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We went over this with Poseidon. These companies deal in defense contracts. That isn't what we are about, and isn't something that I'm willing to support.REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; terminal, Inter-office Correspondence #3262099

Leonard Steeple, also called Leo, was the former vice president of REPCONN Aerospace before its buyout by RobCo Industries preceding the Great War.


For moral reasons, Leonard believed in keeping REPCONN Aerospace independent from the military-industrial complex which many other companies were involved in. This was the reason why Leonard fought to keep REPCONN autonomous when Poseidon Energy, a major defense contractor for the federal government, tried to buy out the company. With the help of Chief Financial Officer Julia Masters, he successfully protected REPCONN from corporate takeover.[1][2]

When a second offer came, things did not go the same way. Leonard and his wife Lisa caught an illness, and he was forced to stay at home for some time. General Manager Piers Isley, who was the proponent of the previous offer by Poseidon, used the opportunity to rally support for a corporate buyout by RobCo Industries. When he heard about the offer, Leonard immediately refused. Despite hearing Piers' warning that RobCo would attempt a hostile takeover, Leonard believed the company could still win if it fought back, and he asked Julia for her support in convincing the REPCONN board to turn down the deal.[3][1]

Leonard did not know that Julia was actually working together with Piers to push the RobCo deal. After Julia became certain of his intentions, she made a call to the company board, persuading them to take a vote of no confidence in Leonard.[4] Piers announced the forced resignation as a voluntary retirement to the rest of the company. After RobCo bought REPCONN, Carl Rook took Leonard's place as vice president.[5]


Leonard Steeple is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

