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This is a transcript for dialogue with Stanislaus Braun.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Do you realize what you’ve done? You’ve triggered the Failsafe! Ruined everything! The subjects will die, and I’ll be stuck here in this hell! Alone! {German} 1
Anger 50 You've ruined everything! EVERYTHING! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 I've given you permission to leave. I suggest you take the opportunity before I change my mind. 3
Neutral 50 I'm even being so gracious as to allow your father to exit as well. His presence here failed to amuse me some time ago. 4
GREETING Happy 50 Most enjoyable. Most enjoyable indeed. I haven't felt this exhilarated in years. {happy, almost out of breath} 5
GREETING Happy 50 A commendable start, but you still have work to do. {amused} 6
GREETING Happy 30 Quite a clever interpretation of the rules. I'll have to reset the system to restore Martha, but it's well worth the effort. {amused German} 7
Neutral 50 You have taken a far greater interest in these little games than your father did. He found the whole thing beneath him. {German} 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Listen, you can't hurt people here, okay? 9
Neutral 50 At least, not unless I say it's okay. It's against the rules! I can fix it, but you better not do it again. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Stop hurting people without me telling you to. You're ruining all the fun! 11
Neutral 50 I'll fix it again, but you're making me sad. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 As amusing as it may be, you cannot simply wander around killing the residents of Tranquility Lane. {German} 13
Neutral 50 I shall have to reset portions of the system to correct this. 14
Neutral 50 I can return the people of Tranquility Lane to life, but anything else you have meddled with will stay as it was. Do keep that in mind. {German} 15
GREETING Neutral 50 I believe we've discussed this already. I appreciate the fervor with which you approach things, but indiscriminate killing impedes our fun. {german} 16
Neutral 50 I shall again reset portions of the system to undo your mistakes. {German} 17
GREETING Anger 30 What are you doing? I didn't tell you to kill him! 18
Neutral 50 If I wanted you to kill him, I'd have told you to do that. Gosh, you're slow. 19
Neutral 50 Lucky for you, you get another chance. 20
GREETING Happy 20 You're doing quite well. Really, this is all terribly amusing. Keep at it... {chuckling, amused} 21
GREETING Happy 20 You're certainly looking the part. Don't waste time chatting... There's mayhem to be caused! {chuckling, amused} 22
GREETING Happy 20 Don't you have a few things you should be collecting? Get the knife and the mask from the dog house. {chuckling, amused} 23
GREETING Happy 20 Appliances certainly can be dangerous, can't they? {chuckling, amused} 24
Happy 50 You are most resourceful, and you certainly do get results. You have exceeded my expectations. {amused, pleased German} 25
Neutral 50 And now, we come to the last task that I have for you. Succeed, and you shall be granted whatever you wish. {German} 26
GREETING Happy 20 A roller skate, on the stairs? Oh my, that is simply inspired. {chuckling, amused} 27
Happy 50 You are most resourceful, and you certainly do get results. You have exceeded my expectations. {amused, pleased German} 28
Neutral 50 And now, we come to the last task that I have for you. Succeed, and you shall be granted whatever you wish. {German} 29
GREETING Happy 20 Poor Mabel, killed by her own robot. I suspect she never saw that coming. {chuckling, amused} 30
Happy 50 You are most resourceful, and you certainly do get results. You have exceeded my expectations. {German} 31
Neutral 50 And now, we come to the last task that I have for you. Succeed, and you shall be granted whatever you wish. {German} 32
GREETING Surprise 50 Well done, well done! 33
Happy 50 You certainly do get results. You have exceeded my expectations. 34
Neutral 50 And now, we come to the last task that I have for you. Succeed, and you shall be granted whatever you wish. {German} 35
GREETING Sad 10 I expected more creative results from you. Mabel awaits you for another try. {disappointed} 36
GREETING Sad 10 I appreciate that you're trying, but so far I am unimpressed with the results. Give it another go. {disappointed} 37
GREETING Sad 10 Not quite what I had in mind. But you get a chance to try again. Go to it! {disappointed} 38
GREETING Neutral 50 See to it that Mabel meets an untimely, and hopefully gruesome, demise. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 I've told you what I want from you. I want to see some creativity. And I want to see Mabel dead. {German} 40
Neutral 50 Are you through pouting? 41
GREETING Neutral 50 You have turned out to be quite resourceful, it seems. I am slightly impressed. {German} 42
