Break when he's in combat in Fallout 2. You're overthinking. -- 09:20, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Oh. I've caught onto plenty of other references before, but this one in particular seemed to be more of a macro story idea than just a reference. My bad.

I think the Halo references are clearer than that of the Christ allusion. Plenty of other non-bungie related developers have implemented Halo references. Look at Fable 2 - they had a master chief costume, sword, and AR for it. The Great Journey, the fact that Jason Bright refers to himself as a Prophet, the suddenness of the Demon attack and ruining their plans all point to Halo. Please sign your posts, --FLaSHBaCK HaSH 03:38, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

All those references sound like pretty generic prophet/religious/cult type things. Try reading a bit more widely and you will see Bungie never thought of it first.

I can't imagine anyone thinks Bungie thought of this type of story first, this stuff has been around in fiction virtually forever, but the naming and plot elements chosen by Bethesda from the pool of relevant choices should make the reference to Halo fairly obvious. Rmac777 (talk) 04:55, November 24, 2012 (UTC)

It's not. I played this quest a lot and the covenant never came into my mind. I've already asked a developer about it to be sure, but I'm fairly positive it's not. Pigeon Approved "Hail to the Pigeon!" 05:03, November 24, 2012 (UTC)

This is the end for this particular discussion. I have an answer: http://web.archive.org/web/20130209011941/www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/396718773169578885 Pigeon Approved "Hail to the Pigeon!" 23:53, November 24, 2012 (UTC)

Loading Bug?[]

When i try to load a save after completing this quest (i'm loading in the gift shop[i wanted to see what happened if i told the guy i killed his friend]) it crashes on me and says some stuff about DLC. I didn't even touch the space suit 'cos i'd already read about the crashes.

Anyone got any tips to fix this? Cos i don't want to start again just yet!

Davison turning hostile[]

Davison will turn hostile and scream that you killed his kin, if you killed the Nightkin. Easy fix is to let your companions wait at where you have to use the ternimal and go to Davison and as soon he turns hostile use a stealth boy. You should have one from the killed Nightkins. After he turned friendly, he was invisible all the time.

I gave this a shot, but all it did was make him stand there and refuse to talk to me. he didnt attack me, but he wouldnt initiate the quest either. i waited quite a while as well. i went to the right when i went in to the basement so by the time i ran into him i had killed all the rest of the nightkin. maybe it works if you already started his segment. i dunno, i just killed him and moved on since its optional.

I actually didn't have a problem with this. I killed all the Nightkin on the way in and Davison didn't notice or care for some reason. I didn't have a companion with me, and his quest started right up.--Thobie1 22:36, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

I actually tried this a couple times. I found that as long as i did not kill the jailer nightkin I could kill all the rest of them. killing the jailer, for my game at least, triggered the hostile Davison. ---Drossious Kryxan 11:40, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

After I talked to Davison and accepted the part of the quest which he gives you, I then killed some nightkin, including the Jailer Nightkin, on my way to complete the quest which Harland gives you, and found that Davison was not hostile upon my return to him. I think this information is relevant to the page itself. As of now the page states that only if the Nightkin are killed with a silenced weapon will Davison not turn hostile, which was not true in my case (Cowboy Repeater bwahaha). I'm going to update the page saying that there is some variation in the results which people have got with regards to what triggers Davison's hostility. 03:22, June 12, 2012 (UTC)

I found that I could kill as many nightkin as I wanted with any weapon without triggering Davison's hostility, so long as I was in sneak mode the whole time. The only exception to this was the jailer. I simply could not get past him due to him having the only key for the jail and the jail door being flagged as impossible to pick. I had to kill him and found that this caused Davison to turn hostile every single time no matter what weapon I used or whether I was sneaking or not. I even left two other nightkin in the basement alone but killing the jailer, as is apparently required, triggered Davison which removed the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the quest. 13:23, July 12, 2014 (UTC) 13:20, July 12, 2014 (UTC) Frank Obolobolopoulos 14:18, 12/07/2014 (BST)

