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This is a transcript for dialogue with Billy Beltbuckles.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006D5084 006D51B2 This gun is broken. It says it's an automatic but it doesn't even load itself! Doesn’t understand the meaning of an automatic weapon. Emphasis on "says."
2 006D51B3 The bartender in Quentino's makes a mean drink. So I'm told. This is genuine, not sarcastic.
3 006D51B4 Haven't heard much from Don Quentino in a while. Maybe I should send him a card! Remarking on the fact that Don Quentino has been unusually absent. This is because he is secretly dead, but Billy doesn’t know this.
4 006D51B5 One of the perks of this new job is that I've gotten really good at hiding. Reflecting on the fact he’s always in trouble and needs to hide.
5 006D51B6 I didn't expect this job to be this...hard! Should've been cushy. Distraught over how dangerous his current vocation is.
6 006D51B7 There's been word on the street about the most brutal taxman of all. They call him Buttercup. Speaking in hushed tones, as if about a legend.
7 006D51B8 I dunno much, but I know one thing. This city's all about fighting for yourself, not for good. Reflecting on the selfish, depraved nature of Atlantic City.
8 006D51B9 If Don Quentino is the Godfather, then who is the Godson?! Genuinely pondering this. He has no idea.
9 006D51BA Sometimes I think I'd like working for Mayor Tim a helluva lot more than the Family. A bit sad. Would rather do honest work than be a mafioso.
10 006D51BB I would say I feel a bit overwhelmed, but that would be an understatement. Nervously reflecting on his situation.
11 006D51BC All right, Billy. Take in a deep breath, puff your chest out, and every made man here will see how tough you are! Giving himself a pep talk.
12 006D51BD Wish I could get into the VIP section. I wonder what they talk about there. Upset and feeling rejected.
13 006D5085 006D51C0 I've been told I have a lot of phobic tendences, whatever that means. Seemingly oblivious to his true self.
14 006D51C1 Stay away from the city center. The Overgrown are flooding the place. Billy is referencing the new enemy group, and has only heard of their danger but not seen them.
15 006D51C2 Everyone says Concerta's a scary woman not to be reckoned with. They're right. Billy is exhausted by the fact he has to report in to Concerta.
16 006D51C3 You have no idea how long it takes me to get dressed in the morning! My safety is paramount, of course. Lamenting how long it takes him to get ready. Is genuinely considering sleeping with 4-5 belts on.
17 006D51C4 They call me Beltbuckles because I'm the most secure and trustworthy accountant around. Completely delusional and naive as to why people call him Beltbuckles.
18 006D51C5 If you do meet Sal, a word of advice. Don't shake his hands. They're gross. Is disgusted while saying this. This is because Sal has notoriously sweaty hands.
19 006D51C6 Hey, you're not a Muni, are you? Not that it's a problem or anything. I just. Well. I hope you're not. Terrified of being discovered by the Munis, who he owes an immense amount of taxes to.
20 006D51C7 You didn't hear this from me, but Fabio has been saying stuff about becoming the new don. Referencing the side quest Regent of the Dead, in which Fabio plots to become the new godfather.
21 But how can he do that if Quentino is still don? Maybe he's retiring. Referencing the side quest Regent of the Dead, in which Michele plots to become the new godfather.
22 006D51C8 Hey, do you ever feel like...like you're on the wrong path? He’s questioning his choices in life and regrets ending up where he is.
23 006D51C9 You ever cut a bad friend out of your life? It ain't easy. Speaking wistfully with a bit of sadness.
24 006D51CA Maybe things will change here with you around. Desperate and hopeful.
25 006D51CB Haven't seen Antonio around here lately. Wonder where he's been. Making an innocent comment regarding Antonio’s disappearance.
26 006D5086 006D51CD You'll love it here. I promise. It's great. Best job ever. Overexaggerating the happiness and positivity in the first half.
27 Is my lying getting any better? Whispers
28 006D51CE Can I help you with something? Something safe, maybe? Desperately hoping to not get another dangerous task.
29 006D51CF How's Appalachia? I hear it's...nicer. Eager to get out of Atlantic City.
30 006D51D0 Hey, uh, what's up? Something good, I hope? Nervous that he’s going to get yelled at.
31 006D51D1 What do you need? I've told the guys I ain't shining shoes anymore. Upset about the fact he’s always been given menial tasks.
