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Fallout Wiki

Donna Bonnet is a doctor at Mt. Sin-Central Hospital and one of the three leaders of the Board of Caregivers in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.



  • Unarmed Strike: Strength + Unarmed (TN 6), 2d6 Physical damage
  • 10mm Pistol: Agility + Small Guns (TN 12), 4d6 Physical Damage, Fire Rate 2, Range C, Close Quarters, Reliable

Special abilities[]

  • Vault Kid: Dr. Bonnet reduces the difficulty of all Endurance tests to resist the effects of disease. Once per quest, the GM may introduce a complication which reflects the nature of the experiment she unwittingly took part in, or introduce a complication related to her early life of isolation and confinement within the vault. If the GM does this, she immediately regains one Luck point.
  • Educated: Dr. Bonnet gains "Lockpick" as a tag skill.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Orange Coloured Sky: Donna Bonnet and the rest of the board sent out the radio broadcast to implore the player characters for help.

Effects of the party's actions[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Vault Jumpsuit
10mm Pistol 2d20 10mm rounds
Wealth 2


Donna Bonnet only appears in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.
