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The Nipton terminal entries are a collection of terminal entries from Nipton in Fallout: New Vegas.

Tony the Tinker's terminal[]

The terminal is in the Nipton House to the right of Nipton Town Hall.



Reset Mainframe Connnection[]


Connection reset. Handshaking ...complete.



Things are finally looking up! I got both Gutsies up and running, and this terminal working too so I can keep a regular journal!

Fixed up a terminal for Mayor Steyn too, so he can run his numbers, and got a free turn with Rose as payment! Dare I say: Yeah!

All I need now is for a new gal to come to Nipton, one who doesn't know anything about me. If I can get to her and show her my Gutsies before anyone else can turn her against me, she'll be impressed and that'll do it. It *has* to do it. It's not like every man out there can fix up a robot. I'll tell her she'd never have to do housework, that'd be the clincher. It would be so nice not to have to pay Rosie.

This writing stuff is harder that I thought. I'd better stop here.

For maximum impact, only show one Gutsy to gal, let admiration take hold, *then* reveal second Gutsy.

Mayor Steyn's terminal[]

This terminal is found in Joseph Steyn's office in Nipton Town Hall.



Reset Mainframe Connnection[]


Connection reset. Handshaking ...complete.

Prison Break[]


Tony was kind enough to build this terminal and set it up for me. All for 30 caps worth of Rosie. Ha!

The life of a Mayor suits me just fine. I'm glad I didn't go any further east. I'm making plenty of caps right here off Rosie and Sylvia, who attract plenty of interest from troops at the Mojave Outpost. (Guess you spend enough time standing around that backwater and you're ready to hop on something that looks like a mole rat and doesn't smell much better.) And the local "shops" are all giving me a percentage of sales to the troops because it's my girls who bring them in. Ha! They think they're shrewd negotiators for getting me to accept a 15% cut instead of 20%.

Another year in this dump, two at the most, and it's back to Hub for me. Maybe I'll run for office there! Ha!

Mayor Joseph B. Steyn
(Doesn't that look official!)


Message loading...

High Roller[]


A promising development, if I do say so myself! It seems things went to hell at the NCR Correctional Facility north of here, and escaped prisoners are roaming free.

Sounds like a bad thing - and would be, if not for the political acumen and interpersonal alchemy of yours truly, Mayor Joseph B. Steyn, Esq. I sent the Jims out to make contact with the prisoners (or "Powder Gangers," rather - they insist on this name) to let them know Nipton's open for trade - with free turns with the girls as door prizes.

Ha! You know they went for that deal. As sold by Little Jim, anyway. Big Jim, R.I.P.

I see a lot of potential here so long as I can keep the NCR troops and Powders (ridiculous name) from running into each other and shooting it out in the streets. Luckily, the troopers only come at night (double entendre), so if the Powders will only come during the day (again), I'll have them coming (third time, the charm) and going.

Yours in confidence.

Mayor Joseph B. Steyn, Esq.


Message loading...



I can hardly believe my luck. Literally. I'm agape.

Just now I was approached by a rather intense young man calling himself "Mr. Fox." (Yeah, right.) When we were alone in my office, he let it be known that he is a member of Caesar's Legion (!!!).

He knew that NCR troops and Powder Gangers often spend time in Nipton. It turns out that the Legion hates and wishes to make an example of both groups, the NCR for obvious reasons, and Powder Gangers for harassing Legion raiding parties on this side of the river.

I didn't have to think a moment about Mr. Fox's proposition before accepting it. All I have to do is convince the Powders to kidnap the NCR troops at night. When both groups are in town, the Legion boys will scoop everyone up. Ha!

For this simple task, I have been offered 8,000 CAPS!!! I could almost go back to the NCR right away... but who knows how much else I might make off this Legion lackey?

I'm going to start stockpiling some supplies in a safe house between here and the Mojave Outpost, just in case I decide to head back home in a hurry...

Very exciting!

Signed, with a steady hand,
(on the keyboard)

Super-Mayor Joseph B. Steyn, III Esq.


Message loading...


It appears several transcriptions on Steyn's terminal are mixed up. The "High Roller" description fits with the "Prison Break" header, and the "Testing" description fits with the "High Roller" header. Then the "Prison Break" description would go with the "Testing" header.