Neutral 50 I enjoy your company far more than your father's. He responded quite negatively to my requests. {German} 43
GREETING Neutral 50 So you have achieved your goal. I was hoping for something a bit more dramatic, but persuasion appears to be your strong suit. {German} 44
Neutral 50 And at least you are cooperative, unlike your father. I was most disappointed when he refused to participate, yet still expected something from me. {German} 45
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm curious to see how you deal with the Rockwells. 46
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't you have something you should be doing now? 47
GREETING Neutral 50 Are we willing to be reasonable now? I ask so very little of you. {condescending} 48
GREETING Neutral 50 Ha ha! Did you see him crying! What a big baby! 49
Neutral 50 You have won the game, and so you get a prize. You may ask of me a single question, and I shall answer you. 50
GREETING Neutral 50 You did it, even though you said you wouldn't. You're tricky! 51
Neutral 50 Murdering Timmy's parent? Very inventive. I approve. {bemused German} 52
Neutral 50 And with that, you win a prize. You may ask a single question of me, and receive an honest answer. {German} 53
GREETING Neutral 50 You did it! I knew you could! 54
Neutral 50 And a particularly brutal way to deal with it, at that. Very effective. {bemused German} 55
Neutral 50 And with that, you win a prize. You may ask a single question of me, and receive an honest answer. {German} 56
GREETING Neutral 50 You sure showed him, didn't you? 57
Neutral 50 I suppose it wasn't the most cerebral way to deal with the situation, but it was definitely effective. Consider the game won. {German} 58
Neutral 50 And with that, you win a prize. Your prize is one question, which I will answer to the best of my ability. {German} 59
GREETING Neutral 50 And you said you didn't want to play... 60
Neutral 50 I was hoping for more than fisticuffs, but entertainment has been difficult to come by lately. Consider the game won. {German} 61
Neutral 50 And with that, you win a prize. Your prize is one question, which I will answer to the best of my ability. {German} 62
GREETING Happy 50 Decided you want to play after all, huh? 63
Neutral 50 I had a feeling you'd come around. Your approach was somewhat uninspired, but it'll do. {German} 64
Neutral 50 Since you won the game, you get a prize. You may ask one question, which I will answer as honestly as possible. {German} 65
GREETING Happy 50 I thought you didn't want to play. But you went and did it anyway. Good for you! Wasn't it fun? 66
Neutral 50 A clever approach. I'm not sure I would have considered it. Very encouraging. {German} 67
Neutral 50 Your reward for winning the game is to ask a single question. I will answer honestly and frankly. {German} 68
GREETING Happy 50 Yay, you did it! Good job! 69
Neutral 50 A clever approach. I'm not sure I would have considered it. Very encouraging. {German} 70
Neutral 50 Your reward for winning the game is to ask a single question. I will answer honestly and frankly. {German} 71
GREETING Happy 50 Yay! I knew you could do it! 72
Neutral 50 Perhaps not the most inventive approach, but persuasion can be quite powerful. Well done. {German} 73
Neutral 50 And for winning the game, you get a prize. You get to ask one question, and receive an honest answer. {German} 74
GREETING Anger 30 Timmy's back, so you can try again. Don't take too long, or the game won't be fun anymore. 75
GREETING Happy 20 You're supposed to be making Timmy cry. You can do it, I know you can! {innocent} 76
Neutral 50 When you win the game, maybe we can talk some more. 77
GREETING Disgust 20 You don't want to play my game, so I don't want to talk to you. {petulant} 78
GREETING Neutral 50 You don't want to play with me. So I don't want to talk to you, and you're never going to find your daddy. Boo hoo hoo. {petulant, "boo hoo hoo" is mocking, not sad} 79
GREETING Surprise 50 Oh, someone new to play with! What good luck I have lately! {thrilled, innocent} 80
Happy 50 I was just starting to get bored. Oh, we're going to have so much fun! {innocent} 81
GREETING Happy 50 Can we play now? I've been waiting. I've been ever so patient. {thrilled, innocent} 82
MQ04Betty1Q1CantDoThis You can't do this to me! Neutral 50 On the contrary, I believe you'll find that here, I can do most anything I like. {menacing, gloating German} 83
Neutral 50 Now, let's discuss your next task. 84
Neutral 50 The Rockwells live such a happy life. Their marriage is the cornerstone of that life. {German} 85
Neutral 50 Destroy their marriage. How you do it is up to you, but you may not kill either of them. {German} 86
MQ04Betty1Q1WhatElse What else do I have to do? Neutral 50 An excellent question. Timmy was easy, and therefore boring. I desire some real entertainment. {German} 87