32 006D51D3 You'll love it here. I promise. It's great. Best job ever. Overexaggerating the happiness and positivity in the first half.
33 Is my lying getting any better? Whispers
34 006D51D4 Can I help you with something? Something safe, maybe? Desperately hoping to not get another dangerous task.
35 006D51D5 How's Appalachia? I hear it's...nicer. Eager to get out of Atlantic City.
36 006D51D6 Hey, uh, what's up? Something good, I hope? Nervous that he’s going to get yelled at.
37 006D51D7 What do you need? I've told the guys I ain't shining shoes anymore. Upset about the fact he’s always been given menial tasks.
38 006D51D9 You'll love it here. I promise. It's great. Best job ever. Overexaggerating the happiness and positivity in the first half.
39 Is my lying getting any better? Whispers
40 006D51DA Can I help you with something? Something safe, maybe? Desperately hoping to not get another dangerous task.
41 006D51DB How's Appalachia? I hear it's...nicer. Eager to get out of Atlantic City.
42 006D51DC Hey, uh, what's up? Something good, I hope? Nervous that he’s going to get yelled at.
43 006D51DD What do you need? I've told the guys I ain't shining shoes anymore. Upset about the fact he’s always been given menial tasks.
44 006D5087 006D5144 Okay then, do you need anything else? Open to discussion.
45 006D5089 006D5175 Well, we all have a peace deal! We don't attack each other outright. Explaining to the player.
46 See, the city survives because we all rely on each other. Without one, the others would all crumble. Being bluntly honest. Perhaps saying too much.
47 So we've gotta respect that. Even if we don't always agree with each other. There's undertones here that lately the factions have not been agreeing with each other.
48 It's probably the only reason I'm still alive! Laughs nervously at the end. This is meant to be a joke, but is actually true.
49 006D508B 006D514E The Munis? If their auditors weren't always trying to ki-I mean, talk to me, I'd love them. Stumbles on his words a bit, trying to hide something.
50 They keep this city running and all of our customers alive. And we don't even have to lift a finger. It's great! He secretly loves what the Munis do. This is an unpopular opinion among the Family.
51 Mayor Tim is in charge of 'em all. I've never met him personally, but I hear he's a great guy. He respects Mayor Tim quite a bit.
52 You don't wanna mess with him though. He's tough as nails. A word of warning to the player.
53 006D508D 006D517F They're entertainers, mostly. They run all the shows and whatnot by the boardwalk. Speaking casually.
54 They sound harmless, but they're actually the total opposite. Word is that they "take care of" anyone who crosses them. He looks a bit afraid while saying this.
55 That may or may not include me. He suspects the Showmen want to kill him.
56 Their shows also tend to be really dangerous. Let's just say, viewer discretion is advised. Making a corny joke at the end.
57 006D508F 006D5156 Glad I could help! More so relieved that he doesn't have to answer anymore questions about the mafia.
58 006D5091 006D5187 Well, we run all the casinos and basically own the Entertainment District. So there's that! Forced to elaborate. Trying to think of positive things to say without incriminating himself and the mafia.
59 Gambling and hotels? Check! Trying to be positive.
60 We also regulate the flow of booze and chems in and out of Atlantic City. Nothing is made or sold without our involvement. Speaking matter-of-factly.
61 Some may say they're dicey industries, but I can assure you that we keep everything aboveboard! He's clearly covering for the mafia.
62 006D5093 006D515D All right. We can talk about something else then. If you want. Open to further discussion. A bit awkward.
63 006D5095 006D519B Oh, that good-for-nothin', cheating, lying.. Getting worked up at the mention of Sal.
64 Let's just say that Sal is the reason I am the way I am. In every capacity. Pause between the first sentence and second sentence. Thinly-veiled anger.
65 If you want to know more, you can ask him about it. I don't want to talk about it. Sal is clearly associated with a painful memory for Billy.
66 006D5097 006D5163 He was always super smart. Really ruthless, though. I usually steered clear of him. Speaking candidly.
67 His family's kinda a mess. 'Cept for Vin. So yeah, people gossiped about him a lot. A bit sheepish about the fact Antonio is famously a mess.
68 Not too long before he went missing, he'd gotten kinda funny. Showing a bit of concern for Antonio's mental state.
69 He started forgetting a lot of stuff. Acted real confused. Billy is describing dementia, but doesn't seem to know himself that's what he's talking about.
