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I must confess feeling a bit . . . disappointed in you. But these things happen. You will remember this is confidential. Good day.

Decker is the most powerful crime boss in the Hub and the head of the Underground in Fallout.[Non-game 1]


By appearance, Decker seems to be a random thug. He has a brutish, gaunt face ridden with wrinkles, an unkempt beard shadow, with only the twin helix piercings in his right ear hinting that he's something more. However, the moment anyone speaks with him, it becomes clear that Decker is not a thug, but someone who orders thugs around. He is soft-spoken, patient, and highly intelligent, with a mean ruthless streak. This enabled him to steadily turn the Underground from an upstart criminal organization he personally established in 2140,[Non-game 2] into the true power controlling the Hub from behind the scenes.[2]

He established his power through intimidation and manipulation: He gives protection to the merchants,[3] while turning them on one another,[4] and cynically plays common Hubbers, thugs, and especially the police as he sees fit.[5] His network of informants and contacts ensures that little happens without him being aware of it,[Non-game 3] and he's perfectly willing to use Harold for information.[6]

By 2161, he has established full control of the Far Go Traders, the smallest of the caravan houses,[7] reducing Butch Harris to the role of a pliant figurehead,[8][9] and all of the associated businesses. He took control of the Maltese Falcon in the heart of the Merchants Market, and established a loan sharking operation called the Friendly Lending Company[Non-game 4] (breaking people who don't pay up or point out the extortionate rates).[10][1] The police has been largely sidelined by sowing mistrust and conflict, leaving them unable to trust one another, much less challenge Decker.[11] Yet despite repeated attempts, the mighty Water Merchants remained resistant to his attempts at assuming control, and eventually Decker decided to remove the owner, Daren Hightower, and his wife, to effect a takeover.[12]

While Decker prefers intimidation and subjugation, he is not above using violence and murder to get his way. He took control of the Maltese Falcon by first offering to buy the night club, and when the owner refused to sell, having him killed. He was taken to Old Town and shot, leaving his body in a place he detested. The choice of weapon (an expensive Magnum) and manner of execution (twice in the back and once in the head) sent a message, without tying him to the death.[13] If anyone asks, Decker simply says he is the founder of the club.[14][15] He also plans to use assassination to deal with the Children of the Cathedral's expanding influence, by having High Priestess Jain killed.[16] Decker considers the Children to be a far greater threat than anything else in the Hub, and is willing to pay handsomely to see it rewarded.[17][18][19]

While Decker's reputation for brutality was well established, in particular his cynical use of murder,[20][21] it has proven next to impossible to actually pin anything on him. Decker practically never leaves his hideout, working through intermediaries.[22][23] This makes any takedown tricky: While Sheriff Justin Greene broke with his father's legacy and refused to be bribed by Decker,[24] he refused repeated requests by Deputy Tony Fry to arrest Decker due to a lack of evidence.[25] Nobody in the Underground is willing to turn witness, as Decker's punishments are as cruel as they are ruthless. Even failing an assignment can result in the unfortunate thug being lobotomized as an example to others.[26] One of the Circle of Thieves' associates met such a fate, permanently estranging them from Decker's organization. Lucky for them, Decker considers them inconsequential (although they are banned from working with the Underground).[27]

While Decker's style of governance results in loyalty, only Kane is truly loyal to Decker, as his second.[28] Others follow out of fear, and should Decker and Kane fall, the Underground will unravel quickly, as nobody is smart enough to step into Decker's shoes.[29] In fact, his goons are likely to surrender immediately upon seeing their boss fall.[30] Finally, he has recently decided to challenge the Brotherhood of Steel, by kidnapping Brother Jonathan, an initiate, an action that would result in prompt retaliation from the order.[31]


Despite his appearance and ruthlessness, Decker is polite to a fault and fond of eloquence. He puts a premium on manners and is very fond of using euphemisms, such as describing Daren Hightower as not "cooperating fully" when he means he's resisting attempts to gain control of the Water Merchants. He will also phrase the hit as an "extermination" job and a "hunt".[12]

He also has a keen interest in knowing all there is to know about in the Hub, considering it a corollary of him owning the city.[32] Naturally, he refuses to answer any specific questions about himself.[33] He is not omniscient, however: While he seems aware of the ulterior motives of the Children, their power structure and leaders,[34] he appears entirely unaware of the existence of the super mutants and dismisses the Master as a fabrication.[35] He also refuses to consider the deathclaw as anything but a myth and legend.[36][37]

