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Fallout Wiki
Food bits on a stick
Gameplay articles
FalloutIguana bits
Fallout 2Iguana bits
Fallout 3Iguana bits
Fallout: New VegasIguana bits
Fallout 4Iguana bits
Iguana on a stick
Fallout 76Iguana bits
Iguana on a stick

Iguana bits are a consumable item in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

In Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, the naming changed and bits is a term referring to loose iguana meat, while iguana-on-a-stick now refers to the meat skewer formerly known as iguana bits. This page lists both.


Bits are simply cut-up pieces of iguana meat, served in a variety of ways. As iguana meat is stringy,[Non-game 1] it needs to be processed to be edible, with some methods including charring[1] or boiling in carrot broth to make iguana soup.[2] Bits can also be eaten on their own after preparation, with a side of vegetables,[3] or turned into a sandwich.[4][5]

As bits do not look like an iguana, any other meat can be used in this place. This was abused by the famous Iguana Bob of the Hub around 2161, who served "prime select" pieces sourced from human remains.[6][7] The charred meat with vegetables was available for just 8 caps, as opposed to 20 for the whole iguana,[8] and were extremely popular, while Bob's culinary skills made them some of the best charred iguana in New California.[9] His secret never got out and 80 years later, his son would continue selling lizard kebabs at the NCR capital, sharply dressed and stylish.[10]



Food bits on a stick

A food item consisting of iguana meat (or "iguana" meat in the case of Iguana Bob), served on a skewer either on their own,[11][12] or charred with tomatoes and mushrooms.[13]


Fo4 RadStagStew
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

Loose pieces of iguana meat served in a can.


  1. PRO ITEM.MSG: "{10300}{}{Iguana-on-a-stick}"
    "{10301}{}{Some charred meat and vegetables on a cooking stick.}"
    Note: Present in both Fallout and Fallout 2.
  2. Iguana soup
  3. Zimmer: "Did I order already? If I didn't, I'd like Iguana Bits with vegetables."
    Mister Buckingham: "Your food will be ready shortly, Mister Zimmer."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer and Mister Buckingham's dialogue)
  4. Allistair Tenpenny: "You know, you make a very good sandwich."
    Margaret Primrose: "Thank you for saying so, sir. It's always my great pleasure. If you'd ever like to try another dish, I have an extensive menu of delicacies."
    Allistair Tenpenny: "Yes well. I'm a visionary, that's true. But I'm also a creature of habit. I like my Iguana Bits sandwich just the way I always get it. Thank you."
    (Tenpenny Tower conversations; Allistair Tenpenny and Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about Allistair Tenpenny."
    Margaret Primrose: "Every day it's the same thing. The man has no imagination with his meals. But it's his building, so everyday I make that damned 'Iguana Bits sandwich, no salt, with a peeled pear on the side. Send it up to the penthouse.'"
    (Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  6. The Vault Dweller: "{234}{}{I think we need to talk about Doc Morbid and some of your secret ingredients.}"
    Iguana Bob Frazier: "{153}{}{What are you talking about?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{154}{}{Your secret ingredients. How fresh does the corpse have to be before it develops a bitter aftertaste? Do you use mutants, humans, or a mix?}"
    (Iguana Bob Frazier's dialogue)
  7. The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{I want information on Doc Morbid.}"
    Iguana Bob Frazier: "{125}{}{Doc Morbid? All I know is that he's up around Junktown and he's the cheapest source of food I could find. That's all!}"
    (Iguana Bob Frazier's dialogue)
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{Gimme' an iguana on a stick.}"
    Iguana Bob Frazier: "{142}{}{Sure. We got whole iguana on a stick for twenty bucks, and our prime select pieces for eight bucks.}"
    (Iguana Bob Frazier's dialogue)
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{1056}{}{Iguana}"
    Butch Harris: "{1133}{butch108}{Now there's some good eating. Bob's has got the best charred iguana this side of the desert.}"
    (Butch Harris' dialogue)
  10. Mikey Frazier's character description: "{100}{}{You see a sharp-dressed guy hawking lizard kebabs.}"
    "{102}{}{For a lizard-on-a-stick vendor, this guy's got style. He's clean, well-dressed and runs a pretty spotless little operation.}"
    (Mikey Frazier's dialogue)
  11. Iguana bits (Fallout 3) and Iguana bits (Fallout: New Vegas)
  12. Iguana on a stick (Fallout 4) and Iguana on a stick (Fallout 76)
  13. Iguana bits (Fallout)

