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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sydney.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Screw you! If you think you can get the Declaration by yourself, then have at it. 1
Disgust 50 I'll be sure and leave flowers on your grave. If they find what's left of your corpse. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 What's up? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Whew. Say, you're pretty decent in a firefight. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, come to a decision? 5
GREETING Disgust 80 You made enough noise coming in here to wake the dead, for God's sakes! 6
Anger 80 Just be ready, the Muties are coming! 7
GREETING Anger 80 You had your chance... you blew it. 8
GREETING Anger 80 Get the hell out of my face. 9
GREETING Anger 80 I have no interest in talking to you. 10
GREETING Happy 60 Well, well, well. If it isn't the greatest American hero... or Abraham Washington's greatest anyway. 11
Happy 80 I figured we'd bump into each other again. What brings you all the way out to Ghoulsville? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 So, what can I help with? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 What's up? 14
GREETING Disgust 50 I save your ass in the rotunda and you take the caps and glory, huh? 15
Anger 50 I'm not about to let you go bragging to anyone about retrieving the Declaration and leaving me in the dust. 16
MS15Bailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Okay. 17
MS15FinBailout That's all for now, I guess. Happy 70 Okay. 18
MS15FinTLSydneyAdventures Any interest in partnering up again? Neutral 50 You know, I think I've had my fill of Wasteland roaming and picking through ruined buildings for a while. 19
Neutral 50 I'm just gonna kick back and spend my caps... but thanks for asking. 20
MS15FinTLSydneyAmmo What are you doing in Underworld? Happy 50 My new line of work, actually. 21
Happy 50 I've used the proceeds from our last acquisition to set myself up as an ammunition vendor. Pretty cool, huh? 22
Happy 50 No more risking my neck to recover bits of junk for money. Now the cash comes right to me. 23
Neutral 50 Care to take a look at my inventory? 24
I'd like to buy some ammo from you. Happy 60 Sure, take a look. 25
MS15FinTLSydneyBackground Since we're done now, why don't you tell me about yourself? Happy 70 Ha, I'm surprised that you care. Usually everyone looks out for themselves nowadays. 26
Neutral 50 What is it you wanna know? 27
MS15FinTLSydneyBackground01 How did you get into the relic hunting business? Sad 50 I dunno. I grew up pretty much like every other girl in this crappy world. Spent most of my life just trying to keep away from Slavers. 28
Neutral 50 One day out in the Wastes, I stumbled across some poor bastard's body. On the body I found info leading to some famous document. 29
Neutral 50 I had heard that Abraham Washington was looking for these scraps of paper, so I went after the thing. Turned out to be the Constitution. 30
Happy 70 After he loaded me up with caps, I got piss drunk, got laid and was happy for the first time in a while. I haven't looked back since. 31
MS15FinTLSydneyBackground02 You recovered all of that stuff in the Preservation Society's museum? Happy 50 Oh no. There is more than a lifetime's supply of grade A crap in that place. Couldn't possibly do it alone. Like you, he hires anyone off the street. 32
Neutral 50 Honestly, I don't care what he does with that stuff. As long as the caps keep flowing, I'll be there to collect. 33
MS15FinTLSydneyBackground03 Nice gun. I've never seen one like that. Neutral 50 Yeah, it is nice. I don't even sleep without it under my pillow. 34
Neutral 50 My father made gun ammunition for a living. Taught me everything about how firearms work. 35
Neutral 50 So, I've spent my downtime tinkering with guns like my 10mm Ultra SMG here. It's like a hobby I guess. 36
MS15FinTLSydneyFather Sydney, I found a note from your father. He didn't abandon you. Surprise 70 What?! 37
Surprise 70 Oh...my god. That's his voice. It's really him! 38
Happy 80 I can't believe you brought this to me. I don't know what to say but thank you. 39
Happy 80 Wait! Here, take my 10mm Ultra SMG. It's never let me down. Besides, I won't really need it anymore. 40
So, whatever happened to your father? Anger 70 I thought he was the best. My mom was long gone, so all we had was each other. He used to call me his "little moonbeam." How sappy is that? 41
Neutral 50 But when I was 14, he vanished and left me all alone. Never even said goodbye. I cried for a week. 42
Sad 80 Do I have to tell you what it's like for a young woman alone in the Wasteland at that age? 43
Anger 80 I don't know where he went, and I don't care. I just hope he got what he deserved, the son-of-a-bitch! 44
MS15FinTLSydneyStatus What are you up to? Neutral 50 Well, now that we brought back the Declaration, I think I'll take my cut of the earnings and head out to get drunk. 45