Something else I noticed, was that the nightkin have an uncanny ability to spot you sneaking, regardless of your skills, buffs or equipment. It's like their perception is at 50 or they have a "can see you no matter what" flag on them or something. I had a real nightmare of a time with this quest because of this. Reloaded countless times.-- 13:20, July 12, 2014 (UTC) Frank Obolobolopoulos 14:18, 12/07/2014 (BST)

The best way to kill the Nightkin[]

Does anybody know it? I finally figured out what I think was the best way after they were all dead. Use a stealthboy and equip the rebar weapon that they use. Sneak up on them and melee them to death. For a long time I tried to shoot at them and run around and it was a mess.--Thobie1 18:10, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

My character isn't strong enough to swing a rebar club. Cowboy Repeater with the increased ammo capacity, lots of Jet, Med-X and Psycho plus a nap after each one. CarlCorey 04:26, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

i did similar to the above using a cowboy repeater though without mods. start with a sneak attack critical, then using vats to finish them off. i took very minimal damage and didnt need to use chems or rest, but i have my character set up to have very good vats with Fast Shot trait, and other perks... i get a lot of vats shots and they just died.

Boone took care of all of them for me. 06:09, February 8, 2011 (UTC)

Charge them with a pen knife. --Jak299 (talk) 21:59, January 11, 2014 (UTC)


The whole idea reminds me of the hubologists in san fransisco trying to build that ship. I always wanted to see them use it but alas, it was never completed in that game. So looks like the idea may have fleshed out here with a cinematic sequence and all.

One of the cooler quests imo.

Harland sees thru Stealth Boy[]

The walkthrough says to use a Stealth Boy to get by Harland and search his room and that if you don't use a SB, he gets hostile. I used a SB and stayed crouched and turned of the PipBoy light, and he started a dialogue with me as soon as I walked in, and the only peaceful way out was to agree to find his friend (or just give up). I even tried coming back in a SB later and he again intercepted me and asked if I found his friend. I have the latest patches. It seems like the walkthrough is wrong (or at least not 100%).

Also, Harland takes off as soon as I tell him his friend is dead, and I was concerned about him killing some Nightkins and ruining my quest with Davison. Sure enough, I heard gunfire soon after, but later on found Harland's corpse and the quest with Davison ended normally. 21:06, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

/ Harland is scripted to initiate conversations with the PC.

Davison only gets hostile if YOU kill any Nightkin. "Davison hostile to PC if Harland kills Nightkin" equals "NCR hostile to PC if Vulpes Inculta kills Troopers" to the game-engine. He is not related to you besides quest-giving. /

Astro Zombies[]

For those who enjoyed this quest. Mictlantecuhtli 02:52, November 16, 2010 (UTC)

Trailer footage[]

In the New Vegas trailer, you see three medium sized rockets hitting the ground. Coincidence? I think this is the result of the rockets' launch, but these may be 3 completely different rockets...

  • You can make them hit the ground if you so choose, assuming you have high enough stats, by fiddling with the console next tot he launch console. It is one of three options. Pharmboy 01:36, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

So no one knows?[]

What does that console by the viewing port do? If you have a Science 55 you can adjust the co-ordinates. What happens after that? No one has said!--XboxAnnihilator 17:53, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

You get the option to alter the rockets' course to make them either, take a more efficient path to their destination, or crash on take-off. You gain karma for the former, and I assume lose karma for the latter.

Reward: Space suite & Helmet?[]

After completing the quest, I did not receive either item. So I was wondering if that is a mistake, or a error in my game. I know you can find the items beneth the facility, and take them anytime you want.GodsHand 22:22, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

  • They are not rewards, they are just on a shelf, you just pick them up. It isn't stealing. Pharmboy 01:35, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

Chris Haversam / Cut Scene Glitch[]

The article currently suggests, "2. Exit and fast travel to Novac, wait 3 hours." I didn't have to. I simply asked Chris if he can hold off the launch for a bit, then I waited for the quest objective notifications to disappear, and talked to him again.

