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The Quentino's Night Club terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at Quentino's Night Club in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.

Fabio's personal computer[]

Note: This standing terminal is found in the lounge room behind the bar on the third floor of Quentino's Night Club, in the same room as Fabio Mondadori. It has a Hacker lock of level 2. It appears both when freely traveling to Atlantic City and during Tax Evasion.


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RE: Lombardi, C: Golden Goose[]


TO: Mondadori, F
FROM: Lombardi, C
SUBJECT: Re: Golden Goose


I'm going to pretend for a moment that you did not just insult my intelligence with such a ridiculous proposition. No, I will not SELL my brother's position to you behind his back. If anything, you're incredibly lucky that I did not inform him of this right away.

This city has enough problems without a human megaphone at the helm of the Casino Quarter.

Worst regards,



TO: Lombardi, C
FROM: Mondadori, F
SUBJECT: Golden Goose

Dear Concerta,

I have nothing but respect and admiration for the empire your brother has undoubtedly built. However, Quentino is getting on age and will most unfortunately not be here forever. It's not lost on me that he doesn't have any children of his own to take his place. Are there any contigencyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar plans for this eventuality?

I suspect not. So, let me make you an offer. You can bring it before the big man himself. I am willing to pay a handsome amount of caps for the official guarantee of becoming Quentino's successor and the decision-maker of the Lombardi Family. I know that Quentino himself is already a very rich man, but perhaps my funds could make his last few years even more comfortable.

Do let me know your thoughts, Concerta. I am ever so curious to hear back from you.


Fabio Mondadori

FROM: Bertucci, C: Mind your business[]


TO: Mondadori, F
FROM: Bertucci, C
SUBJECT: Mind your business

Hey Fab,

How about you quit sticking your nose where it don't belong, huh? I know you've been skulking around, planting your little seeds of distrust about my flesh and blood. Did you really think you could get away with it?

I got William the job fair and square. It ain't nepotism if he's qualified for it, which he clearly is. Do you want to be the accountant? No? Then stay out of it.

We both know what this is really about. You want one of your men in William's shoes so you can find out what Q's been banking on. Don't even try to deny it. I know you're about as loyal to this Family as Carly Day was to AC.

Stay away from my son, or we're going to have a talk, just you and I.


FROM: Lupinacci, P: Showmen[]


TO: Mondadori, F
FROM: Lupinacci, P
SUBJECT: Showmen


What's the update on the Concerta situation? I've been greasing up them Boardwalk freaks like you asked. Fella says he's willing to give you some prime real estate by the water if the Showmen can go in halfsies on future profits for Blood.

I told him he'd have a deal soon as we get the "sign off" sorted out.

Just give me the word. This is the first of many opportunities, I can tell you that much.


RE: Cuomo, J: Burn the witch[]


TO: Cuomo, J
FROM: Mondadori, F
SUBJECT: RE: Burn the witch


The old hag's not falling for it. She's stubborn as a mule, just like her brother. I offered her everything under the sun and the backend of the moon and she STILL refused to give in. We tried to do this peacefully. It's time to change tactics.

I think it's pretty clear what needs to happen here. The witch needs to die. You and I and all the other made men can't roll in with blood on our hands. We need someone unaffiliated, an outside party.

Heard some do-gooders from Appalachia have been eyeballing AC. Might want to start there.



TO: Mondadori, F
FROM: Cuomo, J
SUBJECT: Burn the witch

Hey Fab,

What's the status on the wicked witch? Did the moneybags get her to fold? Lemme know, I've got a bunch of soldiers here ready to back you up.

