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Fallout Wiki

It is in everyone's best interest if we take this deal while it is still sweet. I don't think that it will stay this way for long.— REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; Inter-office Correspondence #3262105

Piers Isley was the general manager of REPCONN Aerospace. His remains can be found on the third floor of the REPCONN headquarters in 2281.


Unlike Vice President Leonard Steeple, Piers had little loyalty towards REPCONN as an independent entity. When Poseidon Energy proposed to buy out the company, Piers was a vocal proponent of the deal, but his plans were shut down by Steeple and CFO Julia Masters.[1]

When a second offer came, this time from RobCo Industries, Piers made sure things were different. Steeple was conveniently out of commission due to an illness. Piers took the opportunity to shore up support from both the company board and Julia Masters with promises of the profits the proposed buyout would bring them. This time, when Steeple returned, still adamant about REPCONN's independence even after being told that RobCo would resort to a hostile takeover if they were crossed, things did not go his way.[2][3][1][4] When Leonard began signaling to Julia looking for allies, his position became clear, and Julia used it as evidence to have him voted off his chair. With Leonard gone, the merger was all but inevitable.[5]

All the while, Piers kept in close contact with RobCo via their assigned liaison Carl Rook, setting preparations for the merger into motion long before the deal was even officially concluded.[6] He conspired with Steve Reynolds, the project manager at the REPCONN test site, to showcase an experiment in order impress RobCo visitors. When the experiment went disastrously, causing a massive radiation spill and greatly reducing REPCONN's negotiating position, he ordered Steve to find a scapegoat for the incident to fire.[7] Back at headquarters, he framed Leonard's departure as a voluntary retirement and implemented increased security measures on RobCo's orders ahead of company holidays, ensuring that the test site would also update their policies as well.[8][9][10]

Piers' machinations did not protect him from the chaos of the nuclear devastation. He met his demise on the third floor of the REPCONN headquarters, with his security card and a briefcase full of pre-War money by his side.

An accidentally unused terminal entry indicates that Sanjeev Rajan, a custodian, stole several of Isley's communications with Steve Reynolds so that Emily Neimeyer could find evidence to get revenge on Reynolds for firing her husband Martin. The relevant set of communications can be found on her employee terminal at the REPCONN test site.[11]


  • In addition to a security card which allows access to new areas of the building, his briefcase contains 200 stacks of pre-War money.


Piers Isley's skeleton appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