Decker respects loyalty to himself, and downright admires ruthlessness in others and being merciless is a good way to earn his respect.[38] Beyond that, he respects his mother, as the finest woman he's ever known.[39]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon talkinghead
This character has a talking head.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Dispose of merchant: Decker's first quest can be gained by talking to Kane. The second will take the player's character to Decker immediately if they killed Gizmo or Killian, or have the Berserker reputation. Otherwise, they need to first learn who Decker is (eg. from Beth), and then either namedrop Lorenzo or Loxley (denying they're a member of the Circle), or tell Kane it's not their concern and pass a Speech check. This can be retried on failure. Decker will offer the quest with 500 caps advance payment. Refusing results in being kicked out and barred permanently.
  • Dispose of Jain: The second hit is the real job, as killing Hightower was primarily a test. Decker wishes to see Jain killed, to curb the Children's growing influence. The advance pay is 1000 caps.
  • Take down Decker: At any time during or after the above quests, the player can decide to report Decker to Sheriff Greene. If any assassination contract was completed, the player has to pass a Speech check to avoid raising Greene's suspicion. If it's failed, they have to pass another to deny complicity. If both are failed, it becomes impossible to gain the police's assistance in taking Decker down. Otherwise, the player assists Greene and Tony Fry down into the Maltese Falcon. Decker uses thrown knives, but his second is the principal problem. Once both are dead, any remaining mobsters surrender immediately.
    • Slaying Decker will result in many positive reactions across Hub. Both police in the streets and those in random encounters around the hub will cheer his death, and Greene will frankly admit that he can't believe Decker's finally dead - and with him, the brutal reign.

Tell me about[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
Farmer outfit Throwing knife x6 Stimpak


With an Intelligence of 1, talking to Decker becomes challenging. An Intelligence of at least 2 requires the use of Mentats.


