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The Shroud Manor terminal entries are a series of entries found on four terminals in Shroud Manor in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Shroud Manor."

Shroud Manor terminals

Terminal (Trevisani)[]




From: R. Jameson & Sons Carpentry
To: L. Trevisani
Subject: Work

Mr. Trevisani, we are just finishing up the last areas that need touching up and will have completed the work by the end of tomorrow.

As you requested I have kept no official records of the work that we have completed for you, and only my two sons and I have any knowledge of the new passages and secret doors. You can rely on us to be discreet.

While finishing up the work, we noticed that the flooring is sagging a little in the back right corner of the billiard room. You may want to think about having the floor joists in that area checked out to see if any have rotted. That is something that we can do for you, and replace any as needed for a very reasonable price.

It has been a real pleasure working on your old Georgian style home, Mr. Trevisani. It's a real beautiful house.

R. Jameson



From: M
To: L. Trevisani

The job is done, Boss. They won't be squealing to the fuzz or anyone.

We checked their office and there is no record of them doing any work for you. Turns out the old man was a widower and the sons were not hitched, so there was no family for us to silence.


Personal logs[]



It's always been my policy not to use tapes or terminals. It's fine for them other goombahs, but I don't need to record every stray fart that comes out of my head.

But that all changed when I met Candy, my very own Mistress of Mystery. She says I got way too much genius not to write my ideas down. I know she ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but it ain't like she's wrong neither. I built this entire organization from the ground up. Using the Silver Shroud as a cover for our operations? That was my idea.

Protection, smuggling, chems - whatever you need, all you gotta do is speak to the Shroud. I got my fingers dipped in every pocket in town and the mayor and the city council don't have a clue. They think I collect comic books.

Fact is, Candy's right. I am a fucking genius.

And after what happened with the Micelli gang, I'd been thinking about what I'm gonna leave behind. My legacy, so to speak. Maybe putting down a thought or two ain't such a bad idea.



I've been pissed off for about two weeks straight dealing with this fucking carpenter bullshit. The boys think it might be a rat. Well, if we got a rat in our midst, then I want that buck-toothed, cheese-eating snitch skinned alive.

I want this rat beaten so fucking hard, that every fucking rat in this city rethinks their occupation. I want rats on so many ventilators the fucking hospitals run out of electricity. I want the homeless fucks eating out of mouse traps complaining about a goddamn rat shortage! I want so many dead fucking rats they do a goddamn "Save the Rats" telethon because they're now an endangered fucking species! I want the fucking governor to call a state of fucking emergency, BECAUSE LOUIE FUCKING TREVISANI KILLED EVERY STINKING RAT FACED FUCK WHO EVER LIVED!

Shit, I gotta calm down. Candy says the stress ain't good for me. She's right about this whole holotape thing though. Letting it out helps.


Starts the miscellaneous quest Silver like the Shroud


I'm gonna ask Candy to marry me. I've got the ring picked out. Silver, just like the Shroud. She might not get it, bless her dumb little heart, but when I tell her what it means, she'll flip.

Now I know this ain't the best time with all the heat, but I don't give a shit.

I can invite the chief of fucking police, no, the whole goddamn police department to the wedding if I wanted to. Because at the end of the day, I run this city.



I floated the idea of getting married to Candy, but the dame wasn't having it. She says she knows the whole Silver Shroud business is bullshit. So if I want to prove my love to her, I've got to stop keeping secrets, and let her in on what I'm really up to.

The boys might not like it, but she's right. I'm thinking of bringing her down to the vault and telling her everything before taking a knee. We don't even need a priest or a judge. They both work for me, why the hell do I need them?

All I need is for her to say yes. And she's gonna say yes, at least when I'm done explaining it to her. I'm gonna romance this dame so hard we'll be consummating the marriage halfway through the vows.

I told Tony, don't even bother opening the vault up for a week. I don't wanna hear nothing about no goddamn carpenters while me and my girl are on our honeymoon.

Terminal (Jake Ansel)[]



From: Mark Richards
To: Jake Ansel

When I was head hunted I thought that it was a really good thing, but now I think that maybe I was blinded by the money offered. Yes the money is good, really good, twice what I was earning for designing posters for the war effort. But what we are doing here, designing counterfeit merchandise for "The Silver Shroud" brand, is completely illegal!

