Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Tony the Tinker was a technologically gifted inhabitant of Nipton.


A technical wizard, Tony was responsible for fixing up a terminal for Mayor Steyn as well as a number of other technological feats, such as fixing and activating two Mister Gutsy robots.[1]

Despite his skill, the rest of the town considered him a freak of some kind, though it is not explained in what way.

In his diary, Tony mentions impressing an out-of-town girl with a robot so that she stays with him before the rest of the town can turn her against him. He also mentions that in case he succeeds, it would be a nice change from having to pay Rose for sex. Tony, along with the rest of the town, was killed in the massacre of Nipton.


Tony the Tinker is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

