Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Jenny is a deceased employee of Hubris Comics whose skeletal remains can be found on the roof of the Hubris Comics building in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Jenny was involved in the casting of an unnamed fantasy series that was filmed at the Hubris Comics building in Boston's Back Bay.[1] After over-the-top method actor Dave climbed to the roof wearing set property, declaring himself capable of levitation, Jenny watched as Dave made a seemingly-impossible jump across the street to the rooftops near Shenley's Oyster Bar. The crew were confused how Dave could have made such a jump; even with the boxes on the roof stacked as high as they could go, it still seemed ridiculously unlikely. Jenny theorized that he jumped from the street light in such a position that they were not able to see him. Others began to wonder if Dave's claims of being a battlemage were true, and that he really had gained some sort of powers, but Jenny refused to believe that on principle, pointing out that if Dave really could levitate, he would not have needed to use a ladder to climb to another ledge. Jenny watched Bob attempt to pursue Dave, but Bob was unable to replicate the feat and fell to his death. As Dave stuck the landing, Jenny heard him ramble about a key and dig through a duffle bag in his possession.[2] As the Great War occurred the day after the stunt, Jenny's skeleton can still be found on the roof over two hundred years later, next to her diary.


Jenny's skeleton appear only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Fantasy Hero Set."