Neutral 50 The Rockwells are the picture of a happy marriage. Change that. Split them up, without killing either of them. {German} 88
Neutral 50 If you can do that, I'll have a good laugh and then we'll talk some more. 89
MQ04Betty1Q3GetMeOutofHere If you're in charge, get me the hell out of here! Neutral 50 Ha ha. You're not really in a position to be demanding anything, are you? 90
Neutral 50 Still, you've proven amusing thus far. Let's see if you can keep it up. {German} 91
MQ04Betty1Q3SoYoureInCharge So you're in charge here... Neutral 50 Isn't it obvious by now? You've only been here a short while and you're already doing just as I ask. {condescending, gloating German} 92
Neutral 50 And now we come to your next game. Succeed, and there may be something in it for you. {German} 93
MQ04Betty1Q3WhatBenefits What kind of benefits? Neutral 50 Ah ah ah! That's another question, and you've already had your answer for now. {gloating, condescending} 94
Neutral 50 If you want more, you'll have to prove you're worth my time. Continue to amuse me, and I may answer more questions. {German} 95
MQ04Betty1Q4IWantToSeeHim I want to see him. Now! Neutral 50 Hmm. No, no I don't think so. 96
Neutral 50 We haven't yet plumbed the depths of your ability to amuse me. I think you'll do a few more things for me first. {German} 97
MQ04Betty1Q4WhatDoIHaveToDo What do I have to do to see him? Neutral 50 Ahhh, now that is just the sort of question you should be asking. {gloating, pleased } 98
Neutral 50 You understand that I am in control, then. Excellent. You are far more promising than your father. {German} 99
MQ04Betty1Q4WhatHaveYouDone What have you done to him? Neutral 50 Were I you, I'd be more concerned with myself at the moment. 100
Neutral 50 And besides, we're done with questions for now. Perhaps we'll address it at a later time. First, I have something else for you to do. {German} 101
MQ04Betty1Q5CrazyArentYou You're out of your goddamn mind. You know that, right? Sad 20 Oh, come now. Would you court death so brazenly? {disappointed German} 102
Neutral 50 I suggest you think twice before insulting me again. Now, there are things for you to do. 103
MQ04Betty1Q5IfInControlHelp If you're in control here, can you please help me? Surprise 50 But I am helping you! 104
Neutral 50 I am answering questions... More than the one original question I granted you, I might add. And now I think it is time you do something for me. {German} 105
MQ04Betty1Q5WhyALittleGirl Why the hell would you want to look like a little girl? Neutral 50 Why not? I have been in this place for two hundred years. This is something to keep me amused. 106
Neutral 50 Much like my willingness to entertain your questions. Though now I grow bored, so I think I shall set you to a new task. {German} 107
MQ04Betty1QHowDoIGetOut How do I get out of here? Surprise 20 An interesting choice... Certainly not what I had anticipated. {mild surprise, amusement German} 108
Neutral 50 Simply put, you leave when I say so. This place is under my control, and I dictate the terms. If I decide to let you go, you may go. {German} 109
MQ04Betty1QNextTask What do you want me to do? Neutral 50 Pay a visit to the Rockwells. They're very happily married, and I'd like you to change that. {German} 110
Neutral 50 Put an end to their marriage, and we'll talk. {German} 111
MQ04Betty1QNextTaskAccept Fine, but it's only because I want more answers from you. Neutral 50 Rationalize it any way you'd like. If you succeed, we'll continue our discussion. {German} 112
MQ04Betty1QNextTaskAcceptMean Ha! That's it? No problem. Neutral 50 Excellent. I so enjoy that "can-do" spirit. 113
MQ04Betty1QNextTaskRefuse No, I won't do that to them. Sad 10 Then I'm afraid we have nothing more to say to one another. {disappointed, dismissive} 114
MQ04Betty1QNotPlayingGames I'm not playing anymore of your games. Neutral 50 No? Then I'm afraid you'll never be leaving. 115
Anger 50 I decide when you may leave, and unless you start cooperating, you're going to have a very long stay here on Tranquility Lane. {German} 116
MQ04Betty1QRefuse No. I'm not doing anything else for you. Anger 50 Then once again we find ourselves at an impasse. How disappointing. {German} 117
MQ04Betty1QWhatIsThisPlace What is this place? Neutral 50 Tranquility Lane is a simulation, a reality designed to play home to the denizens of Vault 112. {German} 118
Neutral 50 It was my last and greatest project. I am quite grateful that I was placed directly in charge of it. {German} 119
Neutral 50 There have been... unexpected benefits to living here. 120
MQ04Betty1QWhereIsDad Where's my father? Neutral 50 Ah, yes. A predictable question, I suppose. {disappointed German} 121
Disgust 10 Your father is here, in Tranquility Lane. He is quite safe for now, though he can no longer hound me with his incessant questioning. {mildly annoyed German} 122
Neutral 50 Perhaps you will see more of him in time. 123
Where's my father? Neutral 50 Your father? 124
