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Mt. Sin-Central Hospital (known pre-War as Matthew Sinclair Central Hospital and sometimes referred to as Mt. Sin Central Clinic) is a settlement and hosptial in a ruined city. When encountered, it is operated by the Board of Caregivers who have been using it to provide medical services in the area.


Mt. Sin-Central Hospital was founded by Armand Sinclair and named after his late son Matthew Sinclair. On April 23, 2077, the hospital was under investigation by an unknown federal government agency because of the practices of the Armand Sinclair to not check for health insurance, no down payments or proof of credit, and even allowing free treatment if the patient could not pay. This was suspected as being communist.[1] In October, the investigation into the political leaning of Sinclair and his staff turned up clean of communists and the hospital was able to get back into full swing right on the eve of Great War.[2]



OCS Mt Sin Central clinic lobby

Reception desk and lobby

A small building two story building whose sign has fallen into unfortunate disrepair. The hospital was scorched in the Great War but remains standing in no small part to its sturdy construction, thick stone pillars flank its wide doors shielding the once-grand entrance to the main rotunda of the hospital. Hanging from the building's brick a tarnished brass plaque with missing letters that reads: "Mt. Sin Central." The building stands tall amidst the ruins of a city block that has been thoroughly picked over—all attempts to loot the zone surrounding Mt. Sin Central is fruitless as Nurse Indira Jai has collected anything of note.

Behind the hospital is a courtyard, where a fountain with stagnant water is surrounded by various cloth items. This is the laundry, where clothing, bedding, and other linens are washed in stagnant water.


The first floor opens to a reception desk in the lobby with various patients. There is a terminal at the reception desk, but requires permission to use. Past that are various treatment areas, most of which are divided into crude "rooms" with ramshackle wooden walls and cloth partitions, offering little privacy between patients. There is a staircase leading up to the second floor and down into the basement that is in the process of being cleared out to access it as the staircase has collapsed, but appears the staff have not had the proper amount of time to do so.

The second floor is offices and sleeping quarters for the staff of Mt. Sin, a stock room, a medical supply closet, and a radio broadcasting station in the main hallway, which is connected to a beacon on the inaccessible roof of the hospital. Within the stockroom is a safe that contains 4500 Caps to keep Mt. Sin in operation. The room is kept under tight lock and key, the Board of Caregivers possesses the keys, and Dr. Terrence is the only one who knows the safe's combination. The safe cannot be opened without the combination or a Perception + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 5. If any player character is caught opening the safe, the nurses and the Board attempt to subdue and expel them from Mt. Sin.

After clearing or squeezing down into the basement, the player characters will be greeted by a heavy metal door with a terminal flanking it. An Intelligence + Science with a difficulty of 3 is required to bypass this door. It cannot be picked as there is no keyhole, but can be blown apart by explosives or a concussive force. Attempting to do so is an INT + Explosives test with a difficulty of 4, but the explosion causes falling debris. Alternatively, patrolling the exterior of Mt. Sin will reveal a suspicious pile of rubble if the player characters pass a Perception + Survival test with a difficulty of 4. This can be then be cleared with an Endurance + Survival or Strength + Athletics test with a difficulty of 3, allowing the player characters to freely access the Basement Level and reducing the Basement's Poor Lighting condition to a +1. Investigating the entrance here shows shoes imprints in the dirt by the broken window, with traces of broken glass scattered around them.

In the basement proper, either through the rubble or the locked door, deposits the player characters in a central hallway leading to several rooms, each painted with a line that guides any visitor to their destination. The flickering lights and dust makes it hard to see, making Perception checks +2 harder. The Basement of Mt. Sin is an Average Medical Location that remains Untouched for looting.

Proceeding down the hallway and immediately right of the entrance is a laundry room. A small window above the washers is covered by rubble and partially smashed. The washer and dryer units are still functioning, however. To the immediate left is the morgue. There are twelve separate compartments which are lined up in rows of two. Two of these contain skeletons.

Located at the end of the hallway, alongside a looted chemistry station and a computer terminal, is the Auto-Doc station. This section is locked and requires a (Strength or Agility) + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 2 to open it. A successful Perception + Science test with a difficulty of 2 reveals several key components and tools from the chemistry station are missing, rendering the station inadequate for use. Logs on the terminal detail the final days of the hospital written by the hospital's founder, Armand Sinclair, and can be freely accessed.

The Auto-Doc can be reactivated via an Intelligence + Repair test with a difficulty of 3 and expending 2 common materials, 2 uncommon materials, and 1 rare material. Alternatively, the PCs can enlist the help of Nurse Emesis Retch, who has the required materials among her belongings. The latter renders the Auto-Doc usable within 24 hours if Nurse Retch is left to her own devices.


Notable loot[]

  • 4500 caps in a safe in the locked stockroom


The Mt. Sin-Central Hospital appears only in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.


  1. A.S. Personal Log #1
    April 23rd, 2077
    Hell of an opening day here, I’ll say that much. Kicked down to the basement because the Feds want full, untampered access to our employment records, and my office gets to be ground zero for a full-blown investigation. Guess it’s the closest thing they can do to throwing me in a cell. I’ve got a few choice words for the lead investigator too. Prancing in here while I’m seeing Doctors do some real work for a change. No checking for insurance to make sure you qualify for our care, no down payments or proof of credit, hell, no payment necessary if the patient doesn’t have the money. What’s so damned communist about caring for your neighbor? Patient in-flow is steady, but lower than anticipated. Somehow, I think we could’ve done worse. Armand Sinclair, signing of.
  2. A.S. Personal Log #2
    October 22nd, 2077
    Audit’s done so I can finally move back into my office tomorrow. It took them half a year to find out we didn’t have any Reds on the team. Like I hadn’t already told them a thousand times. Didn't want to write anything on this terminal after they said they’d be scanning official hospital communiqué for communist activity. Now I'm just sitting down here with the Halloween decorations. We can at least make the pediatric ward more festive tomorrow. Mattie would've loved all this. That boy loved Halloween. I asked him why and he told me 'That's when all the ghosts and scary stuff comes out. They don't wait for you to find them.' Asked him that 3 years ago. Should probably visit him. Haven't seen him since the burial, and he loves Halloween. Could probably take him a pumpkin. I don’t want another parent to go through what I did. Ambulance turned away, just because he didn't have the right insurance. I'll see him soon. First thing tomorrow. That'll do me good.