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Fallout Wiki

Saturnite artillery shells are world objects found in Big MT in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


Created by Big MT research and development to test the military applications for Saturnite, these artillery shells were created to be used by fixed artillery pieces. Testing was carried out under the "X-7" program, with X-7a "Left Field" artillery launch and X-7b "Boom Town" target zone conducting the tests, however some of the shells overshot the target zone and impacted near the X-8 research center.


Compared to standard howitzer shells, Saturnite artillery shells are identical in size and shape with the exception of color. These shells are turquoise blue with the Saturnite logo on them, rather than the olive drab with faded military markings seen on the standard shells. The Saturnite shells are also radioactive, as an undetonated shell near X-8 emits radiation while the X-7b target zone is heavily irradiated and has puddles of a plasma-like radioactive fluid inside of the shells' impact craters.



Saturnite artillery shells appear only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