This one scene took far too much effort to figure out what was going wrong, and the end result was disappointing, since Chris hinted at being available as companion in his initial dialogue but he's not. — Lovable Sociopath 08:18, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

I always thought that line was there specifically so you could respond with the second choice:
Haversam: So you want me to accompany you on your adventures across the Wasteland, is that it?
You: Come to think of it, sabotage is a great idea.
- 21:45, December 14, 2010 (UTC)

He was being sarcastic.. jeez

Davison becoming hostile![]

Davison becomes hostile if you carry another brahmin skull! (not Antler) -- 07:23, March 31, 2011 (UTC)

There must be other reasons, because I played through this quest the first time and was able to peacefully make the nightkin leave. The second time I played through it, I changed nothing that I had done from the first run, and Davison suddenly became hostile when I went to report the shipping issue. He had started to say something, but I was too focused on trying to stay alive than what he was saying. I wasn't carrying a brahmin skull either. 02:32, September 25, 2012 (UTC)E

It seems that Davison turns hostile after I killed the 4th nightkin in the basement. After talking Davison, I have killed 3 and stealth through the jailer, that was OK. As soon as I killed the jailer with the other 3, not OK. I have also killed the jailer and stealth through the rest, that was OK.

It appears that Davison turns hostile upon killing every nightkin in the basement except him. This was tested a few times, each time leaving a different one of the four other nightkin alive (three unnamed and the jailer). Upon killing the fourth nightkin, approaching Davison causes him to become hostile and exclaim "Antler say YOU are the one who is killing the nightkin!" whereupon he will attack you.

I shoot at the brahmin skull on the table and then Davison turns hostile.

Killing just 3 Nightkins seems OK, just ran 3 playthroughs by killing 2 Nightkins near the jail and the jailer itself and Davison didn't turn hostile.

For those who killed several nightkins but still want to talk to Davison the following console command should help: set "80664".NightkinDeathToll to 3


Let's say a certain courier is feeling lazy and doesn't want to spend all his time helping some wacky ghoul cult reach the moon. Would shooting up the Bright Brotherhood fix Manny's ghoul problem and get him to rat out Benny? --Wierdperson31 03:06, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

I was hoping for the same thing. Tried it, but got no quest update. Maybe I missed a few who ran out of the factory? I think it's unlikely though, and that this is a missed opportunity on the writers part (if I'm wrong, I will libel no more!). Flagcaptured 21:24, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

Too many bugs[]

Any idea when if this quest will be addressed in the patch? A lot of people are having problems in this chat, and I myself am currently locked out of the research room (nonexistent key required) even though I killed all the nightkin and helped Harland out.

did you go back upstairs and talk to Jason Bright? you don't say that you did and that's the only way to unlock that door don't assume its a glitch there is no glitch people just don't know what they're doing most of the time.

That doesn't make any sense. I cannot get to Jason Bright, because he is locked inside the lab. I cleared out the basement by silently killing all the Nightkin and then helping both Davison and Harland peacefully. When I return to the REPCONN Research Labs, the door is locked and there is no key to be found anywhere. When I access the intercom next to the door, Chris Haversam just tells me to stop messing around with it and there are no other dialogue options. I tried traveling to another location and waiting there for five days, but the door is still locked when I return. I spent some time running around the REPCONN Test Site facility, looking for crafting items, when the bug occurred. I had to resort to an older save game to solve the problem, where I had not yet told Davison the news about the stealthboy shipment. This time I headed directly for the lab door and it was unlocked.

