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Jovaughna Terrence is a doctor at Mt. Sin-Central Hospital and one of the three leaders of the Board of Caregivers in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.


A year ago, Jovaughna Terrence opened the clinic to provide affordable medical care to the Wasteland. However, the Nectar crisis currently batters them, most of the Board remains steadfast in their commitment to this goal. Her brother, Vander, helps supply the hospital at a steep personal cost. Her wife, Delia, stays with her, but is uninvolved in the operations of Mt. Sin.


  • Unarmed Strike: Strength + Unarmed (TN 9), 3d6 Physical damage
  • Laser Gun: Perception + Energy Weapons (TN 13), 4d6 Piercing Energy damage, Fire Rate 2, Range C, Close Quarters

Special abilities[]

  • AbIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Coat: Between the utility of the design, and simply feeling smarter while wearing one, a lab coat allows Dr. Terrence to re-roll a single d20 on one INT based skill test in each scene.
  • Healer: When Dr. Terrence makes an INT + Medicine test to heal a patient’s Health Points, increase the amount healed by +2 (total of 7 Health Points).

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Orange Coloured Sky: Jovaughna Terrence and the rest of the board sent out the radio broadcast to implore the player characters for help.

Other interactions[]

  • Jovaughna is the only one with the combination to the stockroom safe in Mt. Sin.

Effects of the party's actions[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Lab Coat Laser Gun 2d20 Fusion Cells


Jovaughna Terrence only appears in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.
