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Your Elijah, he met the Gods in this place, did a good job of making them question the way of things.Ulysses, to Christine Royce

Elijah's Watch is a location in Big MT in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


Sometime before 2281, after escaping Christine Royce's attempted assassination at Little Yangtze and being pushed further from the Signal Hills transmitter, Elijah created a makeshift camp on the outer edge of the research facility where he monitored the surrounding facilities including the Big MT north tunnel and the Securitron de-construction plant which served as an unintended deterrent to further attacks from the Think Tank as they could not control the berserk robots.

It was at the campsite where Elijah used a remote uplink springboarded off the transmitter to access the mainframe in the Dome, retaliating against both Doctor 8 and Doctor 0 when they tried to stop him and damaging 8's voicebox while hijacking 0's think tank body to sabotage the train systems and prevent being pursued after he escaped the crater.[1][2]


Situated northwest of the Securitron de-construction plant and east-southeast of the mysterious cave in the ordinal northeast side of Big MT, the location is most easily accessed by starting at the north side of the de-construction plant. Behind the plant is an overturned military truck with several metal boxes, footlockers, and other containers scattered around it. From this truck, a trail of drained energy and microfusion cells lead directly to the camp via the only approach not protected by turrets.

The area is mostly made up of cliffs and rock, sheltering the campsite from view. The camp itself is located behind several large boulders and is protected by two Mark IV turrets. It also houses a bedroll, an electric hot plate, several broken ham radios, and two satellite dishes.

Notable loot[]


Picking up Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon will cause three damaged and/or berserk Securitrons to appear east of Elijah's Watch, near the radar fence.


Elijah's Watch appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The map marker on the compass will not show up. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 The marker will show up in a few seemingly specific locations, including the Forbidden Zone entrance, and by an overturned truck behind the Securitron de-construction plant. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If the player character is in sneak mode when picking up the Tesla cannon, the Securitrons may fail to notice them and will stand still in a line a little beyond the edge of the camp, rather than attacking, allowing them to be eliminated without response. [verified]



  1. Elijah's Watch journal
  2. The Courier: "Tell me what happened."
    Doctor 0: "*This human... I can't believe it... he broke out of the Think Tank. In seconds.* *Then he went for Yangtze, got bomb collars, and started practicing on the subjects that were still there until he got the right frequency.* *We were sending robots to stop him and he was slicing and cutting through their shells with some suped-up laser gun like they were cheese... paper.* *When he hacked into the mainframe, 8 tried to stop him and got fried. Me? He rerouted my processors to take control of the train network here.* *If you see the tunnels with the trains plowed into them, you can thank our visitor for that. He wrecked the whole place.* *While we were trying to keep containment on the surface, turns out he used one train to punch out a tunnel and escape... sealed now, but...*"
    (Doctor O's dialogue)