Sounds like you jumped ahead of the quest. You are supposed to talk to Haversam BEFORE you clear out the nightkin or help Davison/Harland. Rappy 21:40, April 11, 2012 (UTC)
I should have mentioned that I spoke to both Chris Haversam and Jason Bright before heading down to the basement to take care of the Nightkin problem. In other words, I had already visited the Research Labs once in order to get the quest but when I returned (to complete step 6 of the detailed walkthrough), I found the lab door to be permanently locked. I did everything in the correct order, so it's definitely a bug. I cannot say for sure, but I think that the bug kicks in if you don't report back to Jason Bright fairly soon after you have dealt with the problem in the basement. I didn't head straight for the lab when I completed that part of the quest. I spent some time in the basement, collecting various crafting items and I also travelled to Goodsprings, at least once, to unload the gear. So, it's possible that the bug is somehow related to time, travel or both.
I had this bug too, and in my case I did go into the basement and kill a few nightkin before talking to Haversam. To get around it I used the MOVETOQT console command to teleport to Jason Bright in the lab. Note also that there is a back door to lab, which is marked on your PipBoy map. It is accessed from the northwest corner of the 2nd floor. In that corner there is a small storage closet at the end of the hall with some loot, but if you go into the adjoining room and look up you'll see there is a hole in the ceiling above a large piece of equipment which will give you access to the 3rd floor. You can't climb up because it's only intended to be used to exit the lab, but if you disable clipping in the console (TCL command) you can "fly" up. This is how I got back to the lab to launch the rockets to finish the quest. Now that I think about it the MOVETOQT would probably have worked too since it presumably teleports you to the quest marker on the map. 09:50, December 15, 2014 (UTC)

Chris appearing in Novac after the quest?[]

I fast traveled to Novac and found Chris in front of the hotels,i talked to him and he said the laibch is ready to begin,but the quest is completed,and he walked into Manny's room? This normal? Spraynpray9932 00:53, April 23, 2011 (UTC)

Clarify Atomic Fuel[]

The page indicates that the character needs to find "atomic fuel for the rockets" and that atomic fule is found north of Clark Field, etc. If "atomic fuel" a different item from the "Rocket souvenirs"? I realize that Rocket souvenirs can be used (5). Does this mean that either (1) Atomic Fuel item or (5) Rocket Souvenir items can be used? If so, and Atomic Fuel exists outside of the rocket souvenirs, I have not been able to find a page that details exactly what "atomic fuel" is.

You can use either rocket souvenirs or the isotope found at clark field, don't pick both up or you will have one left in your inv when the quest is done.

Agreed the wording is silly. There are 2 possible agents that can be used as "atomic fuel." The Isotope-239 Igniting Agent can be found on Mr. Radical near Clark Field. 5 Souvenir Rockets can also be used as "atomic fuel" an0my(talk) 16:39, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Detail cost reduction for Thrust Controllers[]

The page indicates that Thrust Controllers can be bought for 500 caps from Old Lady Gibson. The page indicates that she will give the character 50% off "with either a speech or barter check". Please clarify at what levels (Speech and Barter) the discount applies.

I believe both the Speech and Barter checks were skill level 50. an0my(talk) 16:40, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

You get them for free with the Lady Killer perk. 16:24, May 20, 2012 (UTC)

Pickpocket the key from Old Lady Gibson to metal box which contains the controller and get it. No negative karma for that.


Is it possible to get into the room where all the rockets are? On the local map it says there is 2 doors that lead there but in the game I cant find said doors. - Ilya-108

It isn't possible without console commands, the doors leading there are for the NPC gouls to use (since NPCs can walk through locked doors... somehow). If you do get into the room it's very glitchy; several walls are missing, there's no ceiling and the rockets have no collision detection allowing you to clip through them.