MQ04Betty1QWhoAreYou Just who are you? Neutral 50 I was known as Dr. Stanislaus Braun, but here I choose this identity. {German} 125
Neutral 50 Do you find it unsettling? In this place I can choose to be whatever I wish, and this is what I have chosen. {amused German} 126
Neutral 50 You will find that I control a great deal around here. {slightly menacing} 127
MQ04Betty3ANextTaskGetItOverWith Fine. Let's just get this over with. Neutral 50 Oh, come now. Show some enthusiasm! {German} 128
Neutral 50 There are fewer rules this time. I'd like to see just what you're capable of. 129
Neutral 50 I'd like you to kill Mabel Henderson. Please put some effort into it; do something creative. Beating her to death won't impress me. {German} 130
MQ04Betty3ANextTaskGreat It's about time! What do I get to do? Neutral 50 Ah, now that's the spirit. 131
Neutral 50 Let's raise the stakes. I'd like you to kill Mabel Henderson. 132
Neutral 50 But do put some effort into it. Make it creative; beating her to death simply won't suffice. {German} 133
MQ04Betty3ANextTaskSarcastic Oh, great. I'm really looking forward to doing more for your amusement. Neutral 50 Your sarcasm is unappreciated. This could be so much fun if you'd allow yourself to see it. {German} 134
Neutral 50 Now, Mabel Henderson needs to die. Not just any death, mind you, but an entertaining, well thought-out death. You'll see to that. {German} 135
Neutral 50 Very simple. Plenty of opportunity to show me what you're capable of. 136
MQ04Betty3ANextTaskWhatIsIt I'm not agreeing to anything before you tell me what it is. Neutral 50 Attempting to maintain the illusion of control, are we? How quaint. Very well... {German} 137
Neutral 50 I'd like you to kill Mabel Henderson. Do something unique, something unexpected. Surprise me. {German} 138
MQ04Betty3ExplainingToDo I did what you wanted. Now you have some explaining to do. Neutral 50 You have amused me thus far, but I still don't think you're quite in a position to be demanding anything. {German} 139
Neutral 50 Still, I suppose you've earned the right to some further answers. What would you ask of me? {German} 140
MQ04Betty3FatherIWantToSeeHim I want to see him. Where is he? Neutral 50 If you continue to behave, and do as I ask, I may be willing to release both of you. But first you have work to do. {German} 141
MQ04Betty3FatherLying How do I know you're not lying to me? Maybe you haven't seen him at all. Neutral 50 Oh dear, now you don't even believe me? How disappointing. 142
Neutral 50 I assure you, James and I talked at length before you arrived. Now let's continue before I grow bored with you. {German} 143
MQ04Betty3FatherTakeMeToHim Enough games! Take me to him now! Neutral 50 No, I don't think I'll do that. I'm having far too much fun to stop now. {mildly amused} 144
Neutral 50 What I will do, however, is consider releasing both of you once you've done a few more things for me. So let's get to it. {German} 145
MQ04Betty3FunWhatsNext I've got to admit, this is kind of fun. What can I do next? Neutral 50 I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one being entertained. You're far more agreeable than your father. {German} 146
Neutral 50 If you wish for more, then so be it. But let's raise the stakes a bit this time. I'd like you to kill Mabel Henderson. {German} 147
Neutral 50 But do be creative about it. Beating her to death just won't suffice. Put some effort into it. {German} 148
MQ04Betty3HateItButDoIt I don't want to do this... But I will. Happy 50 Of course you will. And you never know... You might enjoy it. {amused} 149
MQ04Betty3NeverSeeItComing All right, fine. I'll do it. Neutral 50 Excellent. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Remember, creativity is key! {German} 150
She'll never see it coming. Neutral 50 Music to my ears. 151
MQ04Betty3Nevermind Nothing, never mind. Neutral 50 I see. 152
MQ04Betty3NowWhat Now what? Neutral 50 To the point, aren't we? {German} 153
Neutral 50 I've been having so much fun, I see no reason to stop now. Let's try something new, shall we? {German} 154
Neutral 50 I'd like you to kill Mabel Henderson. Find an interesting way to do it, please. I'm curious to see how creative you can be. {German} 155
MQ04Betty3VaultCanLiveOutsideAgain You don't need to stay here. You can live in the real world again. Surprise 30 The "real world'"? Ha ha ha. {German} 156
Neutral 50 This world is more real than anything outside. 157
Neutral 50 My body has been seated in the same chair for 200 years. It's sustained by machines. {German} 158
Neutral 50 Were I to so much as stand up, my body would crumble to dust. But here, I've moved beyond that frail physical form. I am so much MORE here. {German} 159
Neutral 50 And now our little diversion is at an end. It's time you do something else for me. 160
MQ04Betty3VaultLetThesePeopleGo Let these people go. There's no reason to keep them here. Neutral 50 Oh, but there is! They continue to amuse me. That is purpose enough for their lives, don't you think? {German} 161