Decker appears in Fallout as a talking head and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the Fallout film, Decker was to be named Dekker.
  • The Maltese Falcon, the name of Decker's bar, is a reference to a detective novel from 1930 of the same name, itself made into a 1941 film.
  • Decker has a substantial amount of cut content. The concept art for what became his talking head actually originated as concept art for Kedrick. Also, the Survival Guide mentions an ambush by his goons if the player insults Decker.[Non-game 1] More importantly, Beth's dialogue file and script includes her gossiping about Decker being killed by three giant robed figures in the Maltese Falcon after completing the hit on Jain, indicating that this would have unforeseen consequences. However, this bit of dialogue requires global_var(203) == 2 (DECKER_STATUS). This global variable is only set to 1 if the player slays Decker with Greene, and nothing in the released game can trigger this sequence of events.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Lorenzo Giovanni: "{189}{}{You should try Mr. Decker. Exciting work at great prices! The best in town! And he's just across the street! You can't get better convenience than that!}"
  2. Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Underground} "
    Decker: "{1101}{DECK_50}{Most people do not bandy the name of my organization around lightly. We control the Hub.} "
  3. Cleo: "{176}{}{What rumors do you want to hear? The Water Merchants are playing games. Decker's squeezing merchants for more protection. The Children of the Cathedral sacrificed it to their god. The Deathclaw ate it. Rumors ain't worth nothing. The world's full of rumor and suspicion, and empty of truth. Look for fact, not fiction. But why are you asking? You had friends on the caravan?}"
  4. Loxley: "{241}{LOX_66}{No. Decker's a slick one. He's got the whole town in his pocket, he does. He gives his 'protection' to the merchants, all the while pitting them against each other. Not someone you want to mess with, but he can usually be found in the Maltese Falcon.}"
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{196}{}{Heard any good rumors lately?}"
    Loxley: "{216}{LOX_42}{Oh, just the usual. The merchant caravans get fat off the poor, while that villain Decker plays off everyone.}"
    (Loxley's dialogue)
  6. Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Harold}"
    Decker: "{1105}{DECK_54}{Harold's been around for some time. He's over in Old Town. A good source for certain types of information.}"
  7. Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Far}"
    Decker: "{1110}{DECK_59}{They're the last of the merchants, and I mean that literally. Small time stuff, mostly. Look northeast of the Merchant Market.}"
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{1011}{}{Butch}"
    Decker: "{1111}{DECK_60}{Amusing. He considers himself the leader of the Far Go Traders. More of a figurehead, actually. He knows better than to interfere with my business.}"
    (Decker's dialogue)
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{1013}{}{Missing}"
    Decker: "{1113}{DECK_62}{Something is making the Far Go Traders' caravans disappear. I'd like to know the cause, since it does disrupt a piece of my business.}"
    (Decker's dialogue)
  10. Lorenzo Giovanni: "{217}{}{Can you believe someone accused me of extortion? Fortunately, my good friend Decker set them straight!}"
  11. Justin Greene: "{137}{}{I'm sorry. Decker's been playing us all against each other for years. I don't know who to trust any more. I really could use your help, though. It'll be rough, but I'll pay you 1300 scripts. 300 now and 1000 when we're done.}"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Decker: "{103}{DECK_1}{So. You're looking for a job. How fortunate. I have one that needs doing. Ahh, but where are my manners? What's your name?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{I am }" (PLAYERNAME) "{105}{}{.}"
    Decker: "{107}{DECK_2}{Well, the pleasantries are now concluded. Do you wish to hear about the job?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{That's why I'm here.}"
    Decker: "{110}{DECK_3}{Background: There's a certain merchant who's . . . how to phrase this . . . not cooperating fully with the Underground.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{And the job?}"
    Decker: "{112}{DECK_4}{Quite simple. Hunt down the merchant and his wife and exterminate them. }"
    Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{You mean kill them?}"
    Decker: "{116}{DECK_5}{All a matter of semantics, but yes. Kill them. Will you take the job?} "
  13. Beth: "{151}{}{Sorry, it just reminds me of a friend that used to own it before him. Decker wanted it really bad, but my friend wouldn't sell. Two days later they found him dead in a back alley of Old Town.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{152}{}{Why do you think Decker's responsible?}"
    Beth: "{155}{}{My friend was a clean freak. He wouldn't come within a hundred yards of Old Town. He was shot with a Magnum; no one in Old Town could afford one of those. Plus, he was shot once in the head and twice in the back. Does that sound like a robbery? My friend was just trying to get his life back.}"
  14. Vault Dweller: "{1024}{}{Falcon}"
    Decker: "{1124}{DECK_51}{My mother, finest woman I've ever known, gave me the idea for this, the finest entertainment establishment in all the Hub.}"
  15. Vault Dweller: "{1025}{}{Nightclub}"
    Decker: "{1125}{DECK_51}{My mother, finest woman I've ever known, gave me the idea for this, the finest entertainment establishment in all the Hub.}"
  16. Decker: "{151}{DECK_18}{You're in the Maltese Falcon. There's also the All in One Store, the Armory, the Friendly Lending Company, the police and, unfortunately, the Children of the Cathedral hospital.}'"
    Vault Dweller: "
    {152}{}{Doesn't sound like you're a fan of the Children. What's up?}"
    Decker: "
    {154}{DECK_19}{They . . . encroach. Let's leave it at that, shall we?}"
  17. Decker: "{171}{DECK_27}{Excellent. You see, the last job I gave you was a test and you did exceedingly well. Now comes a job of importance.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{172}{}{Which is?}"
    Decker: "{174}{DECK_28}{As you may know, the Children of the Cathedral have been gaining influence in this town, and frankly, I won't stand for it.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{175}{}{So what do you want me to do?}"
    Decker: "{176}{DECK_29}{A small matter. Kill the High Priestess, Jain. Once she's gone, this little nuisance will be ended. Interested?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{177}{}{Absolutely.}"
    Decker: "{179}{DECK_30}{I believe I'm beginning to like you. The pay is 1000 up front and 4000 upon completion. And trust me, I'll know when it's done.} "