On my PS3 I was able to Glitch through the opposite mountain (I didn't want to go through Nipton, it turned out being longer getting through the mountain anyway) and found the the dome where the rockets are housed. I was decently confused, mainly because I hadn't started the quest.-- 02:13, January 3, 2013 (UTC)Blargdragon

Feral ghouls[]

I didn't see it mentionned in the article or in the REPCONN site's page. If you don't kill the feral ghouls in the building, they are also in the launching area with Jason at the end of the quest. Their number depends of how many you killed during the first part of the quest (On different games I counted from 1 to 6) Of course if you killed them all none will appear here. They don't wear spacesuit and they are not hostile. Sorry if this is already mentionned elsewhere, otherwise perhaps it could be added in the notes Croquignol 12:27, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

Multiple Space Suits?[]

I followed the uh, "Followers", out of the Research Lab and they didn't spawn! They just appeared in the room with the rocket in the basement. Is that because of a patch update or is my game glitched or am i just doing something wrong? 'cause i want a bunch of space suits! --DrunkenSushi 04:21, August 8, 2011 (UTC)

thats just what happens someone said you can target jason in vats before he enters the hatch and you'll be in the room.-- 17:34, November 2, 2011 (UTC)

can't complete "get rid of the nightkin in the basement"[]

I've had this bug with 2 games in a row, makes me think it might be a mod haha... basically I killed all the nightkin in the basement (they all came running at me as soon as I stepped through the door, even the jailer! maybe it was ed-e's sensors?), told harland his girl was dead, and then killed Davison. There are absolutely no living creatures left in the basement but it won't move on to the next objective :( I've tried doing setstage 00080664 40 but it skips a bunch of parts of the quest, I can't seem to get it to work with the console.

While in the basement, enter into the console the command killall and see if that advances the quest (it might take a moment for it to register). If so, that means that there's a Nightkin somewhere in the basement that you can't find or can't get to. If not, then it might mean that a mod is interfering in a different manner. Note that this will kill Harland if he's still there. I've also noticed that ED-E's sensors don't always work right indoors. --Kris User Hola 14:17, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Jason Bright Teleporting[]

This isn't really a bug or anything but I found it amusing. I already had the fuel and the thrust module before doing the quest so I gave them to Haversam immediately after the initial dialog. Jason Bright was still down in the same area and since he was supposed to talk to Haversam over the intercom in the next scene, he just disappeared and teleported out of the area like how the companions do when you dismiss them. :D Gary 42 10:07, August 26, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone think they're heading for the sun?[]

It is never mentioned where or what the "sacred place" is, nor any reference that it may have already been mentioned within the Fallout series, yet No-bark Noonan claims it is the Moon.

When playing this mission I get a strong feeling that it isn't the moon their heading for, it's quite possibly the sun, possibly even as a reference to a series of The Simpsons where the world is ending and there is two rockets, one heads towards the sun with all the annoying people on board, whilst the other heads to colonize a new planet, and Bart and Homer end up getting on the wrong rocket.

The reason I think it could well be the sun as well is because of Jason Bright's reference when asking about Chris going with them, he mentions that not only would the radiation around the rockets kill Chris, but also the radiation in the place they are going is so strong it would also kill Chris, and where else would you find lots of radiation?

Also I think as well that Jason's idea was not to actually save the ghouls, but to kill them all. I get the impression that he knew he was going to kill them all and that the place they can be at peace would be heaven, but he was doing it in a way that the other ghouls would genuinely believe him that he is saving them and not killing them.

Btw as for some of the other comments about how far those rockets go, once they leave earths gravitational pull they wouldn't need any more fuel as once in space everything keeps moving outwards at the same speed until it hits something - space is a vacuum so there is no friction to slow anything down.

well if you remember right almost all cults end with all members commiting suicide so i think that you are right than again i was so fast on the mission the only person to go onto the rockets was jason--Corporal grif 07:20, September 13, 2011 (UTC)

I think they mention in oneof their speeches, that they are going to the same divide as in the lonesome road dlc.

in space (not even on a planet) there is radiation. the Van Allen radiation belt surounds the earth. as we all know ghouls get super strong in radiation, so thay could just circle the earth for ever in the ship and (eat? prolly not the word for it.) radiation. i dont think that jason wanted to kill them or fly in to the sun, because if thay were going to die they would just take chris. idk. my 2 cents.

