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This is a transcript for dialogue with Craig.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00773F9E 00745BD7 You're back. D-did you find anything? ... Anyone? Surprised player made it back, hopeful, but with sadness in his tone.
2 00760007 I saw the flares. They're all gone, huh? Was... was there anything I can take back to their families?
3 00792C84
4 00773FA8 00745BCB A trail, a body, personal effects, anything I could use to find them or report back at Foundation.
5 Let me know if you find anything, anything at all!
6 00773FAA 00745BC4 What did you find? Please tell me. Needs to know, expecting sad news, but still wants there to be good news.
7 00773FAE 00745BC3 Thanks for checking in with me. Sounds a bit relieved, definitely thankful that someone took the time to check on him.
8 00791586 007613BE Here's a little something for going out of your way. Can't thank you enough. It's good to have some closure. Sad, but appreciates the player's help.
9 00792C83
10 0079158A 007613CE H-hey, that belongs to Rebecca! If there was no body she might still be alive. There's a chance... Hopeful, player didn't find a body this time so maybe his friend survived.
11 0079158C 007613BD That was Rob's... a friend of mine. They were an ass, but always had my back. Wish I had his then... Sad and reflective, friends ribbing on each other. When he calls him an ass he doesn't mean it angrily.
12 0079158E 007613C8 That belongs to Miles. Can't say I'm sad he's gone, but... n-not like this. *Sigh* Ugh... Aggravated.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00745BA7 0075FFF2 It's safe in here, don't worry.
2 0075FFFA At least Catty's here for company.
3 00745BA8 0075FFF9 Hey it's you again, thanks for the help before.
4 00760002 What did you need?
5 0075FFE3 0076000E Better... I think.
6 This whole thing has been a lot to take in.
7 I'm going to stick around for a little a while.
8 Even if those weird Ghouls aren't around anymore... it's still not safe out in that storm.
9 Plus, if I leave now who's gonna to take care of Catty?
10 0075FFE5 00760008 Be careful out there.
11 0075FFE8 0076000B There's an old radio in here. I'll see if I can get a signal going that can reach Foundation.
12 0075FFF0 0075FFF1 Just stay quiet and they won't hear you.
13 0075FFF3 Not gonna let anyone hurt you Catty.
14 0075FFF4 Get away from me! Just escaped an attack that killed his friends, currently scared of most things and not thinking straight.
15 0075FFF5 GO AWAY! Just escaped an attack that killed his friends, currently scared of most things and not thinking straight.
16 0075FFF6 Don't lead them here! Just escaped an attack that killed his friends, currently scared of most things and not thinking straight.
17 0075FFFB What am I going to do if those things come back?
18 0075FFFD How the hell am I gonna explain this to Paige?
19 0075FFFF What is it? What did you want?!
20 00760000 Quick, before those things come back.
21 00760001 Oh you're back? What were you saying?
22 00760004 Thanks for checking in with me.
23 00760005 Hey that belongs to Rebecca. If there was no body she might still be alive. There's a chance. *Sigh*
24 00760006 That belongs to Miles. *Tch* Can't say I'm sad hes gone, but... not like this. Ugh.
25 00760009 That was Rob's... a friend of mine. They were an ass, but always had my back. Wish I had his then...
26 0076000A Please, tell me what you've found.
27 007613C7 I'll have to check out those flare sites soon.
28 007709BE 0075FFF7 Good morning... I think? Calm and friendly. He knows the player now and knows they're safe.
29 0075FFF8 Getting pretty dark out. How's your night going? Calm and friendly. he knows the player now and knows he's safe.
30 0075FFFC Storm's still brewing out there, better stay here a while longer.
31 0075FFFE I'll have to check out those flare sites soon. Reluctantly hopeful.
32 0077D848 0076000D Just gotta hope signal can get through the storm...
33 0077D849 0076000C Even if I make it out of here, doesn't do any good if I'm killed by a Supermutant on the way back.