Neutral 50 You are serving the same purpose after all. I do enjoy having someone new to play with. And speaking of playing, let's try a new game. {German} 162
MQ04Betty3VaultWhyHaventYouLeft Why haven't you left after all this time? Neutral 50 I have no desire to leave. Here I wield more power than I could ever hope to in the outside world. {German} 163
Neutral 50 And I use that power to amuse myself. Now, for instance, you will do as I ask yet again because I have power over you. {German} 164
MQ04Betty3WhatDidDadWant What did my father want from you? Neutral 50 Your father, frustrating as he was, recognized the significance of some of my previous work. {German} 165
Neutral 50 He came to gather information on it. He was most pleased to be able to ask me directly, but he failed to understand how things work here. {German} 166
Neutral 50 He was unwilling to compromise, to do anything I asked of him. And so our discussions ended. {German} 167
MQ04Betty3WhatIsThisPlace What... is this place? Neutral 50 Tranquility Lane was designed to be a home away from home. A new way of sustaining life after the apocalypse. {German} 168
Neutral 50 Vault 112 was the prototype; we never had time to build others. As the designer of the simulation, I was given special access. {German} 169
Neutral 50 Everyone else here is only subconsciously aware of the artificial reality around them; their conscious minds accept it as fact. {German} 170
MQ04Betty3WheresDad Where's my father now? Neutral 50 He's here, and he is unharmed. He has merely been rendered unable to bother me. {German} 171
MQ04Betty3WontDoIt I said I wouldn't do that, and I meant it! Neutral 50 Yes, yes. How very noble of you. You'll change your mind eventually. 172
No, I won't do that. Neutral 50 Still you resist me, when you know that I have the answers you seek. {German} 173
Neutral 50 Well, I am not going to beg you. You know what I ask of you, and so you know what you must do to retain my favor. {German} 174
MQ04Betty4BeingHonest How do I know you're being honest with me? Neutral 50 I think you'll find that I've been quite honest with you thus far. You have no discernable reason to mistrust me. {German} 175
Neutral 50 In the dog house out behind the abandoned home are a mask and knife. Don the mask, and become the Pint-Sized Slasher. {German} 176
Neutral 50 Use the knife to eliminate all the residents of Tranquility Lane. {German} 177
MQ04Betty4DontDeserveThis But these people... They don't deserve to be punished. Neutral 50 I'm afraid you're not in a position to decide what they do or do not deserve. They are under my control, not yours. {German} 178
Neutral 50 Now if you're done attempting to change my mind, let's get on with your final task. After completing it, you will be free to go. {German} 179
MQ04Betty4Enthusiastic I can't wait. What do you want me to do? Neutral 50 Your enthusiasm is inspiring. It's a shame you didn't arrive earlier. {German} 180
Neutral 50 Now, you will become the Pint-Sized Slasher, and kill everyone in Tranquility Lane. {German} 181
Neutral 50 Behind the Abandoned house, there is a dog house. Inside that dog house are the knife and mask you will take up. {German} 182
MQ04Betty4ForcingMeToBeEvil You're forcing me to do things against my nature, and I hate you for it. Neutral 50 I don't recall asking for your feelings on the matter. {German} 183
Neutral 50 If it has not been made perfectly clear to you, I am in control here. I dictate your actions, and the actions of those around you. {German} 184
Neutral 50 You will continue to do exactly as I say, or you will find yourself suffering from a sudden and inexplicable aneurysm. {German} 185
Neutral 50 And that's if I'm feeling generous. {amused} 186
Neutral 50 For now, though, you will become the Pint-Sized Slasher. You will kill everyone in Tranquility Lane, and you will do this because I say so. 187
Neutral 50 Behind the Abandoned House, in the dog house, are a knife and mask. You will use them to terrorize the residents of this quaint little street. {German} 188
MQ04Betty4SlasherSoundsLikeFun Sounds like fun. Neutral 50 I thought you might find it amusing. It draws upon an old urban legend, a story told over campfires many years ago. {German} 189
Neutral 50 The residents have all heard the story, and will fear you. {German} 190
Neutral 50 Go forth, and make me proud. {German} 191
MQ04Betty4WhatSlasher Who the hell is the Pint-Sized Slasher? Neutral 50 He is a figure of myth, born of old campfire stories. You will make him a reality. {German} 192
Neutral 50 The residents will know you, and they will fear you. When they have all been eliminated, return to me. {German} 193
MQ04Betty4WhyDoingThis Why are you doing all of this? Surprise 10 Because I can, of course. {surprised at the question} 194