70 Dunno what that was all about, but the others all looked pretty worried. Doesn't understand why people saw this as such a big deal.
71 006D5099 006D51B0 Oh, that'd be Don Quentino! He's been our Godfather since before the bombs! Eager to finally be able to answer a question.
72 He calls all the shots, and they're usually good shots too! He clearly respects Don Quentino.
73 People are pretty scared of his sister though. Concerta. For good reason. Starts to look a bit uneasy talking about Concerta.
74 Let's see. In terms of capos, there's Fabio. Likes to talk a lot. Fabio is kind of annoying to Billy.
75 There was also Antonio. He was handling our chem distribution. Remarking casually. "Chems" are drugs.
76 Haven't seen him in a while though. This is something that's been genuinely bothering him.
77 006D509B 006D516B A whole lot. Like, a lot. A lot. Emphasis on "lot".
78 006D509D 006D5142 Is it? Maybe. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Trying to justify his behavior.
79 006D509F 006D5173 I know. Ashamed of himself.
80 006D50A1 006D514C Hey, don't mess around like that! You had me going for a second! Laughs nervously. He's genuinely so relieved for this line of questioning to be over.
81 006D50A3 006D517D Listen, don't talk so loud. Annoyed the player keeps persisting with this.
82 Yeah, it's crime. We all know that. You think I was born yesterday? Getting angry and frustrated.
83 But it's worse than usual. That's all I'll say. Unhappy with the current state of affairs, yet sworn to secrecy.
84 006D50A5 006D5154 Of course! I do have my ducks in a row from time to time. Relieved the player let him off easy.
85 006D50A7 006D5185 Crime...? Whatever do you mean? Playing dumb really badly.
86 006D50A9 006D5172 I don't just say so. I know so. Pretending to be sure of himself.
87 Anything else you need? Trying to deflect to a different topic.
88 006D50AB 006D514B Uh, well, look. Between you and me, I don't do any of that. Nervous but at the same time relieved he can finally talk to someone about this.
89 I thought that's what this job would be when my pop gave it to me. But man, was I wrong! Emphasis on "thought." Really regretting his decisions.
90 They want me to cook the books so they don't have to pay up to anyone. Really ashamed of this and disgusted by it.
91 We're not supposed to cheat the others. Not this bad, anyway. Things have changed here lately. Worried about the direction the Family is taking.
92 006D50AD 006D517C Oh, you too! See ya! Surprised but flattered someone acknowledged him.
93 006D50AF 006D5153 Oh, like what? Open to questions.
94 006D50B1 006D5184 What's on your mind? Casually open to questions.
95 006D50B3 006D515B I had a very...traumatic experience. Right here in this very club. He's very reluctant to talk about this.
96 The end result was me being totally humiliated in front of the whole Family. Is a painful embarrassing memory he doesn't want to talk about.
97 Now? I don't even shower without these pants on. Emphasis on shower. Underscoring how traumatized he was.
98 006D50B5 006D5199 I'm protecting my decency, thank you very much. He gets this question often and is tired of hearing it.
99 People around here don't have any respect, and that results in pants falling when they shouldn't. Saying this bluntly as if it's a normal thing to think.
100 I've got all these belts to protect myself. Sincere about this. He honestly believes they will protect him.
101 006D50B7 006D5161 Sure I do! Well, um. Maybe not. Starts off confident, then remembers he has to cover up what he knows.
102 It's just a business, run by the paisans in the neighborhood. Lying very obviously.
103 Nothing fishy about it. What they're asking me to do is highly unusual. Blatantly lying.
104 006D50B9 006D51AE A better question is, what do I not do? Trying to sell his job as something desirable even though he knows it's not. Emphasis on "not."
105 Uh, well, you know. I do math. Totally. It's all math. I write things down. A lot. Hiding the truth.
106 Yeah. Normal accountant stuff. He knows this is a really obvious lie and is ashamed of it.
107 006D50BB 006D5169 Oh...well, I was hoping it'd be obvious. A little disappointed no one knows who he is.
108 I'm the official accountant for the Family. Pretty important job, y'know? Trying to hype up what he does, even though his job sucks. He's more trying to convince himself.
109 I got it from my pop! Proud of this but also sheepish at the same time.
110 006D50BD 006D6B76 What is it? Open to questions.
111 006D6B46 006D6B6D They're all around the casino. The main floor, the kitchen, the hotel wing. Giving basic directional aid.
