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Walter Leach is a doctor at Mt. Sin-Central Hospital and one of the three leaders of the Board of Caregivers in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.



  • Unarmed Strike: Strength + Unarmed (TN 6), 1d6 Physical damage
  • Plasma Gun: Perception + Energy Weapons (TN 13), 6d6 Physical/Energy damage, Range C, Close Quarters

Special abilities[]

  • Lab Coat: Between the utility of the design, and simply feeling smarter while wearing one, a lab coat allows Dr. Leach to re-roll a single d20 on one Intelligence based skill test in each scene.
  • Chemist Extraordinaire: Dr Leach carries either one dose of Orange Mentats or one dose of Overdrive. Which he is carrying is determined by which of the following actions he takes first: after using one, he may not use the other in that combat.
  • Orange Mentats: Dr. Leach may use a dose of Orange Mentats as a minor action. For the remainder of the combat, he reduces the difficulty of all Perception tests by 2 (min. 0), and the Aim minor action lets him re-roll one additional d20.
  • Overdrive: Dr. Leach may use a dose of Overdrive as a minor action. For the remainder of the combat, he adds +3d6 to all attacks, and may re-roll 3d6 per damage roll.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Orange Coloured Sky: Walter Leach and the rest of the board sent out the radio broadcast to implore the player characters for help.

Effects of the party's actions[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Lab Coat Plasma gun 2d20 Plasma cartridges
Wealth 3


Walter Leach only appears in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.