Neutral 50 I have total power here. I may do whatever I wish, and over these many years I have found that I wish to see others suffer. {German} 195
MQ04Betty4YouCouldLeave But you could leave the Vault, find somewhere else to live. Neutral 50 Are you mad? I've been here for almost 200 years. My body is in no condition to be used for anything. {German} 196
Neutral 50 And yet here in Tranquility Lane, I am as strong and youthful as I care to be. No, no. I think I'll stay here, thank you. {German} 197
Neutral 50 And you... You will now do as you're told. The Slasher awaits. {German} 198
MQ04BettyAnotherChanceFunny Yeah, real funny. Neutral 50 It is kind of funny, but for a different reason. Tranquility Lane is different than most places. People here don't stay dead. 199
Neutral 50 I can make it so Timmy will be back to normal, just like nothing happened. You, though... You're special. If you die, you don't come back. 200
Neutral 50 You stay dead, so you better watch out. 201
MQ04BettyAnotherChanceHow How can I have another chance? Neutral 50 Tranquility Lane is special. If people die here, they don't really stay dead. Well, most people anyway. {innocent} 202
Neutral 50 You're... Different. If you die, you stay dead. Better be careful! {teasing, innocent} 203
Neutral 50 Now, Timmy will be back to normal any second now. Then you can try again. 204
MQ04BettyDoneLetMeOut I did what you wanted. Now let me out. Neutral 50 Yes, yes. I suppose you've earned the right to do as you like. {German} 205
Neutral 50 I shall miss your company. This has been a simply wonderful time. 206
Neutral 50 The door is now open. Through it, you may return to the real world, and whatever inferior existence you have there. {German} 207
MQ04BettyDoneSureWasFun That sure was fun! Happy 50 I had the distinct impression you enjoyed yourself. We are alike, you and I. {German} 208
Neutral 50 Now, you asked for the means to leave Tranquility Lane, and so I grant it to you. The door is open. {German} 209
Neutral 50 You are, of course, welcome to stay a bit longer if you like. 210
MQ04BettyHowKnowMe How do you know who I am? Neutral 50 I know everything, my dear boy. {German} 211
How do you know who I am? Neutral 50 I know everything, my dear girl. {German} 212
MQ04BettyInvasionDeadHaha Sure did. And now you're all alone. Neutral 50 Alone... What will I do now? I have no one. Nothing. You've destroyed everything that mattered to me. {German} 213
MQ04BettyInvasionTLDad I came here for my father. Now where is he? Neutral 50 Didn't you figure it out? The dog. So loyal, so trusting... so annoying. {German} 214
Neutral 50 I simply made him what he always was... 215
I came here for my father. Now where is he? Neutral 50 He's been right here the whole time, and you were too dense to figure it out. The dog, you see. {German} 216
Neutral 50 Man's best friend. But now you've taken all my friends from me... 217
MQ04BettyInvasionTLDadSafe So my father's okay? I can... get him back? Sad 50 Yes, I'm sure he's fine. No doubt when you leave the simulation, he'll be waiting for you. {German} 218
Sad 100 But there's no one waiting for me... 219
MQ04BettyInvasionTLGECK Tell me about the G.E.C.K. Neutral 50 The Garden of Eden Creation Kit. It was for terraforming, for restoring the world after a nuclear disaster. {German} 220
Neutral 50 Unstable technology, and ultimately boring. Why re-make the old reality, when instead you could create any reality you choose? {German} 221
MQ04BettyInvasionTLOkayToGo So... I'm free to leave? Sad 100 Isn't it obvious? You've run the failsafe, disrupted everything. I have no power over you. {German} 222
Sad 100 There's the door. Go. 223
MQ04BettyInvasionTLPlace Tell me about this place, about Tranquility Lane. Sad 50 You know enough. You know this was my perfect simulation, my exquisite creation. {German} 224
Sad 100 And now you've ruined it forever. 225
Tell me about this place, about Tranquility Lane. Sad 50 It is my greatest achievement. The best of the many simulations I've run in these 200 years. {German} 226
Sad 50 I played with the others, but they bored me. This version never grew old. It amused me over, and over, and over again. 227
MQ04BettyInvasionTLWho Tell me exactly who you are. Who you really are. Sad 50 Why do you torment me? You know who I am. You know that I am really Doctor Braun, that I created this place... {German} 228
Sad 100 And that now I'm trapped here, and it's all your fault. 229
Tell me exactly who you are. Who you really are. Neutral 50 My name is Stanislaus Braun. I am a Vault-Tec scientist. I created this simulation for Vault-Tec, but for myself as well. 230
Sad 50 It was my own design, my own perfection. A better reality than any other. Far greater than my work on the G.E.C.K. 231
MQ04BettyInvasionTop1 I'm calling the shots now! Anger 50 You? No! I... I am the creator of this world! {German} 232
Sad 50 ...feel so lost, and... So all alone. 233
