Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Multiple times is "ronto" metioned in the pitt dlc. Is it possible "ronto" is toronto, canada? Just a theory.-- 04:19, 27 March 2009 (UTC)drnick

When is it mentioned? --wexer9 00:46, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
until or unless it's confirmed its speculation. Likely, but still speculatory. Agent c (talk) 15:24, July 23, 2015 (UTC)

Broken Steel[]

I know i sound like someone who thinks everything is linked to everythingk, but does anyone else think this or the commonwealth might make an apperance in Broken Steel? CarlOnFire

I blew up Canada[]

Why no mention of the giant crater one can leave in Canada, in Mothership Zeta?

I don't know but there should be.
It is not canon, and likely won't be either, but neither has been confirmed or denied by other sources yet. Similar to the activation of Project Purity and the fate of New Vegas, we will just have to wait and see what canon prefers in future games. As of now, it is speculation at best, but we could mention the POSSIBILITY of blowing it up. - Redmess (talk) 00:08, August 5, 2012 (UTC)


In fallout tactics, one of the random encounters is with a canadian resistance group.

Was Canada hit by any nuclear warheads during the great war?[]

Because I think that the commonwealth was/is Canada because Canada in the current moment is part of the British commonwealth and the fact that Canada and china or ussr have to many big beefs to settle. We don't even have any nukes to fight with any way. Another thing is that almost all major cities in the us were completely destroyed in the great war.-- 07:34, July 18, 2010 (UTC) thelonewander1996

The Commonwealth is Massechussets. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 09:17, July 18, 2010 (UTC)

Canada was hit but was not completely destoryed, as it may have suffered nuclear winter. I presume Marine One 22:24, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

Incorrect flag in the article[]

Canada's flag, contrary to popular belief is not 3 rectangles with a leaf in the middle. It's 2 rectangles with a square in between them. It may sound picky but it'd be like making the jack with the stars in the US flag a Square instead of a rectangle. I'm going to change it unless someone can convince me otherwise. --KillerCRS 06:19, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

i have an i idea[]

what if the next Fallout (if it were made ) was set Across Alaska and a part of Canada ? i have come up with a few ideas for it such as how , perhaps , the American Military Remained in Alaska for a long time after the Anchorage Reclamation , just so they could wipe out any Remaining chinese forces ( similar to the Chinese Remnants in Fallout 3 ) and During this the Bombs were launched for the US and they Aimed for Alaska to Weaken the military Power of the United states , But with all the left over chinese computer Technology left in Alaska from the war (remember the Spider drones in Operation anchorage ? stuff like that ) to Quickly Launch many of the hidden weapons of the Chinese to deflect their Nukes , but instead of Blowing them all up (because of the Americans Lack of time for targeting ) most of the missiles were instead Knocked off course Towards Canada , Meaning a large amount of Bombs hit Canada but a few still hit Alaska , and then by the 2280's stuff has cooled down a little , the leading Faction is the Chinese Remnants , Because of their Underground hiding all over Alaska , Many chinese forces survived the Bombs , Plus the tech that they had with them , and the weapons that survived the Anchorage reclamation and the Smuggling , this would leave a large Number of Chinese weaponry , and because of the Strong US Military Presence their would be many US weapons , the chinese would have Advanced Technology and Access to Petrolium reserves , and so they would become a strong presence in alaska ..

and Inside Alaska there could have been a research station for FEV research , and so Both Fallout Wiki 87 super Mutants and the Remainder of Marriposa would attempt to take Alaska for themselves , but would be stuck in Canada due to the chinese strength , and siince they are immune to radiation , they could set up Many Bases there .

Well thats what i think , i may not have gotten Everything correctly but it still an idea :)


In the page I see that in the timeline it says that Canada might not have been bombed because the survivors there could not have been attributed to Vault-tec vaults because vault-tec didnt have the time or attention divided to this. This is contradicted to a note referenced later on in the page in which letters found in a mailbox say that there are indeed vaults in "newly-annexed Canada" and they have room to spare. Can someone fix this?

Actually it has not been confirmed that there were Vaults in Canada , the American government were probably Lying about how Canada would be Perfectly safe from chinese nukes , although i am not sure , remember :)

  • Before the US annexed Canada, both countries were still allied. If you think about it, most commercial and buisness ventures spread across the continent from either country. It's highly conceivable that Vault-Tec had a Canadian/international branch and was building redoubts in Canada too. However without canon reference, it's only speculation as to how many and where. Only evidence we have is those letters you can find in mailboxes in Fallout 3. --Demon971 05:31, May 28, 2011 (UTC)


Anyone else think that one of the many islands in Nunavut might be damaged plus i find it funny in MZ i blow up where i am from 02:31, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

  • Damaged by what? Nuclear attack? Highly doubtful as there aren't any targets of value there. Perhaps a strategic attack on a early warning outpost if there was one in Nunavut (in the Fallout world) prior to the launch of nukes. As for the Death ray, it destroys a vast area - out of curiosity are you from Ontario, Michigan, or Ohio? --Demon971-- 04:49, September 3, 2011 (UTC)

Status as a Commonwealth Realm[]

I'd still wager that Canada was a Commonwealth Realm up until the Great War in 2077.

