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Irradiated NCR dogtags are a quest item in Fallout: New Vegas.


A set of heavily irradiated dogtags, formerly worn by an NCR trooper for the purpose of easy identification.


Irradiated NCR dogtags are found on dead feral trooper ghouls in the irradiated remains of Camp Searchlight. These can be turned in to First Sergeant Astor during the quest We Will All Go Together, for a reward of 25 XP and 25 bottle caps each.


  • One irradiated NCR dogtag is found on Private Edwards, a non-hostile NCR trooper ghoul staying in a Searchlight home. This dogtag is part of the total required to complete the quest We Will All Go Together, either by pickpocketing Edwards, or by looting his body.
  • The irradiated dogtags found at Camp Searchlight cannot be given to either Aurelius of Phoenix or Quartermaster Mayes.