MQ04BettyInvasionTop2 It's all over. Now shut up, and answer my questions. Anger 100 It is NOT over! It's not over until I say so! Do you understand me? I... I... {German} 234
Sad 100 I just want things to go back the way they were. 235
MQ04BettyInvasionTop3 You'll just reset everything anyway. Who cares? Anger 50 I CAN'T reset it, don't you see? The failsafe disabled the security protocols. They're all dead. For good! {German} 236
Sad 50 All my friends, gone. Now I'm stuck here by myself... 237
MQ04BettyInvasionTop4 I put these people out of their misery. You're getting exactly what you deserve. Anger 50 You've taken them all from me. You've left me with nothing! {German} 238
Sad 50 It's not fair... Nobody to play with ever again... 239
MQ04BettyKillPlayer MQ04BettyKillPlayer Anger 50 You can't do that here. 240
Anger 50 And now, you have to pay. 241
MQ04BettyLiveHereDont What? I don't live here. Happy 50 You do now. {innocent} 242
Neutral 50 You live here until I say you don't. {slightly menacing} 243
Happy 50 I know! Why don't we play a game? {innocent} 244
MQ04BettyLiveHereWhat Is this some kind of a game? Neutral 50 Do you like games? I love to play games! {innocent} 245
Happy 50 I know a really fun game we can play. {innocent} 246
MQ04BettyLiveHereWhatever Sure, kid. Whatever you say. Neutral 50 That's right! It IS whatever I say! Boy, you learn fast. 247
Neutral 50 Hey, I know! Let's play a fun game! 248
MQ04BettyNotNowBailOut I'm just looking around. I'll come back later. Sad 50 But... But I want to play now! 249
MQ04BettyTLDad Where is my father? Happy 50 Oh, don't worry about that now. There are things to do! 250
What have you done with my father? Happy 50 Have you met Doc the dog? He's another new arrival, much like yourself. {German} 251
Happy 50 He might seem a bit... familiar to you. {German} 252
MQ04BettyTLMoreInfo Tell me more about this place. Neutral 50 Maybe later. First I want to see how you get along with Timmy. {amused} 253
Tell me more about this place. Neutral 50 The details of this place are far beyond your comprehension, I'm sure. {amused German} 254
Neutral 50 Be content with what you need to know: This is a simulation, and I am in total control. If you wish to see the Vault again, you'll do as I say. {German} 255
MQ04BettyTLReminder What am I supposed to be doing again? Happy 50 Take on the role of the Pint-Sized Slasher, and kill everyone on Tranquility Lane. I'll be waiting. {amused German} 256
What am I supposed to be doing again? Happy 50 Mabel Henderson needs to die. But in a creative, fun sort of way. I'm sure you'll think of something. {amused German} 257
What am I supposed to be doing again? Happy 50 Visit the Rockwells. Observe their happy marriage, and then destroy it. But don't kill them; that'd spoil the fun. 258
What am I supposed to be doing again? Happy 50 You need to go find Timmy Neusbaum, and make him cry. It'll be funny. You'll see. 259
MQ04BettyTLWhoAreYou Who are you? Happy 50 Don't you worry about that. You just go have fun with Timmy. 260
Who are you? Happy 50 You know that I am Dr. Braun. Anything else is irrelevant. Perhaps you should be focusing your energy on what I've asked of you. {German} 261
Who are you? Happy 50 If you insist on an answer, then you may better know me as Dr. Stanislaus Braun. {German} 262
Happy 50 I have chosen a different appearance for myself here... in my own little playground. {amused} 263
MQ04BettyTask2GetOnWithIt Let's just get this over with. Neutral 50 I'm glad you've chosen to see reason. 264
Happy 50 Again, I present you with a simple little job. The Rockwells have a seemingly happy marriage. I'd like you to put an end to it. {German} 265
Neutral 50 The only caveat is that you may not kill either of them in the process. I look forward to seeing what you're capable of. {German} 266
MQ04BettyTask2Refuse1 I don't really have a choice, do I? Happy 50 There's always a choice. Sometimes it's just easier to make. {German} 267
MQ04BettyTask2Refuse2 Fine, I'll do it. Happy 50 I'm glad you've chosen to be cooperative. 268
MQ04BettyTask2RefuseAgain No. I said I wouldn't do it, and I meant it. Anger 50 Well then, we have little else to say to one another. 269
MQ04BettyYouveSeenMyFather You've seen my father? Where is he? Neutral 50 Oh, I don't think we're quite ready to talk about that. We haven't even been formally introduced yet. 270
MQ04FatherKnowHesHere Look, I know he's in here. I mean, in the Vault. Surprise 50 Your father? Oh, I had no idea. This is simply too rich. {surprised, thrilled, menacing} 271
Surprise 50 He's the reason you came here? I mistakenly assumed you had simply blundered in here on your own. 272
Happy 50 Well, this certainly changes things, doesn't it? I daresay it gives you a whole new level of motivation to avoid angering me. {menacing, thrilled} 273
Look, I know he's in here. I mean, in the Vault. Surprise 50 You mean the man that came here is your daddy? 274
Surprise 50 And you're only here because you're looking for him? 275