112 Say what you want about the Showmen, but boy are they thorough. Impressed by his adversaries.
113 006D6B47 006D6B64 I know, I know! Everyone said I should just write it down. Ashamed of himself and pitiful.
114 But I've got a cramp in my writing wrist. Pathetic-sounding.
115 006D6B48 006D6B75 They're scattered around the casino. One's in the main office by the entrance. Explaining where to find the terminals.
116 There's a few in the offices in the basement. Another one next to the vault. Still explaining.
117 Think there might even be some in the storage rooms and the kitchens. Trying to remember where all of the terminals are.
118 006D6B49 006D6B78 The caps are down in the vault. It's locked up tight, so you'll need to hack your way in. Explaining seriously.
119 The slots are exactly where you'd expect to find them. The casino floor! Explaining with a positive attitude.
120 006D6B4A 006D6B67 Well, uh, you see... The auditors are sort of uh, here already. And they want to kill me. Very awkward and afraid to admit this.
121 I tend to avoid bodily harm, so it wouldn't be a good idea for me to get involved. Skirting around the fact he's a coward.
122 006D6B4B 006D6B69 We usually all get along. We have a peace deal. No one whacks each other without good reason. Explaining with honesty.
123 And when they do, it's on a very small scale, like a personal grudge. Never all-out war. We usually cover those things up. Explaining truthfully.
124 Things are just...a bit chaotic right now. No one really wants this. Between you and me, I think leadership is going in a bad, bad direction. Worried.
125 006D6B4C 006D6B61 Isn't it obvious? I've been forging numbers and hiding their dues to get the Family out of paying. Worried and upset, a bit paranoid.
126 This is unprecedented. The Family's never cheated them this much before. But it's not intentional! Panicked.
127 I'm just...I'm just following orders. I'll be sleeping with the fishes too if I don't do this. He's tired and worried for his own safety.
128 006D6B4D 006D6B70 Oh, he's here in the club! You'll find him at the bar. Surprised by such an obvious question.
129 Just... don't trust him. He's awful. Billy clearly hates Sal and is hinting at that without saying why.
130 006D6B4E 006D6B65 All right, moving on then! No issues with carrying on.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 006BAA4B 006BAA8A Thanks for getting me out of that! Grateful, appreciative, cowardly.
4 He told me he would use my belts to turn me into a Christmas ribbon! Aghast and terrified at the idea of this.
5 006BAA8B This is a catastrophe! We're not allowed to whack Showmen! Panicked and afraid.
6 *sighs* I suppose you did what you had to do. It was me or him. Sighs at the beginning. Resigned, is still appreciative to have not been killed.
7 006BDC5A You're back! And only bleeding a little bit! So cool! Impressed, surprised, and excited that the player lived through the task he gave them.
8 I know you've already done a lot for me, but I really, really need your help with the casino. Pleading and hopeful.
9 006BDC5C You did it! I can't believe it! I mean, I believed it then, and now. Excited, exuberant, in disbelief
10 But not in the entirety I do now. That'll teach 'em not to mess with us, huh? Confident in the player. Hypes himself up egotistically at the end as if he helped at all.
11 This isn't the last time we'll need to contend with them. I'll have to call on you again in the future. Do you think you can handle that? Hopeful and pleading. He still needs the player's help in the future.
13 006D6B73 It's such a relief to see your face around here. We've got a lot to do. Well, you have a lot to do. Genuinely relieved. The player being here means he'll survive another day. Corrects himself sheepishly on the last bit.
14 I'm really just moral support at this point. Realistic about the fact he isn't really useful at all.
15 006D6C4A Sounds like that's a wrap on another day of hard work! Positive and chipper.
16 You know, sometimes I feel like I could learn a thing or two from you. Impressed and admiring the player.
17 006D6C4B What's up? Casual and receptive.
18 006D6C4C Is something wrong? Worried the player won't be able to help him.
19 006D6C4D Is everything taken care of? Eager to hear his issues were resolved.
20 006D6C4F I'm telling you, I don't know anything! Defensive and afraid.
28 006BAA4C 006BAA9C So...that Showman you dealt with wasn't alone. A whole lot of them may want me a little bit...dead. Trying to explain this without sounding responsible. Awkward.
29 They have a radio transmitter set up here in the Casino Quarter. If you can shut it off, they'll come crawling out to restart it. Unsure of himself, hopeful that this plan will work.
