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Fallout Wiki

Settlement recruitment beacons are radio stations in the Commonwealth. The radio signals are broadcast from any settlements where the Sole Survivor has built an active recruitment radio beacon.


Once the Sole Survivor has gained control over a workshop in any settlement, a recruitment radio beacon can be built and powered. Once active, this beacon will broadcast a recorded message, in the Sole Survivor's own voice, followed by one of a few pieces of patriotic music, and the cycle then repeats.

All beacons are heard on the same frequency, marked "Settlement Recruitment Beacon" on the Radio tab of the Pip-Boy.

While this radio station is playing, it is attracting new settlers, (and the occasional brahmin) to the settlement where the beacon was built.


Attention Commonwealth residents. Are you looking for a safe place to settle? Home in on these coordinates. If you're willing to work hard, you can make the Commonwealth a better place.— Male Sole Survivor


May also include:


The settlement recruitment beacon's radio will play Enclave Radio songs between broadcasts of the Sole Survivor's recorded message.
