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Smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?

Oliver Swanick is a former Powder Ganger who won "the only lottery that matters."[1] He is found during the Courier's first arrival at Nipton in 2281.


A former Powder Ganger,[2] Oliver Swanick was captured in the Legion's "cleansing" of the town of Nipton. As the winner of Nipton's lottery, he was the only person allowed to leave the town alive and unharmed.[3] When first encountered, he is excessively jubilant over this fact.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

When first entering Nipton, Swanick will run toward the Courier and initiate conversation. He will approach the Courier regardless of which direction they enter the town from.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Random Powder Ganger apparel
Reading glasses
Lottery ticket


  • After first meeting the Courier, Oliver Swanick may run directly to the scorpion burrow's entrance and remain there forever. If panicked by nearby radscorpions, he may sometimes flee into the nest, and will most likely be killed by the radscorpion queen residing in the area. Swanick may also run to the Nipton Road pit stop, where he could be killed by the Jackals camping there.
  • Swanick had previously been set as a respawning non-player character, resulting in him resurrecting every three in-game days if killed. This was corrected in patch This same patch causes many previously permanent minor non-player characters to die or disappear from the game world once their role in the story is finished, to free up resources due to the added burden of the add-ons on the game's cache. However, Swanick will remain in the game until he dies.

Notable quotes[]


Oliver Swanick appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. The Courier: "What sort of lottery did you win?"
    Oliver Swanick: "What lottery? The lottery, that's what lottery! Are you stupid? Only lottery that matters! Oh my God smell that air!"
    (Oliver Swanick's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Are you a Powder Ganger?"
    Oliver Swanick: "Powder Ganger? What? I mean, yeah, used to be, sure! But not no more! Powder Gang is small-time, man! I'm a winner! I won the motherfucking lottery!"
    (Oliver Swanick's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What happened after everyone got lottery tickets?"
    Boxcars: "What do you think? He started drawing tickets, and that's how people got punished. First up was the 'lucky losers.' They got decapitated - guess that's 'lucky' because it's pretty quick. Then came the crucifixions. Goddamn but those went on and on and on... Third-place runners-up got enslaved. I got the fuck beat out of my legs, and the winner they let go free."
    (Boxcars' dialogue)