30 Then you just, uh, have a friendly chat with them! With your gun.
31 Just be careful. The Showmen are ruthless. Desperate and nervous.
32 006BAA9D Have you ever left incriminating evidence just lying around accidentally for anyone to find because you forgot to incinerate it? Nervous and sheepish.
33 A relatable problem, I know. Well, we've got a lot of uh, monetary assets to hide temporarily during the audit. We've stashed them all around here. Sheepish and ashamed of his actions.
34 If you can find them and toss them where the sun doesn't shine, that would definitely be a weight off me. Desperate and pleading.
35 006BAA9E I thought Buttercup would wait a bit longer before sending his goons after me, but turns out they like arriving early. Great. Annoyed by this and simultaneously afraid for his life.
36 I need you to find them and deal with them, otherwise the next belt on me will be around my body bag. Afraid for his life.
37 I don't want you to kill them, it's not my way. But they aren't going to go home without a head to display. Trying to hide how panicked he is.
38 006BAA4D 006BAA7B Ask that jerk Sal Sticky Fingers. Angry with Sal.
39 He'll tell you what he did. I'd rather not talk about it. Remembering a painful memory.
40 006BAA4F 006BAAA7 Well, lie! Very upset at the thought of doing this.
41 They want me to say we didn't earn as much money as we did so that we'd owe the Showmen and the Munis less! Very upset at this idea.
42 And then I've gotta hide the money to make it look real. If anyone asks questions, then I'm supposed to make them "disappear." Still upset, puts emphasis on "disappear."
43 I know you might expect that from uh, the "Family", but this is really not typical of us. Trying to explain himself.
44 We're supposed to be allies with the Munis and the Showmen. A bit sad. He wishes things were this easy.
45 006BAA51 006BAA7D Quit?! You can't just quit the Family! It's a lifetime commitment. And most of the time, we're born into it! Is bewildered and aghast at this notion. Can't believe the player is even suggesting something this ridiculous.
46 Plus, I'm in too deep now. It's too late to just walk away. Frantically trying to explain his position.
47 006BAA53 006BAAF3 Thank goodness for that! You're just in time, too! I promise I'll make it worth your while! So relieved and grateful, scrambling to show his gratefulness to the player.
48 Okay, first thing's first. Ready to get down to business.
49 006BAA55 006BAA7F My pop's a capo. He gave it to me. 'Course, he didn't tell me about all the "extra" responsibilities I'd have. Bitter about the "extra responsibilities."
50 Sometimes I doubt he even knows. Things have changed a lot lately. Worried and a bit grim.
51 006BAA57 006BAA74 Listen, I'm trying my best here! I'm not even a real mafioso. My dad is, and he got me this job. I just don't like killing, is all. Defensive and offended in the first bit. Sheepish in the last bit about not liking killing.
52 I stepped on a beetle a few years ago. I cried for two hours. Do I look like someone who belongs here?! Embarrassed by this story. Emphasis on "look."
53 006BAA59 006BAA84 Y'know, like, math! Struggling to come up with an answer.
54 I thought I'd be doing calculations and managing finances. Nervous.
55 That's what an accountant is supposed to do! Defensive and worried.
56 006BAA5B 006BAA76 My job itself. I don't think I can do this. I thought being an accountant was all about money. Turns out, it's not. Worried and frantic that he can't do his job. Bemoaning his situation.
57 I handle the money. But there's been uh, expectations put on me that I wasn't aware of. "Desperate times call for desperate measures", they said. Feeling frustrated and upset by the expectations he can't meet.
58 Except it all flows downhill to me, and it's not really my wheelhouse. I could really use your help taking on these extra responsibilities. Nervous and upset.
59 And then my dad won't be mad at me! Getting excited at this prospect.
60 006BAA5D 006BAA86 I'm the accountant for the Family around here. Very unsure of himself and socially anxious.
61 But the job is uh...not what I thought it would be. Trying to hide just how afraid he is of his current situation.
62 I could really use your help. Sad and pleading.
77 006BAA69 006BAA75 You came just in time! Billy is frightened and cowardly.
83 006BAA71 006BAAA6 Don't call me Beltbuckles! Only a wise guy can say that! Stammers a bit, trying to act tough but is really afraid.
84 006BAA72 006BAAF0 Hey, uh, I'm Billy. This is a bit awkward. You're here to help, right? Billy is very nervous when speaking but pretending to be charismatic.
