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Fallout Wiki

The Billings homestead is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia. It is a public workshop with claim and defend events.


There is a simple two-story farmhouse with no basement. There is random loot inside and a locked (Picklock 2) safe on the second floor. There are two ash roses in the backyard with two blackberry bushes. There are more than 40 razorgrain plants in the field to the south.

The workshop is outside against the south wall of the house along with an armor workbench. The suitcase beside the armor workbench provides access to the player character's stash box. There is a Poseidon power box near the workshop which provides 10 units of power, unless the Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 was restored to operation earlier during the Powering Up event, then the box will provide 100 units of power. More than enough to cover all the extractors that can be placed in the workshop build area, as the resource deposits are scattered all across the field where the crops were grown.

North of this location and south of the neighboring Silva homestead, there is a single silo with a large semi-circular shed immediately adjacent to it. While it is equally close to both, it appears to actually belong to Silva - the door faces Silva and the land between the barn and Silva's farmhouse is tilled. Inside the shed, one has a chance to find power armor at the power armor station.

Notable loot[]


The Billings homestead appears only in Fallout 76.