Happy 50 Look me up in Underworld if you ever need me. I usually hang there since the Ghouls don't hit on me all the time. 46
MS15HealingSubMenu Here, take one of these Stimpaks. It should help. Happy 50 Thanks, I'll use it right away. 47
MS15HealingSubMenuNoPacks I'm sorry, I'm out of meds. Hang in there. Fear 50 Thanks, I'll try and keep it together. 48
I'm sorry, I'm out of meds. Hang in there. Fear 50 I'll try. 49
MS15HealingSubMenuRefuse You'll live, tough girl. Disgust 70 You jerk. 50
You'll live, tough girl. Disgust 70 Nice. I'm dying and you're making jokes. 51
MS15SydneyCT01 Thanks, you're not so bad yourself. Happy 70 Well, with what I do for a living, you need to be. 52
Happy 50 Sorry, I'm being a complete asshole. I'm Sydney. It's good to meet a fellow relic hunter. 53
MS15SydneyCT02 Yep. I sure am. Happy 80 Ho ho. Do I detect a hint of wit? Rare to run into that in the Capital Wastes. 54
Happy 50 Sorry, I'm being a complete asshole. I'm Sydney. It's good to meet a fellow relic hunter. 55
MS15SydneyCT02a Yeah... better than you, deadeye. Disgust 80 Yeah right. I could shoot the dick off of a fly at 100 yards without iron sights. 56
Disgust 80 Why don't you can the tough girl bullshit? We're both relic hunters and I suspect we're both here for the same reason. 57
Yeah... better than you, deadeye. Disgust 80 Yeah right. I could shoot the dick off of a fly at 100 yards without iron sights. 58
Disgust 80 Why don't you can the tough guy bullshit? We're both relic hunters and I suspect we're both here for the same reason. 59
MS15SydneyCT03 What do you mean "fellow relic hunter"? Disgust 50 Come on... you and I both know this is where the Declaration of Independence is stashed... no need to be coy about it. 60
Disgust 50 Good old Abraham Washington sent you on the same suicide mission he sent me on. 61
Happy 50 Only problem is, you're not going to get it without my help. 62
MS15SydneyCT03a I'm not looking for anything. I'm just passing through. Disgust 70 Passing through? Come on... you and I both know this is where the Declaration of Independence is stashed. 63
Disgust 50 Good old Abraham Washington sent you on the same suicide mission he sent me on. 64
Disgust 70 Got news for you there's no way in Hell you're gonna get it without my help. 65
MS15SydneyCT03b I don't have time for this crap. Neutral 50 In a rush to get back to Abraham Washington for your reward, eh? 66
Disgust 60 If you think you can just waltz into these ruins and grab the Declaration of Independence without my help, you're fucking nuts. 67
Neutral 50 Or maybe you just have a death wish. 68
MS15SydneyCT04 I don't work with strangers. Disgust 80 Okay cowboy, go ahead and blunder through the place. You'll never make it to the Declaration let alone back to Rivet City for the reward. 69
Neutral 50 You have no idea what type of resistance your up against. If I were you, I'd take every extra gun I could. 70
Neutral 50 I've studied the plans to this place, so without me you're going to go in circles. What do you say? 71
MS15SydneyCT05 What are you proposing? Neutral 50 Simple. We pool our resources, grab the Declaration then make for Rivet City and split the reward. 72
Neutral 50 I've studied the plans to this place, so without me you're going to go in circles. What do you say? 73
MS15SydneyCT06 Hang on, there. You need to tell me who you are before I agree to anything! Disgust 70 I told you already. I'm a relic hunter just like you. I turn bits of trash into caps and then get my ass drunk. 74
Neutral 50 I've studied the plans to this place, so without me you're going to go in circles. What do you say? 75
MS15SydneyCT06a Who's stupid enough to shell out a bunch of caps for a scrap of paper? Disgust 80 Like I said, Abraham Washington, that's who. He's got plenty of caps and all kinds of valuables for trade. 76
Neutral 50 The guy lives over in Rivet City; runs some sort of museum there. He buys all sorts of junk like this. 77
Neutral 50 Bring the Declaration back with me and we split the reward right down the middle. How's that grab ya? 78
MS15SydneyJoinNo Nope, not interested. Disgust 50 Fine by me. I've waited this long to get the Declaration, I can wait 'til someone smarter comes along. 79
Disgust 50 Don't try and follow me, not that you could. 80
MS15SydneyJoinWait Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Let me think a minute. Disgust 50 Slow huh? Okay. Hurry though, I don't want to wait here for more of those things to crack open my skull. 81
MS15SydneyJoinYes Sure, let's team up. Happy 60 Smart move. 82
Neutral 50 Okay, the Declaration is secured in the Archives Strongroom underground. 83
Neutral 50 There's a concealed cargo lift right here in the center of the rotunda. I've spent a few days hacking the lock with my remote terminal. 84
Neutral 50 When you're ready, punch in the password and let's get going. 85
MS15TLArlington How do I get to the Arlington Library? Neutral 50 Oh, I know where that is. Here, lemme punch it into your PipBoy map. 86
I have a few questions about the Declaration of Independence.
