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Fallout Wiki

The Primer and powder pack is a miscellaneous item in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


When the primer and powder pack is acquired, it will automatically disappear from the inventory while granting a one-time amount of 25 units of the six primer types and 200 units of both pistol and rifle powder.

The item's purpose is to provide resources for a Guns-focused character in order to keep using their preferred weapons during the add-on, as there are few fixed sources of conventional ammo in Big MT.



  • It is possible to sell and buy it back multiple times from The Sink if one does not exit from the sell menu. If one does not allow the 'added' message to finish before selling the pack the game may freeze upon exiting the transaction, or if one exits the transaction without the primer and powder pack in their inventory instead of the sink's, the game will freeze.