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Killing their Centurion and leadership would be a start, but finding a way to permanently shut down that dock is what we really need.

First Sergeant Astor is a soldier in the New California Republic Army stationed at Camp Searchlight in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


Serving as first sergeant of an undisclosed company in the NCR Army, Astor joined the garrison at Camp Searchlight as part of the Mojave Campaign.

He was outside of Searchlight when Vulpes Inculta orchestrated the unsealing of several nuclear waste barrels stored in the Searchlight firestation, irradiating the entire camp.[1] While those soldiers that were on-site at the time were either killed or transformed into feral ghouls, Astor and the squad who had been on patrol with him were spared. Rather than depart the destroyed camp, he and his men voluntarily stayed in the area to keep watch and warn others away from the ruined town.[2] Being forced to watch his friends' degenerative state from afar instilled Astor with a mixed sense of pity for, and distrust of ghouls, fearing that they are doomed to become feral regardless and should just be put down as a way of sparing everyone the pain. That said, when asked about a place where the non-feral Private Edwards can go for safety, he expresses knowledge of the ghoul members of Ranger Station Echo and offers up that information without hesitation.[3]

The contents of Astor's log heavily indicate that despite his attempts to look out for his soldiers and the situation that they are in, Astor blames himself for the destruction of the rest of the Searchlight garrison, hinting at a low sense of morale.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Other interactions[]

  • If the Courier assists First Sergeant Astor and his soldiers by killing their feral ghoul comrades and takes action against the Legion garrison at Cottonwood Cove, Astor's morale will see a boost. The latter can include planting a bug in the Cottonwood Cove radio room, opening a trailer of radioactive waste and giving Cottonwood Cove the same fate as Camp Searchlight—a form of retaliation which Astor will approve of—or simply assaulting Cottonwood Cove and wiping out the Legion garrison there.


  • We Will All Go Together: Astor will ask the Courier to help him put his feral comrades out of their misery by purging Camp Searchlight, which he cannot bring himself to do.
  • Eye for an Eye: After discovering Cottonwood Cove and reporting it to Astor, he expresses his anger over the Legion's attack on Searchlight and asks the Courier to exact vengeance on those who killed his friends.



  • Each member of Astor's squad carries two sets of NCR armor, as opposed to a typical NCR trooper who only carries the armor they are wearing.
  • Astor is the only named NCR first sergeant in-game.

Notable quotes[]


First Sergeant Astor appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 When asking Astor about Private Edwards, Astor will say a rabid dog needs to be put out of its misery, but no further dialogue options will occur. To save Private Edwards, you must not take his dogtag (the 10th and final dogtag) by force or by the Speech check. You must clear out the giant radscorpions that spawn outside his home, inform Edwards, and then talk to Astor about Private Edwards. In doing so, after Astor says a rabid dog needs to be put down, you can then assure Astor that Edwards is not feral. You can then ask Astor where he recommends Edwards go, or convince Astor to accept him into his camp by passing a Speech Check of 50 or having 7+ Intelligence. Finally, return to Edwards and tell him the good news. If Edwards goes where Astor recommended or is accepted back in Astor's unit, you receive good Karma and Edwards rewards you with a few caps and drops his dogtag for you to pick up.[verified]


  1. Legion orders
  2. The Courier: "If the area is filled with radiation, why are you still here?"
    First Sergeant Astor: "I was stationed at Camp Searchlight before the incident. I've since taken it upon myself to keep travelers away from the area."
    (First Sergeant Astor's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Can I ask you about Private Edwards?"
    First Sergeant Astor: "Who is Private Edwards?"
    The Courier: "He is a ghoul in Camp Searchlight."
    First Sergeant Astor: "If he's a ghoul he should be put down. I can't let a rabid dog suffer."
    The Courier: "But he isn't feral."
    First Sergeant Astor: "Doesn't mean he isn't suffering, or that he won't go feral eventually."
    The Courier: "Is there somewhere else he can go?"
    First Sergeant Astor: "There's a ranger station north of here that has a few ghouls running it. Maybe they'll take him in."
    (First Sergeant Astor's dialogue)