85 Meet me in front of the Neapolitan when you land. It's the big casino, you can't miss it! Trying to hide his fear.
86 006BAAF2 Hey hey, if it isn't my ace bookcooker back at it again! I'll be at Quentino's. You know where to find me! He’s a bit more comfortable with the player now, but still stammers a bit.
89 006BCA6A 006BCA6C I hear a lot less gunfire outside, so that's a good sign! Head to the Neapolitan. I've got a bit more work for you. Trying to be positive.
90 006BDC04 006BDC58 This new feeling is starting to take hold. I think it's called "hope." Speaking dramatically.
91 Uh, not trying to flatter you or anything. Realizing he sounds weird.
92 Till next time, friend! I'll be waiting here. Hopeful and positive.
93 006BDC0E 006BDC5F I've got this genius idea to strategically hide our caps. Excited about his idea.
94 Go into the vault and take whatever you can find. Then go back up to the casino and put them in the slots like they're casino chips! Telling the player what to do with excitement.
95 Then take the chips and bring those to the vault! That way, if anyone tries to rob us, they'll just be stealing worthless casino chips! Proud of himself for thinking of this plan.
96 Be careful though, there's an Overgrown infestation in the basement. The Showmen and Munis might encounter them before you, if you catch my drift. Alluding to the fact they probably were turned into Overgrown.
97 You'll also want to chat with Sal before you go. He might have some work for you. That's what he asked me to say, anyway. Annoyed that he has to deal with Sal at all.
98 006BDC60 I was keeping track of our profit records on some terminals in the casino. Sheepish, trying to hide the truth.
99 Problem is, uh, these records could be what some would call "compromising." Or "illegal." Trying to nervously undermine the seriousness of this.
100 I need you to go wipe the records from those terminals before anyone finds them! Expressing fearful urgency.
101 And uh...I forgot my password again. So you'll just have to hack into them. Think of it like a fun little game! Apologetic, trying to reframe this into something fun.
102 You'll also want to chat with Sal before you go. He might have some work for you. A bit grim about the fact he has to mention Sal.
103 006BDC61 I heard from some of the capos that the Showmen left some bugs in the casino. It's rude and thoughtless. Judgemental and annoyed at this.
104 We can't let them find out about all the trustworthy, aboveboard things we're doing. Knows he's lying.
105 I need you to track down the bugs using the signals they emit and disable them. Giving the player instructions, but still nervous about the situation.
106 Just be careful though, you'll probably run into some Showmen crawling around there. A word of warning.
107 You'll also want to chat with Sal before you go. He might have some work for you. Irritated that he has to mention Sal.
108 006BDC10 006BDC59 Well, uh, you see... Awkward and nervous.
109 The auditors are sort of uh...waiting for me. And they want to kill me. Afraid and nervous. Doesn't like admitting to this.
110 I'm sure if you talk to them nicely they'll back down! Naive and clueless.
111 006BDC12 006BDC56 In the vault of course! And the chips are right where you expect to find them. The gambling tables. Saying it like it's obvious.
112 Uh, not that I would know. I could never really wrap my head around blackjack or poker. Ashamed and awkward.
114 *broadcast cuts out* Static noise.
115 006BDC18 006BDC29 We need to get the excess caps out of here pronto! They're all holed up in a bunch of safes. Panicked.
116 The good news is that we have a professional safecracker to extract it all safely. Seems a bit hopeful at this.
117 The bad news is that the whole basement is swarmed with Overgrown. Trying to pretend this isn't as big of a deal as it is.
118 006CA733 We need to hide all the gold to keep up the ruse! Panicked.
119 Take the bars and throw them into the Overgrown holes to hide them. No one will ever think to check there! He thinks this is a brilliant idea but is still worried.
120 006CA734 We've got trouble coming in! And by trouble I mean Showmen. Anxious
121 They maybe want my head on a plaque. For reasons that are maybe valid. I don't think they're gonna leave real easy. You're gonna have to whack 'em. Nervous and skating around the enormity of this.
122 There should be three of them total. But hey, if you could try staying alive, that'd be really good! Trying to stay positive despite being panicked.
123 006BDC19 006BDC21 We've got trouble coming in! The Overgrown are getting in from the basement! All of that chaos gave them the chance! Billy is scared and frantic.
