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It's okay, I guess. I don't really have nobody to play with. Except for Betty... and she's kind of... well, she's mean.

Timmy Neusbaum is one of the residents of Vault 112, trapped within the Tranquility Lane simulation in Fallout 3.


Timmy is the son of George and Pat Neusbaum, well-behaved and quiet, though somewhat of a "momma's boy" according to Bill Foster.[1] Betty considers him a "big crybaby" and tasks the Lone Wanderer with making him cry, even though she constantly upsets him herself.[2][Non-game 1] Mabel Henderson has been attempting to convince his mother to send him to military school, even giving her a military school brochure as she claims Timmy is too attached to his parents;[3][4] Pat dismisses her suggestion and asserts that Mabel has never been fond of Timmy.[5]

He has set up a lemonade stand in Tranquility Lane per his mother's advice of "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade," in an effort to save up money to purchase a Red Racer tricycle like the one Betty owns.[Non-game 1] It appears that Braun has made him desperate to seek his parents' approval, and made him wet the bed at least once to further humiliate him.[6]

In reality, Timmy is not a boy but an adult man, which Old Lady Dithers points out as having had an impact on his mental state and tries to talk him down, before he does something drastic.[7] Timmy's mother sees her as a bad influence on him, however, and wants to break the two up posthaste.[8]

In the vault, the adult Timothy is identified as resident 377, and his torment manifests as an elevated heart rate of 112 beats per minute, high blood pressure of 130/90 mmHg, marginally elevated temperature of 37.167°C/98.9°F, and a breathing rate of 22 breaths per minute. Stress levels are nominal, suggesting this is his permanent status under Braun's "care."[9]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Tranquility Lane: The first task Betty gives out is to make Timmy cry. When the player has made Timmy cry successfully and reports back to Betty, Timmy is turned into a garden gnome by the Neusbaum's front door (called Timmy the Gnome).
    • If the failsafe is used without upsetting Timmy, he simply disappears.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Child outfit


  • In the lounger assigned to him, he has the same adult male model used by the other male Vault 112 residents.
  • If the failsafe is activated, he will not be present anywhere in the simulation but his vital signs will match the other residents.
  • Originally, Timmy could have been killed, unamusing Betty, who asked the Lone Wanderer to make him miserable and would revive him. Since children cannot be killed, this piece of dialogue still remains in the game but can never be heard.[10]

Notable quotes[]


Timmy Neusbaum appears only in Fallout 3.



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Bill Foster: "The Neusbaum boy, eh? Quiet kid. Seems like his parents don't give him much wiggle room. Just between you and me kiddo, he looks he's what we'd have called a "momma's boy" back in my day."
    (Bill Foster's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Timmy Neusbaum? Who's that?"
    Betty: "He's the only other kid that lives here besides you. He's a big crybaby... You'll see. Make him cry and then come back here so we can talk some more."
    (Betty's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Mabel Henderson: "I'm not one to gossip, but that boy's in trouble, if you ask me. Growing up so attached to his parents like that. What he needs is some discipline. I keep telling Pat that military school would do him some good, but she won't listen. She doesn't understand I'm just trying to help. Even got a brochure for her to look over... but I'll bet she hasn't even glanced at it."
    (Mabel Henderson's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Pat Neusbaum: "Timmy? Oh, he's a good boy. George and I are so proud of him. I don't care what Mabel says; I don't think military school would do him any good at all. I have half a mind to give her that brochure back and tell her just what she can do with it!"
    (Pat Neusbaum's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Mabel Henderson?"
    Pat Neusbaum: "Mabel? She's nice enough, I suppose. A bit of a gossip, maybe. And she never seemed too fond of my boy Timmy. She was just complaining about his rollerskates the other day. Said Timmy left them in her house, and that they were dangerous. If they're so dangerous, why didn't she just bring them here when she came to complain about it?"
    (Pat Neusbaum's dialogue)
  6. Timmy Neusbaum: "I won't wet the bed again, I promise! I promise!"
    (Timmy Neusbaum's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Old Lady Dithers: "Not really a boy, is he? Got him all confused, looking like he does. He's been on the edge for a while. I keep trying to talk him down, but his parents... They don't understand. Just about anything could set him off."
    (Old Lady Dithers' dialogue)
  8. Pat Neusbaum: "George, I thought I told you to have a talk with Timmy about Old Lady Dithers."
    George Neusbaum: "Hey, aren't you the one who said we shouldn't call her that? That we should show a little respect to the elderly?" or ""Old Lady Dithers"? I thought you were the one who said we should be nice, and refer to her as "Ms. Dithers"."
    Pat Neusbaum: "It's not funny, George. I'm not joking around." or "That's not the point and you know it. Don't try and change the subject."
    George Neusbaum: "Yes, dear. Sorry. Is there a problem?" or "Okay, okay. Sorry. What's the problem now?"
    Pat Neusbaum: "She's been talking to Timmy again. I want him to stay away from her. She's nuts, and she shouldn't be anywhere near him." or "I saw Timmy talking to her again. I don't want him near her, George. She's crazy, and I don't want it influencing him. You need to say something."
    George Neusbaum: "Okay, I'll have another chat with him about it. I'm sure he was only being polite." or "All right... I'll talk to him about it. She's harmless, anyway. Just old and senile."
    (Pat Neusbaum and George Neusbaum's dialogue)
  9. Vault 112 terminal entries; Lounger Monitor -- Subject: G. Neusbaum
  10. Betty: "What are you doing? I didn't tell you to kill him! If I wanted you to kill him, I'd have told you to do that. Gosh, you're slow. Lucky for you, you get another chance."
    (Betty's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 100:
    "Timmy Neusbaum:
    Timmy is saving up for a sparkling new Red Racer Tricycle, just like the one Betty has, but won't let him play on. As Mommy told him: "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Timmy took her advice literally. Then he'll show Betty; perhaps then she won't make him cry this time."