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Then say no more, friend. Can't share much, but this should do the trick. Use it in good health!

Phantom is a Pitt raider in the Pitt Uptown in the year 2277.


Phantom is considerably more amicable towards the Lone Wanderer than most of the other Pitt raiders and will enthusiastically welcome them to the group.[1][2][Non-game 1] He acts as an improvised medic for the faction, working to treat radiation poisoning amongst the raiders with his supply of RadAway, which he will readily share with the Lone Wanderer if they need it.[3][4]

He has strong opinions about the amount of work that both the raiders and the slaves do, believing that the slaves have it easy compared to the raiders, who risk their lives while raiding caravans to acquire food for the city’s residents.[5][6]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).

Other interactions[]

  • Once a day, the player can ask Phantom for radiation treatment, resulting in Phantom giving the player a dose of RadAway.
  • He will get defensive if one asks him "You think you work harder than the slaves?". He will reply "Fuck yes we do," and will back himself up by mentioning how raiders have to go through so much just to get supplies and food for the slaves.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Leather armor Police baton RadAway

Notable quotes[]


Phantom appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Phantom shares his name with Pittsburgh's best known and most popular pop-culture emporium, Phantom of the Attic, which is a comic book and RPG gaming store located in the Oakland (Uptown) section of the city.
  • Phantom is also a reference to Pittsburgh's only amusement park, Kennywood, that had a roller coaster called "The Steel Phantom," which was later rebuilt and renamed the "Phantom's Revenge."


  1. Phantom: "You hit the jackpot now, wizkid. You're in Ashur’s army. Now's when the hard work really starts!"
    (Phantom’s dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm fine, Phantom."
    Phantom: "Okay. Watch yourself out there!"
    (Phantom’s dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm a little irradiated. I could use some help."
    Phantom: "Then say no more, friend. Can't share much, but this should do the trick. Use it in good health!"
    (Phantom’s dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm still irradiated. I could use some more help."
    Phantom: "Wish I could help you, but I'm all out for today. Just tough it out?"
    (Phantom’s dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "You really think you work harder than the slaves Downtown?"
    Phantom: "Fuck yes, we do. Those lazy workers get food and board, and all they have to do is work the Mill and complain. But we're the ones who go out on raids to get that food, and we're the ones getting shot at for their lazy asses. So don't you get all weepy for those scabs Downtown. They don't know how easy they got it. But I do what I can to keep us all standing upright. If you need to drop some rads, I'm here to help."
    (Phantom’s dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Trust me, I know how to work hard."
    Phantom: "I hope so, for your sake. You screw up down in the Mill, you just get a beating. It's harsh, but it heals. But if you screw up when raiding a caravan, you get gutshot and bleed out in the dirt. So you better be as tough as you think you are. But I do what I can to keep our mistakes from being too fatal. If you need to drop some rads, I'm here to help."
    (Phantom’s dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.91: "Phantom:
    Although perhaps a little too excitable when around firearms, Phantom enthusiastically welcomes you to the ragtag Pitt Raider family (if you aren't massacring them all). He can share his RadAway with you once per day."