What do you know about the Declaration of Independence? Neutral 50 All I know is that it looks like a rolled up piece of thick paper with all kinds of writing on it. Some famous document from a long time ago. 87
Neutral 50 Abraham Washington is a huge U.S. History nut, so that's why he wants it so badly. 88
MS15TLSydneyBackground Since we're partners now, why don't you tell me about yourself? Surprise 70 Ha, I'm surprised that you care. Usually everyone looks out for themselves nowadays. 89
Neutral 50 What is it you wanna know? 90
MS15TLSydneyBackground01 How did you get into the relic hunting business? Disgust 70 I dunno. I grew up like pretty much every other girl in this crappy world. Spent most of my life just trying to keep away from Slavers. 91
Neutral 50 One day out in the Wastes, I stumbled across some poor bastard's body. On the body I found info leading to some famous document. 92
Happy 60 I had heard that Abraham Washington was looking for these scraps of paper, so I went after the thing. Turned out to be the Constitution. 93
Neutral 50 After he loaded me up with caps, I got piss drunk, got laid and was happy for the first time in a while. I haven't looked back since. 94
MS15TLSydneyBackground02 You recovered all of that stuff in the Preservation Society's museum? Neutral 50 Oh no. There is more than a lifetime's supply of grade A crap in that place. Couldn't possibly do it alone. Like you, he hires anyone off the street. 95
Neutral 50 Honestly, I don't care what he does with that stuff. As long as the caps keep flowing, I'll be there to collect. 96
Have you recovered a lot of relics for Abraham Washington? Neutral 50 Oh no. There is more than a lifetime's supply of grade A crap in his museum. Couldn't possibly do it alone. Like you, he hires anyone off the street. 97
Neutral 50 Honestly, I don't care what he does with that stuff. As long as the caps keep flowing, I'll be there to collect. 98
MS15TLSydneyBackground03 Nice gun. I've never seen one like that. Happy 60 Yeah, it is nice. I don't even sleep without it under my pillow. 99
Neutral 50 My father made gun ammunition for a living. Taught me everything about how firearms work. 100
Neutral 50 So, I've spent my downtime tinkering with guns like my 10mm Ultra SMG here. It's like a hobby I guess. 101
MS15TLSydneyBackground04 What happened to your father? Pained 60 Sorry. There's some things I still want to keep to myself. Maybe when I get to trust you better. 102
MS15TLSydneyConditionCheck Are you hurt? Neutral 50 Nope, I'm fine. 103
Are you hurt? Neutral 50 It's only a scratch, I'll be fine. 104
Are you hurt? Neutral 50 Yeah, they got me pretty good. 105
MS15TLSydneyWaitHere Wait here a minute. Disgust 50 Oh no you don't. You have the Declaration on you now. I'm going to stick to you like glue until we reach Abraham Washington. 106
Wait here a minute. Neutral 50 Sure thing, but don't get too far ahead of me. 107
Wait here a minute. Neutral 50 You got it. Just don't stray too far. 108
Wait here a minute. Neutral 50 Yep. Don't go too far. 109
MS15TLWhatsOurNextMove What's our next move? Happy 60 Let's head for Rivet City. It's a bit of a hike, but I want to get back there so I can start spending my caps! 110
Happy 80 Don't worry, I know exactly where it is... we should make it in one piece. 111
What's our next move? Neutral 50 Let's head for Rivet City. It's a bit of a hike, but I want to get back there so I can start spending my caps! 112
What's our next move? Happy 50 Let's get the hell out of here. Time to get paid, then get drunk! 113
Neutral 50 There should be an elevator to the upper level somewhere around here. 114
What's our next move? Disgust 50 What else, let's get the document! 115
What do you make of this "Button Gwinnett" robot? Disgust 50 Look, if you think you can reason with him, go right ahead. My advice? Blow its damn head off. It's obviously malfunctioning. 116
Neutral 50 Either way, I'll let you decide. Anything that gets us closer to the prize is fine by me. 117
What's our next move? Neutral 50 Inside the Archives Strongroom should be the Declaration. I have no idea what's inside. That's the only part of the plans I never found. 118
