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Rob is a deceased member of the Settlers found at Marys Rock Tunnel in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


Rob was part of a group with Miles, Rebecca, and Craig who entered Shenandoah National Park in 2105 after witnessing the formation of the thunderstorm over Dark Hollow Manor. Their goal was to see if anyone in the region needed help; however, the region's dangers got to them instead. Somewhere on their way towards Dark Hollow Manor, the group was attacked by the Lost and separated from one another. Rob was ultimately killed in Marys Rock Tunnel, mortally wounded by the Lost. He managed to make it almost to the entrance of the tunnel before dying from his wounds.[1]

During the trip, Rob had kept a journal in which he noted his reservations about their mission. He complained about how Miles was annoying the group over the loss of his rations, which was due to his own mistake. He also felt cautious about Craig's decision to push the group to reach Dark Hollow Manor at any cost, commenting on it as "bad juju."[2] Craig viewed Rob as a friend, commenting that although Rob was an asshole, Rob always had his back.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions dead
This character is deceased.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Into Lands Unknown: Rob is the second of the three missing Settlers who Craig asks the Vault Dwellers to find. With Perception 8+, examining Rob will allow the Vault Dwellers to determine his cause of death. A number of Lost will spawn further inside the tunnel after Rob's corpse is interacted with.
  • Gather personal effects for Craig: This miscellaneous objective is distinct from Into Lands Unknown but can be completed alongside it. Rob's personal item to be returned to Craig is Rob's journal, which can be found near a lantern and a Lost corpse further into the tunnel, as hinted at by the message from examining Rob.


Apparel Weapon Other items


Rob appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


  1. ↑ Perception 8+ message from examining Miles' body: [Perception 8+]
    You've found a dead Settler, likely one of Craig's group.
    From the blood and injuries, it looks like the Lost tore into him.
    Judging from the blood trail, he must have been gravely injured further down the tunnel.
  2. ↑ Rob's journal
  3. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "I found this near a body in the mountain tunnel."
    Craig: "That was Rob's... a friend of mine. They were an ass, but always had my back. Wish I had his then..."
    (Craig's dialogue)