Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Just assuming it's fake are we?[]

I know this may be rich coming from me, but isn't it a little presumptuous to assume this could only be an error on Vanity Fair's part? There's enough weird minor fuckups in the show (not even talking about the location of Shady Sands or the 2277 "fall of shady sands" debate; there's other much littler things as well, like a Vault 11 Human Dignity Bloc poster being used as a faded pre-war billboard) that it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be the result of an error on the VFX crew's part.

Entirely plausible IMO that they were told "we need a TV-ready 3d model based on this", sent the Prydwen model, and somewhere along the line they forgot to communicate that its paintjob needs to read "Caswennan," and by the time anyone noticed (VFX compositing tends to happen near the end of production) it was too late to fix without delaying the show's release. Would in this case make their repeated insistence that they aren't going to invalidate players' ending choices not be, y'know, lies. DirtyBlue929 (talk) 01:12, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

In my own personal opinion, I think its pretty clear that aspects of the show involving the Caswennan/Prydwen were reshot and ADR'd. The dialogue where Elder Cleric Quintus mentions the Commonwealth is ADR'd, and Petty Officer Shortsight in particular feels like the vast majority of his dialogue was cut after the fact, given how he seems to constantly show up in pickup shots. But my own opinion is different from what shows up in the show. In the show, the ship is named the 'Prydwen'. I think its reasonably likely that at one point it was the Prydwen, but at the last minute they tried to cut it, but didnt have time to rerender the ship itself. Certainly feels weird to have the Prydwen be in California without actually seeing any of the Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel cast. Commander Kells would have been great in live action and could have replaced Shortsight pretty seamlessly. Zusk (talk) 07:13, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

Correspondance with PC-Gamer. Further clarification on the origins of the name 'Caswennan'.[]

I have recently reached out to PC Gamer to try to resolve this, as I was curious where this name even came about! ( Even just being invented by vanity fair or nolan wholecloth would be fine. )

I was told that, in the press kit that includes this image, this image is referred to exclusively as Brotherhood of Steel and Vertibirds in “Fallout". PC Gamer said that they got the name from the Vanity Fair article directly, rather then sourcing it from the press kit or a statement directly from Amazon/Nolan.

I was told that this name potentially might have come about from a private conversation between Nolan and the writers of that original Vanity Fair article.

I hope this helps resolve this! In my own personal opinion this feels like a case of circular reporting. Zusk (talk) 07:09, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

This page is lowering the quality of content here[]

We don't have enough concrete information to say that the Caswennan was an erroneous name. Just because the airship has 'Prydwen' on the side doesn't mean that this is its designated name, as the airship isn't even referred to by name in the show.

Yes, we hear that this Brotherhood received their orders from somewhere in the Commonwealth, and that it came from the highest clerics, but none of that outright proves that this is the Prydwen (from FO4). Please don't push misinformation and post opinions without citing solid proof.

How do we not know that this airship is indeed called the Caswennan, and that it's carrying the Prydwen name in honour of that ship? Where in the show or writer-info is it confirmed that this is Maxson's airship? In fact, Arthur Maxson isn't even mentioned by name in any conversation or speech. Now isn't that interesting?

The Caswennan page needs to be changed to remove the notion that it's a false name, until we get solid confirmation. All we know is that Caswennan is the name used in promotional material, that it's an alternative name for Prydwen, that the airship is never referred to by name in the show so far, and that there's no solid proof that this is the exact same airship from Fallout 4. No confirmation so far.

Can we outright deny that Maxson's group was destroyed, and that this airship is a rebuilt one? No. The same as how we cannot confirm if this is the same airship from FO4 yet. It's still ambiguous without proof.

The wiki is supposed to be using sources and pushing good information rather than opinion. Let's keep things neutral until more information is revealed (i.e., we cannot say that Caswennan is erroneous).

Well, the page is still up, and can be changed if it is indeed not the Prydwen, but there's more evidence suggesting it IS the Prydwen. We can only make assumptions until anything is confirmed, and it seems much more likely that it is an erroneous name, plus if you didn't look up anything you'd just assume it is the Prydwen. "Ease of Access" to non-lore-fans is a pretty big deal.Omgitsmiles (talk) 14:26, 11 May 2024 (UTC)

Direct Correspondence with Vanity Fair re; The Caswennan[]

Hello! Got a reply back from Anthony Breznican, senior Hollywood correspondent at Vanity Fair, and the writer of the first article that mentioned the 'Caswennan'. "Thanks for the kind words. I had asked them about this, inquiring specifically about whether this ship was the Prydwen from the games. They said it was a different ship and provided that name."

They shared it with me in a direct instagram DM. According to my earlier PC Gamer correspondence, I believe that this was probably the case - or, at the least, that the name the 'Caswennan' was the internal name that the show-runners and Nolan used before shifting to the Prydwen.Zusk (talk) 07:28, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