When Mr. Suiza offered me the job he didn't mention anything about this. He only said that I would be designing new posters for his merchandise, and that I would need to keep the work I am doing a secret. Well secrecy is normal in our line of work, we don't want other companies stealing our designs, so I didn't think anything of it. But now I am not sure that is what Mr. Suiza meant. Also, when Mr. Suiza bent forward to talk his jacket fell open and I swear that he was wearing a shoulder holster with a gun! Who carries a gun to work?!

I am not sure about this anymore, maybe I should talk to Mr. Suiza and tell him that I not comfortable breaking the law, and then try and get my old job back.

Terminal (Mark Richards)[]



From: Jake Ansel
To: Mark Richards

Look, you've only been here a week so I'm going to clue you into how things work around here. You keep your head down, don't think and don't ask questions. If you see or hear anything unusual...you didn't! Understand? You just do your job, get paid and buy your wife and kids something real nice for Christmas.

That way you stay out of trouble and the boss is happy. One more thing, when you go into the office downstairs, never, ever, look at the vault. It makes them really nervous if any of us pay too much attention to the vault.

Other than that, welcome!

Terminal (Tony Suiza)[]



From: Alfonso Venchini
To: Tony Suiza
Subject: The Boss

It's been a week now since the attempt on the Boss and everyone is still nervous about how the hell someone just walked in here and sprayed the joint with bullets.

We were lucky that the Boss only took a slug in the arm, we could have lost him. It's got to be the Micelli gang behind it, old man Micelli still blames the Boss for the cops blowing away his son on that bank job that he and the Boss pulled.

The Boss is still as jumpy as hell, pulled his gun and started shooting up the room when someone slammed a door. He is talking about making some boltholes in the house, places where we can make a quick exit to when things go to hell. He sent Marco out to find someone to do the building work.

Just stay on your toes, there could be another attempt.



From: Alfonso Venchini
To: Tony Suiza
Subject: Raid

The cops are here and they are searching the joint so stay put down there. The boys and I made it into the attic just in time, and the Boss made it into his office with Vinni and Marco. That was real smart of the Boss to make these secret passages. He says we all stay put, don't make any noise and we should use these terminals to talk to each other.

Those dumb cops don't have a clue that we're all standing here inside the walls. I heard 'em talking about looking for some kind of evidence that those carpenters were here. I was trying to listen for more when Jimmy started coughing, the dumb palooka! Almost gave the game away to the coppers standing nearby. I had to put a gun to his head to shut him up.

Heads are gonna roll for this, who the hell tipped the cops off about the carpenters!?



From: Alfonso Venchini
To: Tony Suiza
Subject: Candy

The Boss is still mad as hell, he wants to know who tipped off the police about the carpenters. Says that he's sure it's one of the boys and that he's going to find the rat who did it.

I don't think it was one of us. I've been watching the Boss' new squeeze Candy since she came on the scene, and something about that broad doesn't add up. She plays the dumb dame, but I don't think she's as dumb as she looks. Maybe she tipped off the police, hell maybe she's even a cop herself.

But I ain't stupid enough to tell the Boss what I think, he's dizzy for the dame and with gams like that who can blame him. But no broad is worth the risk, so I'll be watching her every move.



From: Alfonso Venchini
To: Tony Suiza
Subject: Candy's show

Tonight Candy went to one of her gigs over at the Warren. Since the Boss has no taste for it, I decided to follow her and take in a show. Figured it was good for a laugh if nothing else.

Funny thing is, she never went up on stage. The dame just stayed in the back powdering her face. Listen to me Tony, you know I got a good read on shit like this, and something wasn't right about the whole thing.



From: Alfonso Venchini
To: Tony Suiza
Subject: A fucking week?

Things are heating up over those missing carpenters. It's now all over the news that the cops sent divers into the river and found the van with the bodies. There is no way that they could have known to look there unless one of our own snitched.

I know he ain't here now, but the Boss told me to tell you to put the screws on those men you got working down there. Tell them straight out that if they don't keep their traps shut their families will be bumped off. Maybe give them some hush money as further security.

Speaking of which, is it true the Boss went into that vault with Candy to propose? And they ain't coming out for a week?

This ain't the time or the place for a goddamn wedding, let alone a honeymoon, but at least if she's locked in there she can't do any more harm. Honestly, we've had nothing but trouble since that broad arrived.

Terminal (security door)[]

> Remote Door Control[]


Remote Door Control Interface
STATUS: Locked/Unlocked

Unlock Door[]


Unlocking door...

Lock Door[]


Locking door...