Happy 50 Oh, this is just too much fun! We're going to have SUCH a good time! Let's play right now! {innocent, thrilled} 276
MQ04FatherOlderGuy He looks like me, but older. He's got to be here. Surprise 50 Well now, doesn't this just change everything! 277
Happy 50 I should have suspected there was some reason behind my recent good fortune. 278
Happy 50 Perhaps you'll get to see him, in time. {menacing, gloating} 279
He's an older guy, around 50 or so. Surprise 50 And he's new here too, isn't he? 280
Happy 50 Oh, boy. He's your daddy, huh? I had no idea! 281
Happy 50 That makes this even MORE fun! Let's play! 282
MQ04FatherScientist He's a scientist. He's looking for Doctor Braun. Surprise 50 Oh my. What a splendid turn of events. I had no idea the two of you were related! 283
Neutral 50 Yes, I have indeed seen him. I'm afraid he's rather unavailable at the moment. {menacing} 284
He's a scientist. He's looking for Doctor Braun. Neutral 50 Ha ha ha! THAT'S your daddy? 285
Neutral 50 Oh, we're going to have SO much fun! This is going to be the best game ever! 286
MQ04GameDetailsCrazy What? That's crazy! Neutral 50 No, Timmy's the one who's crazy. You'll see. 287
Neutral 50 Make him cry, and then come tell me. Maybe we can talk some more then. 288
MQ04GameDetailsThatsIt That's it? I can do that. Neutral 50 You can? I guess we'll see, huh? 289
Neutral 50 Good luck! 290
MQ04GameDetailsWhatKindOfGame What kind of a game is this? Neutral 50 It'll be funny. Come on, you'll see. 291
Neutral 50 Make him cry, and then come back here, and we'll talk some more. 292
MQ04GameDetailsWhosTimmy Timmy Neusbaum? Who's that? Happy 50 He's the only other kid that lives here besides you. He's a big crybaby... You'll see. 293
Happy 50 Make him cry and then come back here so we can talk some more. 294
MQ04GameFatherNow No games. You tell me where my father is. Now, you little brat. Neutral 50 Oh, don't be mean. That's not a good way to start. 295
Neutral 50 I said we're going to play a game, so that's what we're going to do. 296
MQ04GameNo1 No thanks. No games for me. Neutral 50 Ha ha. You don't get to say no. 297
Neutral 50 If I want to play a game, you're going to play. And I want to. {demanding} 298
MQ04GameNo2 Look, kid. I'm not interested in playing games. Anger 20 I said, I want to play a game. {insistent, increasing in agitation} 299
Neutral 50 It's easy. You make Timmy Neusbaum cry, and I'll help you. If you don't... 300
Neutral 50 Then I guess you'll never find out where your daddy is. 301
Look, kid. I'm not interested in playing games. Anger 20 I said, I want to play a game. {insistent, increasing in agitation} 302
Neutral 50 It's easy. You make Timmy Neusbaum cry, and I'll help you. If you don't... Then I guess you're stuck here. 303
MQ04GameOkay A game? Okay, I guess... Happy 50 I knew you would! {innocent, thrilled} 304
Happy 50 It's a really simple game. All you have to do is make Timmy Neusbaum cry. {innocent} 305
A game? Okay, I guess... Happy 50 Oh goodie! {innocent, thrilled} 306
Happy 50 It's a really simple game. All you have to do is make Timmy Neusbaum cry. {innocent} 307
MQ04GameWhatsGoingOn What the hell's going on here? Neutral 50 We're going to play a game now, silly. That's what's going on. 308
MQ04LookingForMyFather I'm looking for my father. Have you seen him? Neutral 50 Gee, I don't know. What's he like? 309
MQ04WhereAmI Where am I? Happy 50 This is Tranquility Lane. We all live here, and now so do you. {innocent} 310
MQ04WhoAreYou And you are...? Neutral 50 I'm Betty. I live here on Tranquility Lane. Want to play a game? 311


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 You have lots of work to do! {cheery yet menacing} 312
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Mabel's waiting for you. 313
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I look forward to seeing how you deal with this. 314
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Tell Timmy I said hi! 315
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Run along now. 316
HELLO HELLO Happy 100 Hi there! 317
HELLO Anger 100 What did you do? 318
HELLO Neutral 50 Shouldn't you be leaving now? 319
HELLO Neutral 50 Well done, well done! 320
HELLO Neutral 50 The Pint-Sized Slasher returns! 321
HELLO Happy 50 Oh, Mabel. Always good for a laugh. {amused} 322
HELLO Happy 50 Poor Janet and Roger. {amused, but pretending to be sad} 323
HELLO Neutral 50 I'm waiting to see how you handle the Rockwells... 324
HELLO Neutral 50 You won the game! 325
HELLO Neutral 50 Have you gone to see Timmy yet? 326
MQ04BettyWhistling MQ04BettyWhistling Neutral 50 <whistling> {whistle specific Tranquility Lane tune} 327


Attack Attack Neutral 50 I am in control here. {emphasis on "I"} 328
Attack Neutral 50 You disappoint me. 329
Attack Neutral 50 You've brought this on yourself. 330
Pickpocket Pickpocket Surprise 50 Really now. What are you thinking? 331