Canada become a self-governing Dominion under the Statute of Westminister in 1931 and under the Canada Act 1982 it gained complete sovereignty as an independent country and with the Queen's role as monarch of Canada being separate from her role as the British monarch or the monarch of any of the other Commonwealth realms.

Grenada is also a Commonwealth Realm, but that didn't stop the US from invading in 1983.

To be honest the UK and the rest of the Commonwealth of Nations probably would've protested against the Annexation but weren't in a position to do anything about it other than perhaps smuggling arms in to help the Canadian Resistance.

Stormwell 17:47, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

We still have no way of proving this though because the split between the timeline's happened at the end of world war 2. The Australian Kiwi 17:54, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Point, though the Commonwealth of Nation is quoted as existing post-Divergence on the UK page. Canada not being part of it just seems weird to me TBH.

Stormwell 19:09, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

It is most likely they were in the Commonwealth, however there's no evidence they are. The Australian Kiwi 19:33, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

I'd just like to reitere that Canada seemingly still would have signed the statute of Westminster in the 1930's, hence whilst it is a member of the Commonwealth, it is also an independent country. The UK cannot "Grant" it independence as it already has it. Agent c 20:08, May 19, 2012 (UTC)

Also remember that this was after the Resource Wars and the UK was probably not in any position to intervene in the annexation of Canada. - Redmess (talk) 00:13, August 5, 2012 (UTC)

The Flag[]

The article uses the irl current Canadian flag and says, "The presence of Canada's post-independence flag, however, suggests that the country achieved autonomy in a similar, if not identical, way as in the real world." But it doesn't provide a source for the use of the current flag in any of the games and I tried googling it and found nothing. Does anyone have a source for this claim? Because if not the Red Ensign seems like the more logical choice if Canada never left the 50s mentality and style like the USA did in fallout(the flag was changed in 1965). Or no flag at all if it isn't mentioned in the games.

Also whoever wrote the start of this article sounds like they don't understand Canadian history. Canada was 'independent' for part of the time when it had the Red Ensign but more importantly, there was no 'independence for Canada. There were just gradual steps towards greater autonomy. —Preceding unsigned comment added by BcTsarIvan (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Incorrect Flag[]

There's a major issue with the flag on this page. The timeline split occurred well before 1965, I think that a Youtuber established it somewhere arond 1961 as that was the publish year of the newest song played on the radio.

In it's current state, this article is using the Canadian Maple Leaf flag that was not introduced until after 1965. It should be using the Canadian Red Ensign flag that was official until 1965.

Also, the founder should not be Jacques Cartier, as he was just an explorer for the French. It should be Sir John A. MacDonald, as he was the driving man behind Canadian Confederation.

And, parent should not be the United States, as Canada was a British domain with the British monarch as the head of state.—Preceding unsigned comment added by CommissarNegromancer (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I don't know anything about the founder, but I do know that the divergence was decades before 1965, that the maple leaf has made appearances in the series, such as on the weapon Annabelle, and that Canada was annexed by US, so it's no longer part of Britain. Paladin117>>iff bored; 23:52, July 11, 2017 (UTC)
As Paladin pointed out the Maple leaf of Canadian Flag fame appears on Annabelle, it also appears on the flags/banners of CPF vs. PFC. These two give more indication of the maple leaf flag being the one in use. As for when the divergence happened, there's no real definite timeline. WW2 happened much the same as it did in our world, Hawaii became a state, much as it did in our world (when it became a state is unknown, in our timeline it was in 1959) however, we don't have Sunset Sarsparilla in our timeline which fallout had in 1918. If you include much of tactics, it's hinted that the Vietnam war happened. Attempting to figure out what does or should exist in the Fallout universe is rather difficult, however all signs point to the Maple Leaf being the flag of Canada.
As for the parent, the US was the parent at the time of the great war due to the annexation of Canada. Richie9999 (talk) 00:12, July 12, 2017 (UTC)
The Maple leaf appearing ingame doesn't at all mean the flag was changed, as the Maple Leaf has been a Canadian symbol since the days of WWI, which is why the new flag has it on it, as well as the older 1903 Canadian Red Ensign, and the Newest 1954 Canadian Red Ensign also had 3 maple leaves on the bottom.

Don't you think (Canadian Annexation)...[]

Canada, before the divergence (and perhaps afterwards) was a British Dominion. Surely, even though Europe had been ravaged by the Resource Wars, Britain would have something to say about American troops trouncing on its closest ally?

Even today Canada is still in the Commonwealth, and recognises the Monarch is its Head of State. Even if the Divergence meant there was no Commonwealth, it'd still be a dominion, and surely it'd provoke some responce from good old Blighty? 18:53, July 20, 2012 (UTC)


We're looking at a situation where Britain would have been unlikely to been in a position to do much about it.

We can't be sure if Britain was in the European Commonwealth. If it was, its in a very poor state from a limited nuclear exchange with the Middle east. If it wasn't, its probably on lockdown to control refugee flow from Europe and/or rebuilding europe.

Add to that, that there basically is no oil for whatever remains of the RAF and the RN, I doubt Britain really could have done much. Agent c (talk) 19:13, July 20, 2012 (UTC)

I agree, but there is no mention of any response at all in the Fallout universe, i.e. the Capitol Post articles.