OpTic bossaru 17:11, April 13, 2012 (UTC)

PS3 Slowdown near launch pad in basement[]

Has anyone else noticed a considerable lag/slowdown when coming back into the basement from outside the test site? I noticed it when fetching the items (fuel and thrust modules). If I move toward the launch pad, it gets insanely choppy, and continues to be that way until I leave the basement. All other zones in the REPCONN site are fine, just the basement is choppy/laggy, and worse near launch pad.

---I am having the exact same issue

This issue does happen with the PS3 quite a bit for me, including at the Crimson Caravan Company, when leaving the Lucky 38 casino (going back to the Strip), and when going down the hatch to the basement. The only solution I have found is to save your game, quit the game on the home menu, and then restart your game. The lag should be gone unless it's a problem with your PS3. Also, note that in the pause menu and home menu that there is no lag, and it is only the game (unless the problem is with your PS3) BigLollipop002 (talk) 02:05, January 27, 2014 (UTC)

Help with bug?[]

I was doing the part of this quest where you get the isotope to power the rockets. I got it, and went to give it to Chris. However, my quest marker pointed me to Novac instead. When I went there, I found Chris, who would only spout the same lines of dialogue and wouldn't let e advance the quest. I think this happened because I convinced him he was human and to live in Novac. Is there any way to fix this?

One of the notes is wrong[]

"If you chose to make the rockets collide with each other and head back into the REPCONN Basement, you can see Jason Bright and two ghouls inside the rocket looking at you."

I tried this twice, there are nobody looking at you from the last rocket. Infact Jason Bright is disabled after the collision. One maybe mistake the patterns on the rocket's window to ghoul faces but they are not.--Player8 (talk) 04:08, August 7, 2012 (UTC)

Random ghoul still remains after launch[]

I have launched the three rockets with the trajectory improvement option. After that, I returned to the room where you saw all the ghouls in space suits lining up by the rockets (same room where you get the space suit/helmet). The three rockets are no longer there (launched obviously) but there is still one space suit-clad ghoul wandering in that launch chamber. -- 20:39, January 15, 2013 (UTC)

Launch Music: Odd occurence[]

While launching the rockets for this quest instead of the Ride of the Valkyries the music started off with some of the slow instrumental trumpet (ambient?) music up until the report for the Karma change in Novac, then switched back to Ride of the Valkyries. Anyone else had this happen? (I'm listening to Mysterious Broadcast on the Pipboy radio but still haven't heard the exact song of found out a title yet.) Great Mara (talk) 03:47, February 4, 2013 (UTC)

Found the song. It was Jazz Blues. Great Mara (talk) 04:18, February 4, 2013 (UTC)
I have the PS3 version, updated but with no DLC, and the same thing happened. Instead of triggering Valkyries the launch control triggered some background music instead, after which Valkyries started playing. 17:28, July 2, 2018 (UTC)

Davison: Peacefully AND extermination[]

I visit him first by stealth. Finish off all the step necessary to get Harland to leave. Then before reporting back, I finish off all but one nightkin. Report to him successfully and he leave. Kill him and the other successfully. Of course, the key thing is that I dont know what consequence of doing so. We shall have to see.Laclongquan (talk) 09:11, May 16, 2013 (UTC)

Old Lady Gibson's key[]

This is the actual name of the item in the game, and the character who possesses it is named "Old Lady Gibson". Since the point of a walkthrough is clarity for someone who has not played the mission, we should probably be explicit as to the name of the character and the name of the item. NokiaTouchscreen (talk) 06:21, February 23, 2014 (UTC)