124 006BDC1C 006BDC23 Oh, he's here in the club! You'll find him at the bar. Answers the question promptly as it's easy. He always knoes where Sal is in order to avoid him.
125 006BDC24 Perfect, I'll be waiting! Happy to know the player will help him.
126 006D6B6E Oh, I'm going to celebrate for sure! Positive and excited.
127 I was gonna go to the bar and pretend to fit in. He's a bit sheepish about this.
128 006D6B6F Well, actually, I contributed. Sort of. Trying to hype himself up.
129 I did-well, no. That was you. Well I- Okay no, that was also you. Trying to think of a way that he was helpful.
130 But I was physically alive during it. And in the relative nature of space and time, I was technically right next to you the whole time. Using very stretched scientific reasoning to justify him being a coward.
131 So yes. I contributed. Proud of himself.
132 006DF542 I'm going to head to Quentino's. If you need me, you know where to find me. Slyly escaping putting any sort of effort in to help due to his cowardice.
142 006C355B 006C358C They're scattered around the casino floor and in the offices. Think one's even in one of the hotel rooms! Trying to remember.
143 006C355D 006C3577 I know, I know! Everyone said I should just write it down. Frustrated he keeps getting critiqued about this.
144 But I've got a cramp in my writing wrist. Whiny and complaining.
145 006C3563 006C3599 They're scattered around the casino floor, our offices, and the vault! Anxiously giving directions.
146 Say what you want about the Showmen, but boy are they thorough. He's actually impressed by them.
147 006C3565 006C357C The triad have a peace deal. We can't disallow any Munis or Showmen from being on our turf. Explaining with a sense of urgency.
148 They can't ban us from theirs, either. Trouble is, they've overstayed their welcome. Explaining it carefully.
149 They found things they didn't like, and now they want to kill me. Upset and afraid.
150 006C3567 006C356D See, uh, part of that peace deal talks about us paying equal dues to each other. Awkward, knows he's in the wrong here.
151 If that is violated, then the harmed parties are allowed to whack whoever's responsible. Explaining this awkwardly.
152 And uh... Nervous, afraid.
153 I'm responsible. Gulps with fear.
168 006CA725 006CA731 Oh yeah, forgot to mention! There's lots of Overgrown in the rail cars! Like sleeping commuters, heh. Sheepishly adding on.
169 They're these nasty plant people. Uh, I'm sure you've got this though! Emphasizing they're gross, then realizing he needs to hype the player up.
170 006CA732 Oh, I think you might've woken the Overgrown up. Sheepish.
171 I guess the Overgrown UNDER-slept. Making horrible joke.
172 Uh, I'll work on that one. Regretting his awful joke.
177 006D6B36 006D6C45 Maybe not as soon as next week! Or, well, it could be even sooner. You're being sarcastic, aren't you? Eagerly jumping to correct the player, then realizing this was a dig at his incompetence.
178 I'll uh, I'll work on my humor while you're gone. A bit ashamed of himself for being so dense.
179 006D6B3E 006D6C44 You'll want to head towards the transit area, where all the rail cars are. Explaining to the player.
180 I saw your vertibird land when you came in. It's real close to there, on the upper levels. Trying to give directional aid.
181 I'd be careful though. There's some nasty creatures sleeping in the rail cars. Giving a genuine but vague warning.
182 006D6B43 006D6C46 I hope everything goes well. Nervous.
183 006D6B4F 006D6B6B There's a reason I'm hiding out in here. The Casino Quarter's practically crawling with auditors right now! And they're looking for ME of all people! He's terrified.
184 You need to track them down and take them out. I don't care how. There should be a sort of "leader" of each group. Determined through fear.
185 If you take out the leaders, the others will be rudderless. It's pretty much the only chance I've got. So, please. Be careful out there. He's genuinely afraid for his life.
186 006D6B51 006D6B62 The Munis have showed up to audit us, and I'm sure you know how vicious they can be by now! We need to hide our assets to prevent a, uh, a loss. Sheepish on the last line. He's very scared of the Munis.
187 You'll find some crates of "books" around the Casino Quarter. We need to hide our assets to prevent a "loss". He thinks this plan is very clever.
188 Trust me. They're filled with Overgrown! They'll never get those caps out! Fails to realize he also won't be able to get his money back.
189 006D6B53 006D6B6C There's a whole lot of Showmen gathering outside in the Casino Quarter hoping to bring about my last act. Afraid, but also feels he's very clever making this joke.
