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Dialogue for Cleo, member of the Circle of Thieves at the Hub's Old Town.


{100}{}{You see Cleo.}
{101}{}{No retreat, no surrender, pal.}
{102}{}{No retreat, no surrender, lady.}
{103}{}{Weren't you just leaving? Get outta here.}
{104}{}{What do you want?}
{105}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{106}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{107}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{108}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{109}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{111}{}{Um, ugh!}
{112}{}{Hey! What's happening?}
{113}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{114}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{115}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{116}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{117}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{118}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{120}{}{Um, ugh!}
{121}{}{He's the boss. What else is there to know?}
{122}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{123}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{124}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{125}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{127}{}{Um, ugh!}
{128}{}{She's the bosses assistant. Not a bad gal.}
{129}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{130}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{131}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{132}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{133}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{135}{}{Um, ugh!}
{136}{}{If you're lucky, you'll consider yourself one of us by the end of the day. At home, part of the furniture, you know?}
{137}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{138}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{139}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{140}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{142}{}{Um, ugh!}
{143}{}{We don't discuss Mr. Decker in polite company.}
{144}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{145}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{146}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{147}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{149}{}{Um, ugh!}
{150}{}{We had nothing to do with that!}
{151}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{152}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{153}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{154}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{156}{}{Um, ugh!}
{157}{}{Hi yourself.}
{158}{}{Why do you even bother talking to people, moron?}
{159}{}{A great leader. He's doing everything to screw over the right people and keep the Hub together -- for a small fee, of course.}
{160}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{161}{}{Tell me about the Circle.}
{162}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{163}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{164}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{166}{}{Um, ugh!}
{167}{}{It's both a job and an adventure. Helping the poor, risking your life, meeting new and interesting blokes. That us, the good guys!}
{168}{}{Tell me about Loxley.}
{169}{}{Tell me about Jasmine.}
{170}{}{Tell me about Decker.}
{171}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{172}{}{Tell me about the missing caravans.}
{174}{}{Um, ugh!}
{175}{}{I had a friend who worked for him once. When the assignment went bad, he ran back to Decker for reinforcements. Decker called him a fool, and he had him obotomized as an example to others. We don't like Decker very much around here.}
{176}{}{What rumors do you want to hear? The Water Merchants are playing games. Decker's squeezing merchants for more protection. The Children of the Cathedral sacrificed it to their god. The Deathclaw ate it. Rumors ain't worth nothing. The world's full of rumor and suspicion, and empty of truth. Look for fact, not fiction. But why are you asking? You had friends on the caravan?}
{177}{}{I can't talk about my reasons.}
{178}{}{I promised a friend I'd look into it.}
{179}{}{I need water for my town and can't afford to have caravans disappear.}
{180}{}{Yeah, I had a friend.}
{181}{}{Fine. I got secrets, too. Good luck, friend.}
{182}{}{Sorry I can't be more useful. Oh, and then there's the rumor about the ship from outer space. I think someone's been playing around with too many of Rufus's stupid games.}
{183}{}{Really? Where are you from?}
{184}{}{Shady Sands.}
{185}{}{A place just north of Shady Sands.}
{186}{}{Vault 13.}
{187}{}{Here and there. I do odd jobs for places which let me stick around.}
{188}{}{Sorry to hear that. I've lost a couple of good friends in my time, and one of them I found worse than dead, but I'd rather not go into it.}
{189}{}{Didn't we already discuss that? You've got a one-track mind, pal.}
{190}{}{Not a bad place if you like sand. A little too dry and wilderness for me. At least in the Hub you don't have to worry about wandering Rad Scorpions. We've got enough of our own predators, I suppose.}
{191}{}{You're from a Vault? Get out of here! Don't go feeding me that bull.}
{192}{}{I don't envy you. Of course if you make a name for yourself, you can become one of those wilderness fighting legends like Magnum Tom Goddard or Scorpion Joe Cornelius. Man, that must be something!}
