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[SUCCEEDED] You know how they say you make your own luck? Let's just say I make mine with a little extra ink on the cards.

Keith is a chem dealer and caravan hustler living in suite 200 of Aerotech Office Park in 2281.


Keith has made his home in the Aerotech Office Park, where he has developed a dubious reputation. For one, he "makes his own luck" with some marked cards and hustles peoples at caravan, especially when a "fat score rolls into town."[1] On top of that, he keeps a stash of Jet around "for emergencies" and makes a living selling it to chem addicts around the office park.[2] Looking out only for himself, Keith is naturally a coward and is liable to do something desperate if confronted.[3]

Captain Parker suspects that Keith is selling unlicensed chems and conning people,[4] but he cannot prove anything without concrete evidence, and has no time to investigate Keith himself, especially when he has a refugee camp to administrate.[5] Keith also likes to get the captain worked up, and is a general nuisance in the area.[6][7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Keith's Caravan Charade

Probability colored
This character plays Caravan. They can bid caps.


Keith's Caravan Charade: The player character has to find evidence of Keith cheating at Caravan. A Barter check of 45 is needed to trick him into telling about his drug dealing and a Speech check of 60 is needed when talking to him to find out how he cheats. Alternatively, the Courier can also steal the cards out of the desk in the back right corner of the 200 suite and bring them to Captain Parker as evidence.

  • After bringing the evidence of Keith's charade to Captain Parker, he will give the option to assist him in bringing Keith in. Doing so will garner an additional 100 caps.



  • If the Courier initiates conversation with Captain Parker or Keith while confronting Keith, but just before Parker opens fire, he may glitch and won't shoot. He will turn around and walk away, not even finishing the conversation. Talking to Parker about Keith after this will add the quest note to the Pip-Boy again, as if having the conversation for the first time, but the rest of the quest cannot be repeated.
  • Additionally, it appears that if the glitch occurs in this manner, he will allow the Courier to keep passing the Barter and Speech checks infinitely, providing experience each time.

Notable quotes[]


Keith appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "I've run some cons in my day - one clever bastard to another, what's your trick?"
    Keith: "[SUCCEEDED] You know how they say you make your own luck? Let's just say I make mine with a little extra ink on the cards."
    The Courier: "Marked cards, huh? A little bit obvious, but not bad."
    Keith: "Hey, it's not like I use them all the time. Mostly I keep them in my shack until I see a really fat score roll into town."
    (Keith's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Gambling's not my scene. Maybe you could hook me up with something "medicinal?""
    Keith: "[SUCCEEDED] Oh, I getcha. Lookin for a slightly more chemical thrill? Okay, I tell you what - I happen to keep some Jet around for emergencies. 35 caps and it's yours."
    (Keith's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Sure, I'm in. Why not?"
    Parker: "Glad to have you. Let's go. Just stick close and follow my lead. Keith's a cowardly son of a bitch, but he might try something if he's desperate."
    (Parker's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "I've got proof that Keith is selling drugs and using marked cards."
    Parker: "Drugs and crooked gambling? Can't say I'm surprised. Here, you've earned this. I'm going to go take Keith into custody. If you're interested in a little extra pay, I wouldn't mind the back-up."
    (Parker's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Tell me about this "Keith.""
    Parker: "Keith's a two-bit hustler, he runs a gambling operation out of his shack. Ask me, he wins way too often to be playing fair. I suspect he's running drugs, too, I just can't prove it. Maybe you can find something - talk to him, poke around his shack, something."
    (Parker's dialogue)
  6. Parker: "Keith! In the name of the NCR, I'm placing you under arrest for illicit gambling and the sale of unlicensed chems."
    Keith: "Fuck you man, I ain't going nowhere with you."
    Parker: "Come quietly now, I don't want to have to hurt you."
    Keith: "Why don't you go cry to your wife, then - oh that's right! She left your worthless stinking ass!"
    Parker: "You son of a bitch!"
    (Keith and Parker's dialogue)
  7. Parker: "Well... that was a bit messier than I would have liked. Was there anything else?"
    The Courier: "You just shot that man, solely because he insulted you!"
    Parker: "Yep. I always warned him not to push my buttons. Well, ain't nobody going to miss him, anyways. Here you go. I promised you an extra reward for coming along, so that's what you get."
    (Parker's dialogue)