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Carmine Bertucci is a capo in the Lombardi Family of Atlantic City, as well as the father of Billy Beltbuckles.


Carmine is a high-ranking member of the Lombardi crime family, holding the position of capo.[1] As a result of his influence in the family, Carmine got his son Billy a position in the mob as its chief operating officer.[2] While Carmine and his son both believed that the job's accounting duties would fit Billy well,[3] the "extra responsibilities" of cooking the books have overwhelmed Billy, to the point that Billy believes even Carmine is unaware of how much sketchy numbers-fudging he is involved with.[1][4] Carmine initially told Billy that the job would be basic finance balancing, with perhaps a few white lies, but Billy says that Concerta Lombardi's demands for book-cooking have well exceeded those expectations.[5]

Unlike the more skittish and nearly pacifist Billy, Carmine is a "real mafioso."[6] He has grown increasingly frustrated with Billy's eccentric behaviors and phobias, which have influenced his performance as the mafia's accountant.[7] Carmine is familiar with Billy's embarrassing incident with Sal Sticky Fingers, but has warned him to start letting it go, concerned for Billy's reputation and the potential for him to become a running joke in the mob. This concern over his son has extended to telling Billy to "act like a man," hoping that Billy can finally wisen up and put his accounting talents to good use.[8]

Though his love may be rather tough, Carmine is genuinely trying to look out for Billy. When Fabio Mondadori began to suggest to Concerta that Billy should be replaced,[9] Carmine sent Fabio an intimidating message, rejecting any charges of nepotism, saying that Billy was more than qualified for the position. Carmine further threatened Fabio, saying he was well aware of Fabio's attempts at sowing distrust and plans to replace Billy with one of Fabio's own men, concluding by telling Fabio to "stay away from my son, or we're going to have a talk, just you and I."[10]


Carmine Bertucci is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update. Billy's father was first mentioned in the Boardwalk Paradise update, while he was first given the name Carmine in a terminal entry with the America's Playground update.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Vault 76 dweller: "How did you even get this job?"
    Billy Beltbuckles: "My pop's a capo. He gave it to me. 'Course, he didn't tell me about all the 'extra' responsibilities I'd have. Sometimes I doubt he even knows. Things have changed a lot lately."
    (Billy Beltbuckles' dialogue)
  2. ↑ The Neapolitan Casino terminal entries; Concerta's terminal, Re: Missing Auditors
  3. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What did you think the job would be?"
    Billy Beltbuckles: "Y'know, like, math! I thought I'd be doing calculations and managing finances. That's what an accountant is supposed to do!"
    (Billy Beltbuckles' dialogue)
  4. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "You don't seem too sure about that."
    Billy Beltbuckles: "Uh, well, look. Between you and me, I don't do any of that. I thought that's what this job would be when my pop gave it to me. But man, was I wrong! They want me to cook the books so they don't have to pay up to anyone. We're not supposed to cheat the others. Not this bad, anyway. Things have changed here lately."
    (Billy Beltbuckles' dialogue)
  5. ↑ The Neapolitan Casino terminal entries; Billy's personal terminal, Personal Logs, Entry 1
  6. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "You don't look like much of a mafioso to me."
    Billy Beltbuckles: "Listen, I'm trying my best here! I'm not even a real mafioso. My dad is, and he got me this job. I just don't like killing, is all. I stepped on a beetle a few years ago. I cried for two hours. Do I look like someone who belongs here?!"
    (Billy Beltbuckles' dialogue)
  7. ↑ Billy Beltbuckles: "My job itself. I don't think I can do this. I thought being an accountant was all about money. Turns out, it's not. I handle the money. But there's been uh, expectations put on me that I wasn't aware of. 'Desperate times call for desperate measures', they said. Except it all flows downhill to me, and it's not really my wheelhouse. I could really use your help taking on these extra responsibilities. And then my dad won't be mad at me!"
    (Billy Beltbuckles' dialogue)
  8. ↑ Letter to Billy
  9. ↑ The Neapolitan Casino terminal entries; Concerta's personal terminal, Inbox, Fabio: Replacing Billy
  10. ↑ Quentino's Night Club terminal entries; Fabio's personal computer, FROM: Bertucci, C: Mind your business