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Fallout Wiki

Heh heh. Good meat, huh? Cat meat, rat meat, dog meat - maybe even *you* meat!

Violet is a high-ranking member of the Fiends, second to Motor-Runner, in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


Unlike other Fiend leaders such as Driver Nephi and Cook-Cook, Violet completely forgoes associating with any other members of her gang and is instead only accompanied by a pack of feral hounds, that she supposedly breeds herself (according to Major Dhatri).[1] She feeds her pack with a supply of human flesh.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.




  • Though Violet will never respawn, her dogs (minus Violetta) will.
  • Having at least one rank of the Animal Friend perk or sniping her from a distance will make the dogs friendly and they will not attack.
  • Her dogs may not appear until she is killed.
  • Her skin is noticeably darker than most non-player characters, being nearly black with the exception of her face.
  • It is possible for her corpse to disappear after fast traveling, making the retrieval of her head impossible without reloading or the use of console commands.
  • She is one of the few named characters that are affected by the Sneering Imperialist perk.
  • Violet has an unused unique dialogue tree in the GECK, in which the Courier can ask her basic questions about herself, her dogs, Driver Nephi and Cook-Cook.

Notable quotes[]


Violet appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Violet."
    Major Dhatri: "Violet it is. Wish I could give you more advice on how to bring her down, but we know less about her than the other two. Just watch out for the dogs. She raises them herself. Might as well be their mother - they never leave her side."
    (Major Dhatri's dialogue)
  2. Around 30 pieces of human flesh can be found at Violet and Violetta's trailer compound, with most placed in or near dog bowls.