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…another postnatally-aborted wreck in a post-holocaust world replete with idiot man-children. (Raises his fists.) Out of my shop! Get out at once! Don't you come back, you hear?!— Renesco reacting to a stupid Chosen One.

Renesco "the Rocketman"[1] is the proprietor of the eponymous Renesco's Pharmacy in New Reno in 2241 in Fallout 2.


An old man with a pair of huge, garish glasses with one good lens,[2] Renesco is one of the most intelligent and capable scientists in New Reno, putting his skills to use as a chemist developing and distributing a large variety of drugs, recreational and otherwise, from his pharmacy in the Commercial Row. He is a firm believer in natural selection and personal responsibility, feeling not a millimeter of pity for the drug addicts that buy his products, as they know full well what they are buying.

Renesco's education and impressive vocabulary (typically employed as heavy duty verbal artillery against clients, particularly if they are annoying) make him stand out among the ranks of Reno townsfolk, though nobody knows where Renesco came from. He himself rebuffs all attempts at learning that fact by pointing out that asking people about their past in Reno is not a smart move. Vault City could be one of the places he learned his trade, though it seems unlikely given his attitude and knowledge.

Although it would appear he is making a living in a neutral zone, Renesco is actually the employee of the Salvatores. They own his establishment and extract a heavy tribute from his operations, collections wiping his purse regularly. They also use him to fulfill various special requests, such as preparing Jet laced with radscorpion venom. Renesco knows he has no choice, as if he refuses, they will simply kill him and find a more pliable chemist.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Sells: Renesco's Pharmacy shop inventory


Other interactions[]

  • His eyesight can be helped through spectacles found on the scorpion in Broken Hills, which can be used to get a Pip-Boy medical enhancer:
    • Should he be let keeping them without a monetary reward or a discount on his wares, it is possible to ask him how the glasses are working out. Doing so 20 times will completely destroy his patience and make him shout while throwing the medical enhancer at the Chosen One.
  • He is also the seller of the mine's air purifier, required to fix the mine's air purifier in Broken Hills. The price for the item is $100. There is a dialogue option that allows a proposal offer of $50, however, bargaining with him is difficult and if failed he will double the price instead.
  • Renesco is controlled by the Salvatores, making payments to them and doctoring up poisoned Jet to eliminate the family's enemies as the Salvatores see fit, one such victim was Richard Wright. He sells recreational drugs mostly, which is why he was given his appellation, 'the Rocketman.' He also sells some caravan supplies.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Stimpak x2


Renesco appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Chosen One can ask Renesco, "Rocketman, huh? Know the line in that Elton John song, "Rocketman, burning off the mmmncfnfm there at home?' What's he really saying there?" This is a direct reference to the Elton John song "Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time)," released in 1972.[1]
  • When giving Renesco the spectacles, the Chosen One can quote the 1972 film The Godfather: "Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day accept these glasses as a gift on my daughter's wedding day."[3]
  • Judging by the script sources, the Pip-Boy medical enhancer "reward" was initially meant to be a psychic nullifier.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Chosen One: "{292}{}{What do you sell here?}"
    Renesco: "{305}{}{I sell recreational drugs mostly. That's why they gave me that idiotic appellation, 'the Rocketman.' Hmmmph. I also sell some caravan supplies. You NEED anything or can I get back to something important?}"
    The Chosen One: "{306}{}{Rocketman, huh? Know the line in that Elton John song, "Rocketman, burning off the mmmncfnfm there at home?' What's he really saying there?}"
  2. Renesco's character description: "# 0. QUICK LOOK"
    "{100}{}{You see Renesco the Rocketman.}"
    "{150}{}{You see an old man with a pair of huge, garish glasses. He sighs irritatedly as you watch.}"
    "{200}{}{You see Renesco the Rocketman. As you watch, he takes off his cracked glasses and polishes the one good lens.}"
    "{201}{}{You see Renesco the Rocketman. As you watch, he takes off his cracked glasses and polishes the one good lens.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{243}{}{Hey, I have a pair of glasses, if you want them.}"
    Renesco: "{640}{}{(Renesco snatches the glasses from you and puts them on. His eyes widen.) Sweet Reno! THAT'S what this damn shop looks like. (Frowns.) What a mess…and what is that on the shelves? Looks like brahmin shit.}"'
    The Chosen One: "{641}{}{You're welcome…}"
    Renesco: "{650}{}{Hmpphh! I…hmmm…uh…where did you get these?}"
    The Chosen One: "{651}{}{Well, there was this tiny radscorpion, see, and there was this scientist that was training him, and...you know what? Even I don't believe it. Just keep them, all right?}"
    Renesco: "{670}{}{Well, I…hmnnn…I'm…eh, grateful. I thought I was going to have to suffer with those broken frames for the rest of my life. If I can do something for you, you let me know…and, uh, I'll THINK about it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{673}{}{Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day accept these glasses as a gift on my daughter's wedding day. }"
  4. NCRENESC.SSL: "procedure Node066 begin   return_node := "Node066";   inc_local_var(LVAR_Node66_Visits);   if (local_var(LVAR_Node66_Visits) < 20) then begin      Reply(950);      NOption(952, Node996, 004);      NOption(953, Node042, 004);      NOption(943, Node999, 004);   end else begin      set_glasses(glasses_done);      give_psychic_nullifier      Reply(951);      NOption(955, Node999, 004);   end end"
Fallout and Fallout 2 merchants and doctors