Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Schroeder Boy is a member of the Blood Eagles in Appalachia.


Schroeder Boy, stationed at The Pigsty by 2103, was a relatively new recruit in the gang. He angered one of the older members by strolling into the outpost and bypassing the night-time watch slot, and taking over the other member's morning-time guard duty. This unknown member plotted to program a protectron to "crush [Schroeder Boy]'s head like a grape," sending a message to any other recruits that stepped out of line.[1] It is unclear if they went through with this plan and killed Schroeder Boy, though the protectron is destroyed by the time a Vault Dweller arrives at the outpost.


Schroeder Boy is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