What's our next move? Neutral 50 If you can find and disable the turret generator, most of the turrets in the East Wing should go offline. 119
What's our next move? Neutral 50 If you're any good at hacking or lockpicking, we can get through the maintenance doors or utility gates. 120
Neutral 50 There should be shortcuts like it all over the East Wing. 121
What's our next move? Neutral 50 They kept the Declaration in the Archives Strongroom that's at the end of the East wing here. We'll have to make our way to it. 122
What's our next move? Neutral 50 It looks like we're in the Sub-Basement hub. I think the door we want is the one to the East. Never been this far in, only saw it on blueprints. 123
What's our next move? Neutral 50 There's a cargo lift right here in the Rotunda. It should take us directly down to the lower levels. 124
Neutral 50 I was hacking the system right before we were attacked. The code should be "We the People." 125


GOODBYE Let's get going. Disgust 60 I'm right behind you. 126
Let's get going. Disgust 60 Rivet City here we come! 127
Let's get going. Disgust 60 Keep your eyes on the mission, and off my ass please. 128
Let's get going. Neutral 50 I'm ready. Lead on. 129
Let's get going. Disgust 60 Just watch yourself, 'cause I'm not dragging your corpse back to Rivet City. 130
Let's get going. Happy 60 I am getting so drunk when we get paid for this. 131
Let's get going. Disgust 60 Stay focused and we may just get through this. 132
Let's get going. Happy 50 Come on, less gawking and more walking. 133
Let's get going. Neutral 50 I got your back. 134
I have to go now. Neutral 50 This is pointless. 135
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Whatever. 136
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Get the hell away from me. 137
HELLO Neutral 50 Keep it moving. I got a whole bottle of whiskey with my name on it. 138
HELLO Neutral 50 The sooner we get back, the sooner we get paid. 139
HELLO Neutral 50 Let's get this scrap of paper to Abraham. 140
HELLO Neutral 50 The Declaration is in the safe, I just know it. 141
HELLO Neutral 50 That robot's brain is scrambled. 142
HELLO Neutral 50 What a nutjob. 143
HELLO Neutral 50 This place is pretty far down, no wonder there's so little damage. 144
HELLO Disgust 50 This place isn't right. Robots still active? 145
HELLO Neutral 50 We're getting closer, I can feel it. 146
HELLO Neutral 50 I know this place like the back of my hand. 147
HELLO Neutral 50 So far, so good. 148
HELLO Neutral 50 Let's keep moving. 149
HELLO Disgust 70 Why don't you take a holodisc picture? It'll last longer. 150
HELLO Neutral 50 Yeah, what's up? 151
HELLO Disgust 70 Eyes up here please. 152
MS15SydneyOverlookSay MS15SydneyOverlookSay Disgust 80 Well don't just stand there gawking, get your ass down here and give me a hand! {Say loudly... you are calling up to a balcony overlook.} 153
MS15SydneySayStage02 MS15SydneySayStage02 Neutral 50 They kept the Declaration in the Archives Strongroom that's at the end of the East wing here. We'll have to make our way to it. 154
MS15SydneySayStage03 MS15SydneySayStage03 Neutral 50 There's all sorts of shortcuts through maintenance doors and utility gates to bypass security if you can get through 'em. 155
MS15SydneySayStage04 MS15SydneySayStage04 Neutral 50 According to the plans, the turret generator is somewhere in this room. Disable it, and it should make our lives easier. 156
MS15SydneySayStage05 MS15SydneySayStage05 Neutral 50 Up ahead should be the door to the Archives Strongroom. That's where they keep the Declaration. 157
MS15SydneySayWrongWay01 MS15SydneySayWrongWay01 Neutral 50 This is the long way down to the East Wing. I'd suggest we head back to the Rotunda and take the cargo lift. 158
MS15SydneyTrigger MS15SydneyTrigger Anger 50 Get your ass over here if you want to live... and watch out for the mines! Quick, they're coming! 159
MS15SydneyTrigger02 MS15SydneyTrigger02 Anger 80 Lock 'n load... they'll be here any second! 160
MS15SydneyTrigger03 MS15SydneyTrigger03 Anger 70 Hang tight... there's always a second wave! 161