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You're a strong girl, and I know you can use everything I've taught you to survive alone. Please, forgive me, sweetie. I only wanted to make the best for us. Daddy loves you very much. Goodbye...A note from Little Moonbeam's father

Sydney's father was an ammunition manufacturer and gunsmith,[2] whose skeleton can be found in the Statesman Hotel in 2277.


An ammunition manufacturer and gunsmith by trade,[2] he met his end in a deal gone bad at the Statesman Hotel. In his final moments he recorded a record a message to his daughter in hopes that she would find it.[3]

He and Sydney were close after her mother was sexually assaulted and murdered by raiders,[Non-game 1] and used to called her by her nickname, "Little Moonbeam." He taught her everything about how firearms work,[2] and she used to think of him very fondly, until he mysteriously disappeared, leaving her to fend for herself. She grieved for a week before eventually hardening her heart to him, blaming him for all the hardship that being a young woman alone in the wasteland brings.[1]


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
None - - -



Sydney's father's skeleton appears in Fallout 3.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "So, whatever happened to your father?"
    Sydney: "I thought he was the best. My mom was long gone, so all we had was each other. He used to call me his "little moonbeam." How sappy is that? But when I was 14, he vanished and left me all alone. Never even said goodbye. I cried for a week. Do I have to tell you what it's like for a young woman alone in the Wasteland at that age? I don't know where he went, and I don't care. I just hope he got what he deserved, the son-of-a-bitch!"
    (Sydney's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Nice gun. I've never seen one like that."
    Sydney: "Yeah, it is nice. I don't even sleep without it under my pillow. My father made gun ammunition for a living. Taught me everything about how firearms work. So, I've spent my downtime tinkering with guns like my 10mm Ultra SMG here. It's like a hobby I guess."
    (Sydney's dialogue)
  3. A note from Little Moonbeam's father


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.99: "Sydney
    Sydney is an independent mercenary who specializes in obtaining relics. She prefers going for the most dangerous scores (like the Declaration of Independence) and takes risks. She is beautiful, but finds men approaching her irritating. She is a loner. She prefers not speaking about her dark past. When she was very young, her mother was raped and killed by Raiders. She spent years perfecting her combat skills and never welshes on a deal."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)