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Fallout Wiki

Dave is a deceased actor for Hubris Comics whose skeletal remains can be found in the restroom of Shenley's Oyster Bar in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Dave was an over-the-top method actor who disguised his alcoholism under the pretenses of researching for his roles. He was a regular patron of Shenley's Oyster Bar. In 2077, Dave was starring in a fantasy TV series produced at Hubris Comics in Boston's Back Bay, across the street from Shenley's. Although the director was willing to tolerate Dave's antics for a good performance, he had Bob follow Dave and found that Dave spent half of his time at the bar and half of it in the restroom.[1] Dave's agent revealed to the director that Dave had shut off the electricity to his home.[2]

As filming progressed, the crew's tolerance of Dave wore off, as he showed up to the set in full armor, brought a real sword, and screamed in a fake language, among other potentially dangerous shenanigans. At one point, he nearly cut off Bob's ear by swinging around the sword. The director warned Dave that if he got up to one more stunt, he would write off his character in an excruciating death scene.[2][3]

Following a significant script change, Dave "lost it" and began to rattle off about a new "levitation spell" he had supposedly learned. On October 22, he climbed to the roof of the Hubris Comics building and said he would prove that he could fly. Although some of the crew attempted to talk Dave off of the ledge, others would have been okay if he ended up jumping. The director was more concerned about the fact that Dave was wearing expensive set property.[4]

In the end, Dave did jump, but miraculously made it across to the next rooftop, which was on the other side of the street. The seemingly impossible jump confounded the crew; some, including Jenny speculated that he jumped from the street light in such a position that they were not able to see him, others, including an unnamed set extra, were bedazzled by the stunt and began to wonder if Dave really was a battlemage like he claimed.[5] The aforementioned extra took it as proof that Dave's ramblings were true, and decided to pledge themself to his service.[6] Bob, under orders from the director, attempted to pursue Dave and catch him so that he could retrieve the set property and tell Dave that he was fired. Bob, however, was not able to make the jump, and he fell to his death.[5][7]

After sticking the landing, Dave rambled about "conjuring" a key while fiddling with a duffle bag in his possession.[5] He then vanished, leaving behind a mess for the Hubris Comics crew.[7] Dave retreated to the nearby bathrooms of Shenley's Oyster Bar, which, in his delusions, he saw as his throne room, and Shenley's as his castle. He locked himself inside and remained there until the next day, when the Great War struck. Dave eventually died in the bathroom, and his skeleton can be found there over two hundred years later, lying next to a steel sword and iron helmet from Hubris Comics.


Dave's skeleton appears only in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Fantasy Hero Set."


PC Playstation 4 Xbox One Dave's skeleton, alongside the iron helmet and steel sword, may not appear in the Shenley's restroom. See Method to the Madness' bug section for more details.[verified]