Old Lady Gibson is identified by name in the sentence directly before that. Old Lady Gibson is linked in the sentence before that. Old Lady Gibson doesn't need to be referred to as Old Lady Gibson in every instance of a sentence of a paragraph in which Old Lady Gibson appears while talking about Old Lady Gibson. ...Old Lady Gibson Great Mara (talk) 06:25, February 23, 2014 (UTC)
Funny, but like I said, walkthroughs are for people who may not know whether they are looking for Old Lady Gibson or another character named Gibson. The item is also called "Old Lady Gibson's key" by the game itself, something also explained in my comment. I don't really see why this is an issue - one is clear while the other is ambiguous, and this is a walkthrough, where clarity is paramount. NokiaTouchscreen (talk) 06:32, February 23, 2014 (UTC)
Mara is correct on this one, it's gramatically unnecessary to state her full name again. FollowersApocalypseLogo A Follower  Talk  06:36, February 23, 2014 (UTC)
Grammar doesn't enter into it as far as I can tell, as both sentences are equally grammatically correct. It simply seems like the smart thing to do to call the item the same thing the game calls it instead of something different, so when the player reads the walkthrough or checks their keyring, they're certain they have the right key. This isn't game lore, again, but a walkthrough. I'll leave it up to you if you want to let ambiguity sneak into the article through these recent edits where the article was previously quite clear, but as someone who writes step-by-step instructions as part of my offline job, I wouldn't recommend it. NokiaTouchscreen (talk) 06:41, February 23, 2014 (UTC)
I've added a link while retaining the shortened text, which achieves both goals - clarity and conciseness - in a way that should satisfy everyone. NokiaTouchscreen (talk) 06:47, February 23, 2014 (UTC)

Weird bug? Involves leaving and gaining levels just before launching the rockets[]

So, I did this quest, and my Science was at 20, and so I reached the point where I was supposed to launch the rockets, where you have the option of either crashing the rockets together or making their trajectory 12.5% more accurate, and because that required a Science of 55 to do, I simply left, went about my business, gained 2 levels, came back with a Programmer's Digest and some Black Coffee, and made my choice (to help them) -- but when I activated the launch sequence, there was no cut-scene where you see the rockets launch; I *heard* it, and everything shook, but the launch-bay didn't open and I didn't *see* the rockets launch (although I did get the XP and Karma, plus the good renown in Novac).

Just to be clear, before I left and gained 2 levels, I did actually click the launch key and everything happened normally (I simply reloaded the autosave and left when I realized I could help or hinder them). So, this might be a bug worth noting. Balarick (talk) 20:00, April 25, 2014 (UTC)

Anyone else had this bug?[]

I just beat this quest for the second time on PC and I was playing as a female and Jason called me a 'he' in his leaving speech. Has anyone else had this bug?

It's not a bug, but an oversight in the dialogue. It looks like they forgot to add dialogue for a female Courier. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:33, July 24, 2017 (UTC)

Concealed Mines are not affected by Light Step[]

Concealed Mines go off even if you have Light Step. I don't have any special mods or anything that could be causing it to not work right. Not sure if its a bug, and if it is one, not sure if the bug is with the mines, or with the perk. Clockiel (talk) 18:32, November 10, 2017 (UTC)

Removed a False PS3 glitch[]

A bug report has been posted for the Come Fly With Me article by user https://fallout.fandom.com/f/u/54406552 GOONGAMOONGA1983 who pointed out that a hostile nightkin attacked him at Novac even after resolving the peace at REPCONN, only on Playstation 3. This is actually an unrelated quest with a Novac rancher.

The bug report has been removed and I have told the user beforehand. If it was a different bug, this statement is to moderators and editors that no harm was meant to be done.

He was talking about the checkpoint area on the road to REPCONN. There's a nightkin that will only seem to spawn in your second time going through that area. IIRC, it has nothing to do with the quest being completed. The ranch nightkin that appears in Novac itself is a different one. Great Mara (talk) 18:10, 9 March 2024 (UTC)