  18. Vault Dweller: "{1018}{}{Cathedral}"
    Decker: "{1118}{DECK_67}{An annoying organization. Soon they may need a demonstration in the management of power.}"
  19. Vault Dweller: "{1020}{}{Jain}"
    Decker: "{1120}{DECK_69}{She's presently the head of the Children of the Cathedral in the Hub. I've reason to believe that may change soon.}"
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{128}{}{Do you mean you'll move this whole place if I fail, or try to kill me.}"
    Loxley: "{151}{LOX_14}{Oh, what do you take me for? If you want cold blooded murder, talk to Decker and his lot. If you fail, which seems much more likely at this point, we will simpleIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar disappear. Now, then care to try or not?}"
    (Loxley's dialogue)
  21. Vault Dweller: "{1007}{}{Decker}"
    Harold: "{1107}{hrold307}{[Cough] Trouble. Nothing but trouble.}"
  22. Justin Greene: "{139}{}{That's very strange. I've never heard of Decker coming out of his office. He must be getting braver. That damn, murdering...argh! I'll get him yet! I'll tell you what, you help us out, and I'll pay you 1300 scripts-- 300 now and 1000 when we're all done. What do you say?}"
  23. Justin Greene: "{140}{}{That's the biggest pile of Brahmin shit I've ever heard. Decker never leaves his office. I knew there was something not right about you. You're lucky I don't have any proof, and I suggest you leave town before I find some!} "
  24. The Vault Dweller: "{1004}{}{Justin}"
    Decker: "{1104}{DECK_53}{He's the head of the police. Nice guy, if you like the straight arrow, honest type. Not like his father, now there was a loyal man.}"
  25. Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Who's Decker?}"
    Deputy Tony Fry: "{119}{}{He owns the Maltese Falcon in the merchant market, but I wouldnt associate with him if you want to stay out of trouble. Hes nothing but a murdering animal, but the Sheriff wont let me arrest him without proof.}"
  26. Cleo: "{175}{}{I had a friend who worked for him once. When the assignment went bad, he ran back to Decker for reinforcements. Decker called him a fool, and he had him lobotomized as an example to others. We don't like Decker very much around here.}"
  27. Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Thieves}"
    Decker: "{1103}{DECK_52}{They steal from the merchants and give to the poor, or some such nonsense. They are inconsequential to me. That old mutant, Harold would know more.}"
  28. Decker: "{230}{}{I see you have disposed of my Second. I will have to take care of you myself.}"
  29. Justin Greene: "{172}{}{Man, that was one hell of a battle! You did well in there. Now that Decker and Kane are gone the rest of the Underground will fall very shortly. Without leadership, organizations like that can't last. Nobody around here is smart enough to take up the reigns.}"
  30. Decker’s guard: "{107}{}{I surrender!}"
    Decker’s guard: "{108}{}{I never liked working for that guy Decker anyways.}"
    Decker’s guard: "{109}{}{Now that Decker and Kane are gone, I'm gonna take over!}"
  31. Talus: "{201}{}{Brother }"
    Talus: "{202}{}{! I've received word from Brother Jonathan. Thank you for rescuing him.}"
    Talus: "{203}{}{I understand Decker's dead, you're more talented than I thought, and that's saying a lot.}"
    Talus: "{204}{}{We'll make Decker pay for what he's done, you have my word on that.}"
    Talus: "{207}{}{Hello stranger! I heard you're the one to thank for the safe return of my missing Initiate.}"
    Talus: "{208}{}{I also understand that Decker's dead, you're quite an asset to our Brotherhood.} "
  32. Decker: "{135}{DECK_13}{Everything is my business in the Hub. Either tell me, or you may leave.}
  33. Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Decker}"
    Decker: "{1100}{DECK_49}{You have no need to know anything else about me.}"
  34. Vault Dweller: "{1019}{}{Morpheus}"
    Decker: "{1119}{DECK_68}{Morpheus is the head of the Children of the Cathedral. He resides down in the Boneyard.}"
  35. Vault Dweller: "{1021}{}{Master}"
    Decker: "{1121}{DECK_70}{One of the fabrications of the Children. He's supposedly some minor diety, or something.}"
  36. Vault Dweller: "{1033}{}{Death}"
    Decker: "{1133}{DECK_64}{Myths and legends. The Death Claw is supposedly a ghost or something.}"
  37. Vault Dweller: "{1034}{}{Deathclaw}"
    Decker: "{1134}{DECK_64}{Myths and legends. The Death Claw is supposedly a ghost or something.}"
  38. Decker: "{140}{DECK_15}{I'm very proud of you. You're ruthless, an attribute I admire. Kane will give you your payment. I hope you're available in the future.}"
  39. Vault Dweller: "{1002}{}{Maltese}"
    Decker: "{1102}{DECK_51}{My mother, finest woman I've ever known, gave me the idea for this, the finest entertainment establishment in all the Hub.}"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Official Survival Guide p.95: "Decker: Leader of the Hub Underground"
    "Depending on how the player wants to do things, Decker can be a useful contact, or he can be deadly. Decker is the true power in the Hub, and little happens thereof that he is not aware. He is outwardly calm, even placid, and quite patient; he is also quite ruthless. He will, in fact, be willing to hire the player to commit several assassinations. He will also order the player killed, if the player refuses to work for him, but knows too much."
    "To approach Decker, you must get Kane, his assistant, to take you to him."
    "If you decide to work for Decker, you'll be walking a narrow line. If you insult him, you will later be attacked by his thugs and beaten senseless. If you refuse to work for him, you will be released, but will not have the opportunity to work for him again. If you successfully kill Jain for Decker, the Children of the Cathedral will later retaliate by killing Decker. It is also possible to bring the local police down to Decker's hideout, and try to kill him in the ensuing firefight."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2140 Decker forms Underground in the Hub and starts pulling strings. "
  3. Fallout Official Survival Guide: "Depending on how the player wants to do things, Decker can be a useful contact, or he can be deadly. Decker is the true power in the Hub, and little happens thereof that he is not aware. He is outwardly calm, even placid, and quite patient; he is also quite ruthless. He will, in fact, be willing to hire the player to commit several assassinations. He will also order the player killed, if the player refuses to work for him, but knows too much."
  4. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.77: "Lorenzo: (Minor NPC) Manager of the Friendly Lending Company, or FLC, which is owned by Decker."