190 Did you like that joke? I thought of it myself. Anyway, I need you to go outside and turn on this signal scrambler. It'll disrupt their comms. A bit sheepish about how bad his joke was, but gets back to business.
191 Then when they show up to turn it off, just...deal with them. Until there's none left. I'm sure there will be...a diplomatic way of resolving this. He knows you're just going to kill them, but is trying to sugarcoat it.
192 When you're finished up with that, we've got some work to do in the Neapolitan. And by we, uh, I mean you're going in alone. Clarifying that he's not actually coming with you, because he's a coward.
193 006D6B55 006D6B63 Hey, I'm working towards it! I've even been listening to this pre-war self-help holotape. Defensive, although he knows this is true.
194 It's called, "Overcoming Cowardice: A Journey." Recounting the title dramatically to get his point across.
195 More of an odyssey than a journey, I'll tell you that much. Annoyed by the fact he's not making much progress. Making a pessimistic joke.
196 006D6B57 006D6B71 It was! I mean, at the time it was. Trying to defend himself.
197 But you've gotta understand, this ain't a one time job. There's always trouble with the Munis and their stupid taxes. Grim and worried.
198 And the Showmen coming to kick my butt. This is the thing he's really afraid of.
199 006D6B59 006D6B66 That saves my hide for sure. Here's what I need you to do. Happy the player is willing to help him. Ready to get down to business.
200 006D6B5B 006D6B77 He saw how well we did last time and was so impressed he made my position permanent. Even he is surprised by this.
201 Hurray. This is sarcastic and lifeless. He doesn't want to still be doing his job.
202 006D6B5D 006D6B6A Not yet! Ever since you showed up, people have been thinking twice about taking out yours truly. He's very proud of the fact no one threatens him anymore.
203 That hasn't stopped them from thinking about it once, though. He's naively qualifying the fact they still probably want to kill him, but just haven't tried.
204 006D6B5F 006D6B68 Same as always, just a few loose ends to tie up! Chipper.
205 Some book cooking, some number fudging, some uh...disposal. Listing activities. Gets a bit awkward on the last one.
206 I'm sure it'll be no problem for you. Goes back to being chipper.
212 006EAA4A 006EAA4C I need you to go down into the vault. It'll get a bit dicey down there with our uh, Overgrown infestation. Awkward, but desperately hopeful.
213 I guess the Overgrown thought our caps were a tasty snack, because they ate them. You'll need to take the caps from them before the Munis do.
214 When you get the caps, recycle them into the slot machines on the casino floor to hide them. Then...just grab some poker chips for the vault!
215 That way, anyone who tries to steal from us will be stealing worthless poker chips instead! Foolproof, right?
216 006EAA4D So, we've got a problem. I maybe was working on a few important documents on some terminals in the Neapolitan. Awkward, sheepish, ashamed.
217 And I maaaybe forgot to delete them. The problem is that the Munis and the Showmen have already infiltrated the casino. So those documents? Glossing over how badly he screwed up.
218 If they're not deleted in time, well, you can see how that would be a very bad look for the Family. And for me. I need you to delete them, ASAP! Worried and afraid.
219 I can't really remember my password, so it'll be on you to get in there! But don't worry! I have the utmost faith in you. Faking confidence in the player.
220 006EAA4E The Showmen are holding up the Neapolitan as we speak demanding their fair dues, which is really quite unfair if you ask me. Indignant and afraid.
221 They've placed some listening bugs around the casino to drop in on our conversations. A clear violation of privacy! Framing this as the Showmen's fault when they're entirely in the right here.
222 Track down all the listening bugs and disable them. We can't have the Showmen knowing about all the trustworthy, aboveboard things we're doing.
223 006F0458 006F045A Looks like the Showmen's comms are down! Couldn't have done it better myself! Or at all. Excited that the player managed to shut down the Showmen's communication system, but also a bit sheepish about his own incompetence.
224 Just be careful! They probably won't like you very much after this. A bit naive.
302 0072F40A 0072F427 I-well...it was worth a shot. Awkward. Caught in a lie.
304 0072F40C 0072F414 Please, what about my children?! Frantic, terrified. Begging for his life.
306 0072F40E 0072F415 Look, can't we just let bygones be bygones? This wasn't what I signed up for! Indignant, worried. Afraid for his life.